January 3, 2018 Regular City Commission Meetings
Items 1 - 3 - 1. ROLL CALL.
Items 1 - 3
4.A. Approval of Minutes
Approval of the minutes of the December 6, 2017 and the December 20,
2017 Regular City Commission Meeting held at City Hall, 301 South
Ridgewood Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Item 4
APPROVAL OF MINUTES.4.A. Approval of Minutes
Approval of the minutes of the December 6, 2017 and the December 20,
2017 Regular City Commission Meeting held at City Hall, 301 South
Ridgewood Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Item 5
Item 7 - CITIZENS.
During this time Citizens have the opportunity to address the City Commission on any item on the Consent Agenda. Items or discussions not listed on the Agenda will not be heard during this comment section.
Item 7
During this time Citizens have the opportunity to address the City Commission on any item on the Consent Agenda. Items or discussions not listed on the Agenda will not be heard during this comment section.
Consent Agenda - CONSENT AGENDA.
8.A. Budget Division - First Quarter FY 2017/18 Budget Amendment
(pp. 21-29)
Resolution amending Resolution No. 17-379, which adopted the FY 2017/18
budget, in order to increase revenues by $ 5,735,398, operating expenditures
by $ 134,544, and increase capital expenditures and transfers by $ 5,600,854.
This budget amendment trues up trust and impact fee funds, carries forward
non-project expenditures from FY 2016/17, recognizes revenues and
expenditures related to pension fund contributions, establishes a Brown and
Brown incentive project for the water and sewer impact fee funds, establishes
a land acquisition project in the Capital Projects fund, and increases revenues
in internal service funds in order to balance revenues and expenditures.
Recommendation: Budget Offcer recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8.B. Public Works/Grounds Maintenance - Florida Department of Corrections -
Amendment No.1 and Renewal of Contract No.W1091 (pp. 29-56)
Resolution approving Amendment No.1 to Contract No. W1091 with the
Florida Department of Correction (DOC) and approving the renewal of said
Contract as well. Resolution 16-343 approved Contract No. W1091 for an
inmate crew to supplement the Grounds Maintenance staff in maintaining
City owned properties and rights-of-way, for a term commencing on January
23, 2017 and ending on January 22, 2018, with a one-year renewal option.
City Commission approval is being requested to exercise the fnal renewal
term and approve the Amendment at the request of DOC. The Amendment
refects the new term of the contract ending January 22, 2019; increases the
number of inmates from fve (5) to eight (8); provides for compliance with
the Americans with Disabilities Act; and refects new titles for DOC offcers
responsible for overseeing the Contract. The Contract amount remains at
$57,497 per year. Funds of $43,122.75 are available in the General Fund and
the remaining funds of $14,374.25 are contingent upon the adoption of the
FY2018-19 proposed budget.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8.D. Public Works, Technical Services Division - Florida Department of
Transportation (FDOT) - North Street Sidewalk Improvements -
Supplemental LAP Agreement (pp. 88-98)
Resolution approving a Supplemental Local Agency Program (LAP)
Agreement (439972-1-58-01) between the City and the Florida Department
of Transportation (FDOT). The supplemental LAP agreement will provide up
to $291,132 of reimbursement to the City for the North Street sidewalk
construction project.
The Supplemental LAP Agreement provides suffcient
funding to construct a 5 foot wide sidewalk along the south side of North
Street between Clyde Morris Avenue and Nova Road as originally intended.
The lowest responsive bidder for the project came in at a lower cost than
what was funded by the original LAP Agreement that was approved via
Resolution 17-105. No additional funding is needed to execute the
Supplemental LAP Agreement.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.E. City Manager's Offce - Biker Threads, LLC - Termination of Lease
(pp. 99-108)
Resolution terminating the Lease Agreement between the City of Daytona
Beach and Biker Threads, LLC, effective December 30, 2018 in accordance
with the request for a reduction in the lease payment for the last year from
$100,000 to $75,000. The City of Daytona Beach entered into an agreement
approved by Resolution No. 08-337 with Biker Threads LLC, to produce a
motorcycle event in Riverfront Park. The agreement allowed them to
develop events, displays and other miscellaneous activities in Riverfront Park
during Bike Week and Biketoberfest each year and included a one year
notice to terminate. The Agreement was extended by Resolution No. 11-208
for an additional three (3) year period commencing January 1, 2012.
Resolution No. 15-60 approved an Addendum to the Agreement extending
the terms of the Agreement for a period commencing January 1, 2016 and
ending December 31, 2021; and established an annual fee for use of
property. This is the offcial notice to terminate the agreement effective
December 30, 2018 and provide a fnal year lease payment reduction from
$100,000 to $75,000.
Recommendation: The City Manager recommends adoption of the
8.F. Utilities Department - Continuing Professional Stormwater and
Environmental Engineering Services - Contract Renewal (pp. 109-116)
Resolution approving the frst of a two year renewal option for Contract No.
6235 for Continuing Professional Stormwater and Environmental
Engineering Services under the same terms and conditions. Periodically oncall
Stormwater Engineering and Environmental Services are required by the
City to facilitate the design, permitting, bidding and construction phase
services for City projects, emergency events and Federal Mandates. On-call
services save signifcant time and money for the City in expediting capital
improvement projects including emergency and mandated program needs.
