September 19, 2018 Regular City Commission Meetings
Items 1 - 3 - 1. ROLL CALL.
Items 1 - 3
Approval of Minutes
Approval of the Minutes of the September 5, 2018 Business Meeting of the
City Commission will be on the October 3, 2018 Business Meeting of the
City Commission Agenda.
Item 4
APPROVAL OF MINUTES.Approval of Minutes
Approval of the Minutes of the September 5, 2018 Business Meeting of the
City Commission will be on the October 3, 2018 Business Meeting of the
City Commission Agenda.
Item 5
Item 6A - Presentation on status of First Step Homeless Shelter construction **added
Presentation by John Hall of Hall & Ogle Architects, Inc. regarding the First
Step Homeless Shelter construction status.
Item 6A
Presentation on status of First Step Homeless Shelter construction **added09-19-18**
Presentation by John Hall of Hall & Ogle Architects, Inc. regarding the First
Step Homeless Shelter construction status.
(pp. 23-25)
Residential Award :
John and Minnie Hawkins, 206 South Lincoln Street, Commissioner Paula R.
Reed, Zone 6, to present.
Commercial Award :
Stewart-Marchman-Act, 150 Magnolia Avenue, Mayor Derrick L. Henry to
Item 6B
Residential Award :
John and Minnie Hawkins, 206 South Lincoln Street, Commissioner Paula R.
Reed, Zone 6, to present.
Commercial Award :
Stewart-Marchman-Act, 150 Magnolia Avenue, Mayor Derrick L. Henry to
Item 7 - CITIZENS.
During this time Citizens have the opportunity to address the City
Commission on any item on the Consent Agenda. Items or discussions not
listed on the Agenda will not be heard during this comment section.
Item 7
During this time Citizens have the opportunity to address the City
Commission on any item on the Consent Agenda. Items or discussions not
listed on the Agenda will not be heard during this comment section.
8.A. Police Department - Submission and Acceptance of a Grant Application and
Award for 2018 Victim of Crime Act (VOCA) Program (pp. 27-48)
Resolution authorizing the application, submission, acceptance, and
expenditure of a grant application to the State of Florida, Offce of the
Attorney General, Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Program. The City of
Daytona Beach Police Department Victim Advocate Position is funded
primarily by the Florida Offce of Attorney General, Victim of Crime Act
Program, (VOCA) funding in the amount of $43,613, with matching funds
coming from the law enforcement trust fund in the amount of $10,903, for a
total of $54,516 to fund the continuation of the police department's VOCA
Program; and to authorizing the City Manager or his Designee to execute
any agreement relating to this grant application. This application has passed
the VOCA offce technical review and subsequent required revision and has
been approved by the VOCA offce for award. Funds available in the Law
Enforcement Trust Fund.
Recommendation: Chief of Police Recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8.B. Cultural and Leisure Services Department - Keith Payne Pools, Inc. -
Cypress Aquatics - Emergency Expenditure Ratifcation (pp. 49-72)
Resolution ratifying an emergency expenditure to Keith Payne Pools, Inc,
1426 Carol Lee Street, Daytona Beach, FL, 32117 in the amount of $28,500
for the replacement of ES 42340-100-E Sand Filter. The sand flter works
under pressure, but began leaking profusely. Due to the lack of pressure, it
impedes the ability to clean debris from the pool. The fow rate through the
pump has also considerably dropped. The less the water fows, the dirtier the
pool becomes. The work includes installation of the ES 42340-100-E Sand
Filter, media valves, ftting and piping as well as labor to remove existing
sand flter. Funds available in the General Fund.
Recommendation: Interim Leisure Services Administrator recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8.C. Utilities Department - Florida Design Contractors, Inc. - Final Reconciliation
Agreement (pp. 73-113)
Resolution approving a Final Reconciliation Agreement with Florida Design
Contractors, Inc., for the Demonstration Testing System to Purify Reuse
Effuent at the Westside Regional Water Reclamation Facility (WRWRF)
Project under Contract No. 0317-0300 and authorizing the City Manager and
City Clerk to execute the Final Reconciliation Agreement with the following
Approve May 28, 2018, as the fnal completion date
Approve April 13, 2018, as the substantial completion date and start of
the warranty period
Approve the fnal adjusted contract price of $3,157,703.68
Approve a fnal payment of $157,885.18 due under the contract, which
is the remaining retainage
Resolution 17-53 was adopted by City Commission on March 1, 2017,
accepting Florida Design Contractors, Inc., in an amount not to exceed
$3,117,500 for the construction of the Demonstration Testing System to
Purify Reuse Effuent at the Westside Regional Water Reclamation Facility
(WRWRF) Project. Change Order No. 1 was approved in August 2018 by
the City Manager (authorized by Section 30-142 (a) and Section 30-143 (a)
of the Purchasing Code) in the amount of $40,203.68 for the installation of
additional appurtenances, sensors, 6-month chemical supply, chemical
coatings, and other facility enhancements, and a time extension of 60 days.
No additional funds are required for this request.
Recommendation: Utilities Director Recommends adoption of the
8.D. Utilities Department - P&S Paving - Clyde Morris Boulevard Water Main
Repair Contract - Emergency Expenditure Ratifcation (pp. 114 -139)
Resolution ratifying an emergency expenditure with P&S Paving, 3701
Olson Drive, Daytona Beach, FL 32124 for the ISB/Clyde Morris Boulevard
Water Main Repair Contract with a fnal contract amount of $437,386.60
This request is needed to fully comply with the City's Purchasing Code
Section 30-52(b) Emergency Purchases for the selection of a contractor to
complete an emergency water main repair at the intersection of International
Speedway Blvd and Clyde Morris Blvd. Funds available in the Renewal &
Replacement 8% account.
Recommendation: Utilities Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8.E. Utilities Department - Ovivo USA, LLC - Brennan Water Treatment Plant –
Sole Source Purchase (