Resolution No. 13-71 approved four (4) Continuing Professional Stormwater
and Environmental Engineering Services Contracts with:
- CH2MHill, 225 East Robinson Street, Suite 505, Orlando FL 32801-
- McKim and Creed, 1901 Mason Avenue, Suite 102, Daytona Beach, FL
- E Sciences, Inc., 116 E. Indiana Avenue, Deland, FL 32724
- CPH Engineers, Inc., 500 W. Fulton Street, Sanford, FL 32771
The initial term of each contract was fve (5) years with two (2) additional
two-year renewal options expiring on March 20, 2018. The contracts specify
that the City must give a sixty (60) day notice to exercise the renewal option
to the consultant. No funding is associated with this request.
Recommendation: Business Enterprise Management Director recommends
adoption of the resolution.
8.G. Utilities Department - Florida Power & Light Easement - Reuse Water
System, Storage Tank and Pump Station Project - Agreement (pp. 117-136)
Resolution approving an Installation Agreement, Underground
Road/Pavement Crossing Agreement and transformer pad location and
specifcation document; and granting an easement to Florida Power & Light
(FPL) to install and maintain the necessary electrical gear to provide the
required electrical service to the new reuse pump station located on Valor
Boulevard. There is no funding associated with this request.
Recommendation: Business Enterprise Management Director recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8.H. Public Works/Engineering Department - Dredging & Marine Consultant,
LLC - Bethune Point Park Fishing Pier Repair – Work Authorization No. 5
(pp. 137-145)
Resolution approving Work Authorization No. 5 under Continuing Services
Contract 2006-021 with Dredging & Marine Consultant, LLC, (DMC) 4643
S. Clyde Morris Bouelvard, Unit 302, Port Orange, FL 32129, in an amount
not to exceed $27,020 for the design, permitting, and construction inspection
associated with the Bethune Point Park Fishing Pier repair, which was
heavily damaged during Hurricane Irma.
Since this damage occurred during
Hurricane Irma the project is potentially eligible for 75% ($20,265.00) cost
share from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and an
additional 12.5% ($3,377.50) cost share from the State of Florida.
Funding available in the FEMA – Hurricane Irma Fund ($23,642.50) and
the General Fund ($3,377.50)
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.I. Public Works/Engineering - Dredging & Marine Consultant, LLC (DMC) -
Bethune Point Boat Launch Repair – Work Authorization No. 6
(pp. 146-154)
Resolution approving Work Authorization No. 6 under Continuing Services
Contract 2006-021 with Dredging & Marine Consultant, LLC, (DMC) 4643
S. Clyde Morris Boulevard, Unit 302, Port Orange, FL 32129, in an amount
not to exceed $29,010 providing for the design, permitting, and construction
inspection associated with the Bethune Point Boat Launch repair, which was
heavily damaged during Hurricane Irma.
Since this damaged occurred during
Hurricane Irma the project is potentially eligible for 75% ($21,757.50) cost
share from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and an
additional 12.5% (3,626.25) cost share from the State of Florida.
available in the FEMA – Hurricane Irma Fund ($25,383.75) and the General
Fund ($3,626.25).
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8.J. Utilities Department - McKim & Creed, Inc. - Reuse Water System, Storage
Tank and Pump Station Project - Change Order No. 3 to Work Authorization
No. 28 under Contract No. 2005-07 (pp. 155-165)
Resolution approving Change Order No. 3 to Work Authorization No. 28
under Contract No. 2005-07 with McKim & Creed, Inc., 139 Executive
Circle, Suite 201, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 in the amount of $19,195.38.
This request is needed to provide additional engineering services relating to
the design of a horizontal directional drill of a 14-inch reuse main to be
constructed with the Reuse Water System, Storage Tank and Pump Station
Project located behind the Police Department on Valor Boulevard.
Funds available in the Water & Sewer Renewal and Replacement 8% Fund.
Recommendation: Business Enterprise Management Director recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8.K. Utilities Department- 4 C's Trucking and Excavation, Inc. - Lift Station 4
Replacement - Lowest, Best Responsive Bid Award (pp. 166-189)
Resolution awarding Bid No. 0318-3140 to 4 C’s Trucking and Excavation,
Inc. 331 Sawgrass Rd., Bunnell, FL 32770 in the amount of $626,512.28 for
the replacement of Lift Station 4. Lift Station 4 is more than 60 years old
and the aging infrastructure, capacity constraints and confguration of the
existing lift station system does not allow the City to adequately
accommodate the current fow level and projected fow demands for the new
development. The replacement lift station will be located at the corner of
Cedar Street and Division Street. Funds available in Water & Sewer
Renewal and Replacement 8% Fund.
Recommendation: Business Enterprise Management Director recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8.L. Finance/Information Technology Division - FleetBoss Global Positioning
Solutions, Inc. - Sole Source Purchase (pp. 190-207)
Resolution approving the Sole Source Purchase in the amount of $65,629
from FleetBoss Global Positioning Solutions Inc., 241 O'Brien Road, Fern
Park, FL 32730 for equipment, activation services, and monitoring an
additional 153 City vehicles operated by Cultural Services, Utilities, Fire,
Public Works, Police, Neighborhood Services, Permits and Licensing, and
Redevelopment with Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL). AVL systems are
comprised of on-board vehicle tracking devices, cellular data connections,
and a hosted software application. The software application provides
supervisory personnel with a web based interface for viewing current and
historical vehicle locations. This purchase will complete equipping the entire
City feet with AVL. The City administratively entered into a one year
agreement with FleetBoss on February 8, 2013 which included ten optional
one year renewal periods and the ability to terminate upon sixty days written
notice. This purchase is considered sole source since the FleetBoss system
houses institutional and historical data for departments served by the program
that include Utilities, Public Works, Police and Fire. It is requested that the
City Manager be authorized to exercise renewals for future years and expend
funds for monitoring during these renewal periods, subject to budget
approvals. Funding available in the Information Technology Fund.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Offcer recommends adoption of the
8.M. Finance Department - Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship Funds
(pp. 208-209)
Resolution authorizing payment from the General Fund in the amount of:
$100 to Touched By Heavenly Angels, Inc for one VIP Ticket to Spa Dazzle
Hair Salon & Day Spa's Winter Wonderland "Ice" Fashion & Hair Dinner
show on January 6, 2018 from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of
Commissioner Paula Reed.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Offcer recommends adoption of the
8.N. Finance Department – Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship
Funds**Addendum added 01-03-18**
Resolution authorizing payment in the amount of:
$150 to Beautifcation/Tree Advisory Board for Annual Awards Reception
from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of Mayor Derrick Henry.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Offcer recommends adoption of the
Consent Agenda
8.A. Budget Division - First Quarter FY 2017/18 Budget Amendment
(pp. 21-29)
Resolution amending Resolution No. 17-379, which adopted the FY 2017/18
budget, in order to increase revenues by $ 5,735,398, operating expenditures
by $ 134,544, and increase capital expenditures and transfers by $ 5,600,854.
This budget amendment trues up trust and impact fee funds, carries forward
non-project expenditures from FY 2016/17, recognizes revenues and
expenditures related to pension fund contributions, establishes a Brown and
Brown incentive project for the water and sewer impact fee funds, establishes
a land acquisition project in the Capital Projects fund, and increases revenues
in internal service funds in order to balance revenues and expenditures.
Recommendation: Budget Offcer recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8.B. Public Works/Grounds Maintenance - Florida Department of Corrections -
Amendment No.1 and Renewal of Contract No.W1091 (pp. 29-56)
Resolution approving Amendment No.1 to Contract No. W1091 with the
Florida Department of Correction (DOC) and approving the renewal of said
Contract as well. Resolution 16-343 approved Contract No. W1091 for an
inmate crew to supplement the Grounds Maintenance staff in maintaining
City owned properties and rights-of-way, for a term commencing on January
23, 2017 and ending on January 22, 2018, with a one-year renewal option.
City Commission approval is being requested to exercise the fnal renewal
term and approve the Amendment at the request of DOC. The Amendment
refects the new term of the contract ending January 22, 2019; increases the
number of inmates from fve (5) to eight (8); provides for compliance with
the Americans with Disabilities Act; and refects new titles for DOC offcers
responsible for overseeing the Contract. The Contract amount remains at
$57,497 per year. Funds of $43,122.75 are available in the General Fund and
the remaining funds of $14,374.25 are contingent upon the adoption of the
FY2018-19 proposed budget.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8.D. Public Works, Technical Services Division - Florida Department of
Transportation (FDOT) - North Street Sidewalk Improvements -
Supplemental LAP Agreement (pp. 88-98)
Resolution approving a Supplemental Local Agency Program (LAP)
Agreement (439972-1-58-01) between the City and the Florida Department
of Transportation (FDOT). The supplemental LAP agreement will provide up
to $291,132 of reimbursement to the City for the North Street sidewalk
construction project.
The Supplemental LAP Agreement provides suffcient
funding to construct a 5 foot wide sidewalk along the south side of North
Street between Clyde Morris Avenue and Nova Road as originally intended.
The lowest responsive bidder for the project came in at a lower cost than
what was funded by the original LAP Agreement that was approved via
Resolution 17-105. No additional funding is needed to execute the
Supplemental LAP Agreement.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.E. City Manager's Offce - Biker Threads, LLC - Termination of Lease
(pp. 99-108)
Resolution terminating the Lease Agreement between the City of Daytona
Beach and Biker Threads, LLC, effective December 30, 2018 in accordance
with the request for a reduction in the lease payment for the last year from
$100,000 to $75,000. The City of Daytona Beach entered into an agreement
approved by Resolution No. 08-337 with Biker Threads LLC, to produce a
motorcycle event in Riverfront Park. The agreement allowed them to
develop events, displays and other miscellaneous activities in Riverfront Park
during Bike Week and Biketoberfest each year and included a one year
notice to terminate. The Agreement was extended by Resolution No. 11-208
for an additional three (3) year period commencing January 1, 2012.
Resolution No. 15-60 approved an Addendum to the Agreement extending
the terms of the Agreement for a period commencing January 1, 2016 and
ending December 31, 2021; and established an annual fee for use of
property. This is the offcial notice to terminate the agreement effective
December 30, 2018 and provide a fnal year lease payment reduction from
$100,000 to $75,000.
Recommendation: The City Manager recommends adoption of the
8.F. Utilities Department - Continuing Professional Stormwater and
Environmental Engineering Services - Contract Renewal (pp. 109-116)
Resolution approving the frst of a two year renewal option for Contract No.
6235 for Continuing Professional Stormwater and Environmental
Engineering Services under the same terms and conditions. Periodically oncall
Stormwater Engineering and Environmental Services are required by the
City to facilitate the design, permitting, bidding and construction phase
services for City projects, emergency events and Federal Mandates. On-call
services save signifcant time and money for the City in expediting capital
improvement projects including emergency and mandated program needs.
Resolution No. 13-71 approved four (4) Continuing Professional Stormwater
and Environmental Engineering Services Contracts with:
- CH2MHill, 225 East Robinson Street, Suite 505, Orlando FL 32801-
- McKim and Creed, 1901 Mason Avenue, Suite 102, Daytona Beach, FL
- E Sciences, Inc., 116 E. Indiana Avenue, Deland, FL 32724
- CPH Engineers, Inc., 500 W. Fulton Street, Sanford, FL 32771
The initial term of each contract was fve (5) years with two (2) additional
two-year renewal options expiring on March 20, 2018. The contracts specify
that the City must give a sixty (60) day notice to exercise the renewal option
to the consultant. No funding is associated with this request.
Recommendation: Business Enterprise Management Director recommends
adoption of the resolution.
8.G. Utilities Department - Florida Power & Light Easement - Reuse Water
System, Storage Tank and Pump Station Project - Agreement (pp. 117-136)
Resolution approving an Installation Agreement, Underground
Road/Pavement Crossing Agreement and transformer pad location and
specifcation document; and granting an easement to Florida Power & Light
(FPL) to install and maintain the necessary electrical gear to provide the
required electrical service to the new reuse pump station located on Valor
Boulevard. There is no funding associated with this request.
Recommendation: Business Enterprise Management Director recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8.H. Public Works/Engineering Department - Dredging & Marine Consultant,
LLC - Bethune Point Park Fishing Pier Repair – Work Authorization No. 5
(pp. 137-145)
Resolution approving Work Authorization No. 5 under Continuing Services
Contract 2006-021 with Dredging & Marine Consultant, LLC, (DMC) 4643
S. Clyde Morris Bouelvard, Unit 302, Port Orange, FL 32129, in an amount
not to exceed $27,020 for the design, permitting, and construction inspection
associated with the Bethune Point Park Fishing Pier repair, which was
heavily damaged during Hurricane Irma.
Since this damage occurred during
Hurricane Irma the project is potentially eligible for 75% ($20,265.00) cost
share from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and an
additional 12.5% ($3,377.50) cost share from the State of Florida.
Funding available in the FEMA – Hurricane Irma Fund ($23,642.50) and
the General Fund ($3,377.50)
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.I. Public Works/Engineering - Dredging & Marine Consultant, LLC (DMC) -
Bethune Point Boat Launch Repair – Work Authorization No. 6
(pp. 146-154)
Resolution approving Work Authorization No. 6 under Continuing Services
Contract 2006-021 with Dredging & Marine Consultant, LLC, (DMC) 4643
S. Clyde Morris Boulevard, Unit 302, Port Orange, FL 32129, in an amount
not to exceed $29,010 providing for the design, permitting, and construction
inspection associated with the Bethune Point Boat Launch repair, which was
heavily damaged during Hurricane Irma.
Since this damaged occurred during
Hurricane Irma the project is potentially eligible for 75% ($21,757.50) cost
share from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and an
additional 12.5% (3,626.25) cost share from the State of Florida.
available in the FEMA – Hurricane Irma Fund ($25,383.75) and the General
Fund ($3,626.25).
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8.J. Utilities Department - McKim & Creed, Inc. - Reuse Water System, Storage
Tank and Pump Station Project - Change Order No. 3 to Work Authorization
No. 28 under Contract No. 2005-07 (pp. 155-165)
Resolution approving Change Order No. 3 to Work Authorization No. 28
under Contract No. 2005-07 with McKim & Creed, Inc., 139 Executive
Circle, Suite 201, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 in the amount of $19,195.38.
This request is needed to provide additional engineering services relating to
the design of a horizontal directional drill of a 14-inch reuse main to be
constructed with the Reuse Water System, Storage Tank and Pump Station
Project located behind the Police Department on Valor Boulevard.
Funds available in the Water & Sewer Renewal and Replacement 8% Fund.
Recommendation: Business Enterprise Management Director recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8.K. Utilities Department- 4 C's Trucking and Excavation, Inc. - Lift Station 4
Replacement - Lowest, Best Responsive Bid Award (pp. 166-189)
Resolution awarding Bid No. 0318-3140 to 4 C’s Trucking and Excavation,
Inc. 331 Sawgrass Rd., Bunnell, FL 32770 in the amount of $626,512.28 for
the replacement of Lift Station 4. Lift Station 4 is more than 60 years old
and the aging infrastructure, capacity constraints and confguration of the
existing lift station system does not allow the City to adequately
accommodate the current fow level and projected fow demands for the new
development. The replacement lift station will be located at the corner of
Cedar Street and Division Street. Funds available in Water & Sewer
Renewal and Replacement 8% Fund.
Recommendation: Business Enterprise Management Director recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8.L. Finance/Information Technology Division - FleetBoss Global Positioning
Solutions, Inc. - Sole Source Purchase (pp. 190-207)
Resolution approving the Sole Source Purchase in the amount of $65,629
from FleetBoss Global Positioning Solutions Inc., 241 O'Brien Road, Fern
Park, FL 32730 for equipment, activation services, and monitoring an
additional 153 City vehicles operated by Cultural Services, Utilities, Fire,
Public Works, Police, Neighborhood Services, Permits and Licensing, and
Redevelopment with Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL). AVL systems are
comprised of on-board vehicle tracking devices, cellular data connections,
and a hosted software application. The software application provides
supervisory personnel with a web based interface for viewing current and
historical vehicle locations. This purchase will complete equipping the entire
City feet with AVL. The City administratively entered into a one year
agreement with FleetBoss on February 8, 2013 which included ten optional
one year renewal periods and the ability to terminate upon sixty days written
notice. This purchase is considered sole source since the FleetBoss system
houses institutional and historical data for departments served by the program
that include Utilities, Public Works, Police and Fire. It is requested that the
City Manager be authorized to exercise renewals for future years and expend
funds for monitoring during these renewal periods, subject to budget
approvals. Funding available in the Information Technology Fund.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Offcer recommends adoption of the
8.M. Finance Department - Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship Funds
(pp. 208-209)
Resolution authorizing payment from the General Fund in the amount of:
$100 to Touched By Heavenly Angels, Inc for one VIP Ticket to Spa Dazzle
Hair Salon & Day Spa's Winter Wonderland "Ice" Fashion & Hair Dinner
show on January 6, 2018 from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of
Commissioner Paula Reed.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Offcer recommends adoption of the
8.N. Finance Department – Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship
Funds**Addendum added 01-03-18**
Resolution authorizing payment in the amount of:
$150 to Beautifcation/Tree Advisory Board for Annual Awards Reception
from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of Mayor Derrick Henry.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Offcer recommends adoption of the
Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Land
Development Code Text Amendment - Amend Article 5 (pp. 210-217)
Ordinance on frst reading - PUBLIC HEARING - amending the Land
Development Code (LDC) Article 5 (Use Standards), Section 5.2.A
(Principal Use Table), to allow Other Indoor Recreation/Entertainment as a
principal use in the General Industrial (M-3) zoning district. Applicant:
Development and Administrative Services Department, Planning Division.
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 4-to-0.
Action: Motion to pass the Ordinance on frst reading.
Note: If passed, second Public Hearing, January 17, 2018.
Item 9A
PUBLIC HEARINGS.Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Land
Development Code Text Amendment - Amend Article 5 (pp. 210-217)
Ordinance on frst reading - PUBLIC HEARING - amending the Land
Development Code (LDC) Article 5 (Use Standards), Section 5.2.A
(Principal Use Table), to allow Other Indoor Recreation/Entertainment as a
principal use in the General Industrial (M-3) zoning district. Applicant:
Development and Administrative Services Department, Planning Division.
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 4-to-0.
Action: Motion to pass the Ordinance on frst reading.
Note: If passed, second Public Hearing, January 17, 2018.
Item 9B - Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Future Land
Use Element Amendment - Mixed Uses - Large Scale Comprehensive Plan
Amendment (pp. 218-309)
Ordinance on frst reading - PUBLIC HEARING - adopting a Large Scale
Comprehensive Plan Amendment (LSCPA) removing the requirement of
Volusia Growth Management Commission (VGMC) review of all Planned
Development applications on properties with a Mixed Uses future land use
designation located east of Interstate 95 (I-95). Applicant: Development and
Administrative Services Department, Planning Division.
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommended approval 6-to-0 on
September 28, 2017 and 4-to-0 on November 16, 2017.
Action: Motion to pass Ordinance at frst Public Hearing.
Note: If passed, Second Public Hearing, February 21, 2018.
Item 9B
Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Future LandUse Element Amendment - Mixed Uses - Large Scale Comprehensive Plan
Amendment (pp. 218-309)
Ordinance on frst reading - PUBLIC HEARING - adopting a Large Scale
Comprehensive Plan Amendment (LSCPA) removing the requirement of
Volusia Growth Management Commission (VGMC) review of all Planned
Development applications on properties with a Mixed Uses future land use
designation located east of Interstate 95 (I-95). Applicant: Development and
Administrative Services Department, Planning Division.
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommended approval 6-to-0 on
September 28, 2017 and 4-to-0 on November 16, 2017.
Action: Motion to pass Ordinance at frst Public Hearing.
Note: If passed, Second Public Hearing, February 21, 2018.
Item 9C - Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division -
Neighborhood A, B, & C - Restaurants on Oceanfront as a Principal Use -
Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (pp. 310-318)
Ordinance on frst reading - PUBLIC HEARING - adopting a Large
Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (LSCPA) amending policies in
Neighborhood A, B, and C to permit restaurants as a principal use on the east
side of A1A along the oceanfront. Applicant: Development and
Administrative Services Department, Planning Division.
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 4-to-0.
Action: Motion to pass the Ordinance on frst reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, February 21, 2018.
Item 9C
Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division -Neighborhood A, B, & C - Restaurants on Oceanfront as a Principal Use -
Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (pp. 310-318)
Ordinance on frst reading - PUBLIC HEARING - adopting a Large
Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (LSCPA) amending policies in
Neighborhood A, B, and C to permit restaurants as a principal use on the east
side of A1A along the oceanfront. Applicant: Development and
Administrative Services Department, Planning Division.
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 4-to-0.
Action: Motion to pass the Ordinance on frst reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, February 21, 2018.
Item 9D - Public Works, Technical Services Division - Amendment to Provisions of
Chapter 86 of City Code of Ordinances (pp. 319-459)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - amending the
provisions of Chapter 86 of the City Code of Ordinances regulating
construction activity in Public Right-of-Way (ROW), including deployment
of wireless communications infrastructure and repealing Article Vii of
Chapter 86 in its entirety and replacing it with a new Article Vii, establishing
a permitting and registration system for communications facilities in the
ROW. These regulations would be separate and apart from the existing
Article III regulations, which would be updated accordingly. The City has an
obligation to manage City Right-of-Way in a manner that protects public
health, safety, and welfare, including with respect to aesthetic concerns.
The City of Daytona Beach continuously monitors and reviews the City's
Code of Ordinances and Land Development Code (LDC) in order to ensure
that they appropriately regulate development and zoning within the City.
The proposed Ordinance would also terminate the temporary moratorium on
the permitting of wireless communications facilities created by Ordinance
No. 17-58, and extended by Ordinance No. 17-269 and 17-376 and more
specifcally will bring
City Code into conformance with the Advanced
Wireless Infrastructure Deployment Act (AWIDA) enacted by the Florida
Legislature and taking effect on July 1, 2017 that permits the use of public
Right Of Way (ROW) by wireless communications services and
infrastructure providers.
David Waller, Deputy Public Works Director, to report.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Ordinance.
Action: Motion to adopt Ordinance.
Item 9D
Public Works, Technical Services Division - Amendment to Provisions ofChapter 86 of City Code of Ordinances (pp. 319-459)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - amending the
provisions of Chapter 86 of the City Code of Ordinances regulating
construction activity in Public Right-of-Way (ROW), including deployment
of wireless communications infrastructure and repealing Article Vii of
Chapter 86 in its entirety and replacing it with a new Article Vii, establishing
a permitting and registration system for communications facilities in the
ROW. These regulations would be separate and apart from the existing
Article III regulations, which would be updated accordingly. The City has an
obligation to manage City Right-of-Way in a manner that protects public
health, safety, and welfare, including with respect to aesthetic concerns.
The City of Daytona Beach continuously monitors and reviews the City's
Code of Ordinances and Land Development Code (LDC) in order to ensure
that they appropriately regulate development and zoning within the City.
The proposed Ordinance would also terminate the temporary moratorium on
the permitting of wireless communications facilities created by Ordinance
No. 17-58, and extended by Ordinance No. 17-269 and 17-376 and more
specifcally will bring
City Code into conformance with the Advanced
Wireless Infrastructure Deployment Act (AWIDA) enacted by the Florida
Legislature and taking effect on July 1, 2017 that permits the use of public
Right Of Way (ROW) by wireless communications services and
infrastructure providers.
David Waller, Deputy Public Works Director, to report.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Ordinance.
Action: Motion to adopt Ordinance.
Item 9E - Development and Administrative Services, Redevelopment Division - 246 S.
Beach Street - Rezoning to Planned Development-Redevelopment
(pp. 460-555)
Ordinance on second reading - Quasi-Judicial Hearing - approving a
request to rezone .06± acres of land located at 246 S. Beach Street from
Downtown Redevelopment - Beach Street Retail (RDD-1) to Planned
Development-Redevelopment (PD-RD) to allow a tattoo establishment, and
authorizing the Mayor to execute the 246 South Beach Planned District
Agreement. Applicant: Colleen Miles, Land Development Resource Group,
LLC, on behalf of Robert W. Mansour.
(Continued from the December 20,
2017 City Commission Meeting)
Reed Berger, Redevelopment Director, to report.
Recommendation: Historic Preservation Board recommended approval
Downtown Redevelopment Board motion to approve
failed 2-to-3.
Planning Board recommended approval 4-to-2.
Action: Motion to adopt Ordinance.
Item 9E
Development and Administrative Services, Redevelopment Division - 246 S.Beach Street - Rezoning to Planned Development-Redevelopment
(pp. 460-555)
Ordinance on second reading - Quasi-Judicial Hearing - approving a
request to rezone .06± acres of land located at 246 S. Beach Street from
Downtown Redevelopment - Beach Street Retail (RDD-1) to Planned
Development-Redevelopment (PD-RD) to allow a tattoo establishment, and
authorizing the Mayor to execute the 246 South Beach Planned District
Agreement. Applicant: Colleen Miles, Land Development Resource Group,
LLC, on behalf of Robert W. Mansour.
(Continued from the December 20,
2017 City Commission Meeting)
Reed Berger, Redevelopment Director, to report.
Recommendation: Historic Preservation Board recommended approval
Downtown Redevelopment Board motion to approve
failed 2-to-3.
Planning Board recommended approval 4-to-2.
Action: Motion to adopt Ordinance.
Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Voluntary
Annexation - 8th, 9th and Vine (pp. 556-575)
Ordinance on frst reading - approving a voluntary annexation of .96± acre
of land (4 parcels), located at the northwest corner of Vine and 8th Street,
contiguous to the municipal boundary, and pursuant to Chapter 171, Florida
Statutes. The applicant is seeking consistency with all of the contiguous
applicant owned property. Applicant: James Therrien, owner of property.
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Director recommends approval.
Action: Motion to pass the Ordinance on frst reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, January 17, 2018.
Item 10A
ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS.Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Voluntary
Annexation - 8th, 9th and Vine (pp. 556-575)
Ordinance on frst reading - approving a voluntary annexation of .96± acre
of land (4 parcels), located at the northwest corner of Vine and 8th Street,
contiguous to the municipal boundary, and pursuant to Chapter 171, Florida
Statutes. The applicant is seeking consistency with all of the contiguous
applicant owned property. Applicant: James Therrien, owner of property.
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Director recommends approval.
Action: Motion to pass the Ordinance on frst reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, January 17, 2018.
Item 10B - Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - 8th, 9 th and
Vine - Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (pp. 576-616)
Ordinance on frst reading - adopting a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan
Amendment changing the Future Land Use Map designation for .96± acre (4
parcels) of land located at the northwest corner of Vine and 8th Street from
“County” Urban Medium Intensity to “City” Level 2 Residential to achieve
consistent future land use designations. Applicant: John Zemball, PE, Zahn
Engineering, Inc. on behalf of James Therrien.
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 4-to-0.
Action: Motion to pass the Ordinance on frst reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, January 17, 2018.
Item 10B
Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - 8th, 9 th andVine - Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (pp. 576-616)
Ordinance on frst reading - adopting a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan
Amendment changing the Future Land Use Map designation for .96± acre (4
parcels) of land located at the northwest corner of Vine and 8th Street from
“County” Urban Medium Intensity to “City” Level 2 Residential to achieve
consistent future land use designations. Applicant: John Zemball, PE, Zahn
Engineering, Inc. on behalf of James Therrien.
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 4-to-0.
Action: Motion to pass the Ordinance on frst reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, January 17, 2018.
Item 10C - Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - 8th, 9 th and
Vine - Rezoning to Multifamily Residential-20 (MFR-20) (pp. 617-640)
Ordinance on frst reading - approving a request to rezone 7.4± acres of
land located at the northwest corner of Vine and 8th Street from "County"
Urban Two-Family Residential (R-6) to "City" Multifamily Residential-20
(MFR-20). Applicant: John Zemball, P.E., Zahn Engineering, Inc. on behalf
of James Therrien.
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 4-to-0.
Action: Motion to the Ordinance on frst reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, January 17, 2018.
Item 10C
Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - 8th, 9 th andVine - Rezoning to Multifamily Residential-20 (MFR-20) (pp. 617-640)
Ordinance on frst reading - approving a request to rezone 7.4± acres of
land located at the northwest corner of Vine and 8th Street from "County"
Urban Two-Family Residential (R-6) to "City" Multifamily Residential-20
(MFR-20). Applicant: John Zemball, P.E., Zahn Engineering, Inc. on behalf
of James Therrien.
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 4-to-0.
Action: Motion to the Ordinance on frst reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, January 17, 2018.
Item 10D - Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Retail and
Restaurant District East at Volusia Mall - Rezoning, Planned Development-
General (pp. 641-675)
Ordinance on frst reading - approving a request to rezone 3.7± acres of
land located on the north side of West International Speedway Boulevard and
east of Bill France Boulevard from Business Retail-2 (BR-2) to Planned
Development-General (PD-G), to allow for the development of retail and
restaurant uses, and authorizing the Mayor to execute the Retail and
Restaurant District East at Volusia Mall Planned District Agreement.
Applicant: Robert A. Merrell III, Esq., Cobb Cole, on behalf of Volusia SAC,
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 4-to-0.
Action: Motion to pass the Ordinance on frst reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, January 17, 2018.
Item 10D
Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Retail andRestaurant District East at Volusia Mall - Rezoning, Planned Development-
General (pp. 641-675)
Ordinance on frst reading - approving a request to rezone 3.7± acres of
land located on the north side of West International Speedway Boulevard and
east of Bill France Boulevard from Business Retail-2 (BR-2) to Planned
Development-General (PD-G), to allow for the development of retail and
restaurant uses, and authorizing the Mayor to execute the Retail and
Restaurant District East at Volusia Mall Planned District Agreement.
Applicant: Robert A. Merrell III, Esq., Cobb Cole, on behalf of Volusia SAC,
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 4-to-0.
Action: Motion to pass the Ordinance on frst reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, January 17, 2018.
Item 10E - City Manager's Office - Beachside Redevelopment Board - Appointments
(pp. 676-695)
Resolution appointing three (3) members to the Beachside Redevelopment
Board. The terms of William Chapin, Mike Denis and Jennifer Nazak
expired on 12/31/17. Mr. Denis and Ms. Nazak were appointed in August
2017 to fulfll terms vacated by previous members and both would like to be
reappointed. The board shall consist of seven (7) members and a Planning
Board member who shall serve as an ex offcio nonvoting member appointed
by the City Commission. Members shall reside or have their principal place
of business in either the Main Street Redevelopment Area or the South
Atlantic Redevelopment Area. A majority of the board members shall be
residents of the City. In addition to Mr. Denis and Ms. Nazak, we have
qualifying applications from Cheryl Whelan, Frank Molnar, Dino Paspalakis,
Amy Casey and Karen Robey.
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report
Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 10E
City Manager's Office - Beachside Redevelopment Board - Appointments(pp. 676-695)
Resolution appointing three (3) members to the Beachside Redevelopment
Board. The terms of William Chapin, Mike Denis and Jennifer Nazak
expired on 12/31/17. Mr. Denis and Ms. Nazak were appointed in August
2017 to fulfll terms vacated by previous members and both would like to be
reappointed. The board shall consist of seven (7) members and a Planning
Board member who shall serve as an ex offcio nonvoting member appointed
by the City Commission. Members shall reside or have their principal place
of business in either the Main Street Redevelopment Area or the South
Atlantic Redevelopment Area. A majority of the board members shall be
residents of the City. In addition to Mr. Denis and Ms. Nazak, we have
qualifying applications from Cheryl Whelan, Frank Molnar, Dino Paspalakis,
Amy Casey and Karen Robey.
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report
Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 10F - Downtown Redevelopment Board - Appointments (pp. 696-715)
Resolution appointing four (4) members to the Downtown Redevelopment
Board. The membership terms of Harold Goodemote, Scott Weidman and
Mark Buddy Budiansky will expire on 12/31/17. Mr. Goodemote and
Budiansky have served two consecutive terms and have now termed out. Mr.
Weidman would like to be reappointed. Mr. Michael Shewmaker has moved
from the area and will no longer be eligible to serve.The board shall consist
of seven (7) members appointed by the City Commission and one (1)
Planning Board member who shall serve as an ex offcio nonvoting member.
Membership shall include six (6) members who reside or have their principal
place of business in either the Downtown Redevelopment Area or the
Ballough Road Redevelopment Area and one (1) member of the Downtown
Development Authority, who shall serve ex-offcio. A majority of the board
members shall be residents of the City. The members shall be appointed to
two-year staggered terms and may be reappointed to successive terms. No
member, except ex-offcio members, shall serve more than two consecutive
terms. We have fve qualifying applications for the four open positions: Scott
Weidman (would like to be reappointed), Russell Holloway, Jake Niceley,
Kevin Vagovic and Daniel Harshaw who are all city residents and
Downtown/Ballough Road Area Businessmen would like to be appointed.
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 10F
Downtown Redevelopment Board - Appointments (pp. 696-715)Resolution appointing four (4) members to the Downtown Redevelopment
Board. The membership terms of Harold Goodemote, Scott Weidman and
Mark Buddy Budiansky will expire on 12/31/17. Mr. Goodemote and
Budiansky have served two consecutive terms and have now termed out. Mr.
Weidman would like to be reappointed. Mr. Michael Shewmaker has moved
from the area and will no longer be eligible to serve.The board shall consist
of seven (7) members appointed by the City Commission and one (1)
Planning Board member who shall serve as an ex offcio nonvoting member.
Membership shall include six (6) members who reside or have their principal
place of business in either the Downtown Redevelopment Area or the
Ballough Road Redevelopment Area and one (1) member of the Downtown
Development Authority, who shall serve ex-offcio. A majority of the board
members shall be residents of the City. The members shall be appointed to
two-year staggered terms and may be reappointed to successive terms. No
member, except ex-offcio members, shall serve more than two consecutive
terms. We have fve qualifying applications for the four open positions: Scott
Weidman (would like to be reappointed), Russell Holloway, Jake Niceley,
Kevin Vagovic and Daniel Harshaw who are all city residents and
Downtown/Ballough Road Area Businessmen would like to be appointed.
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 10G - City Manager's Office - Code Enforcement Board - Appointments
(pp. 716-733)
Resolution appointing four (4) members to the Code Enforcement Board.
The membership terms of Weegie Kuendig, Neil Harrington and Thomas
A.D. Jones have expired and all three individuals would like to be
reappointed. The board shall consist of seven members appointed by the City
Commission. Members of the board shall be residents of the City.
Appointments shall be made on the basis of experience or interest in zoning
and development, regulation, building regulations and control, or other felds
within the jurisdiction of the board. In addition to Ms. Kuendig, Mr.
Harrington and Mr. Jones, we have additional applications: Dalynn Purdy,
Karen Robey and Valoree McLean.
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 10G
City Manager's Office - Code Enforcement Board - Appointments(pp. 716-733)
Resolution appointing four (4) members to the Code Enforcement Board.
The membership terms of Weegie Kuendig, Neil Harrington and Thomas
A.D. Jones have expired and all three individuals would like to be
reappointed. The board shall consist of seven members appointed by the City
Commission. Members of the board shall be residents of the City.
Appointments shall be made on the basis of experience or interest in zoning
and development, regulation, building regulations and control, or other felds
within the jurisdiction of the board. In addition to Ms. Kuendig, Mr.
Harrington and Mr. Jones, we have additional applications: Dalynn Purdy,
Karen Robey and Valoree McLean.
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 11
Items 12 & 13
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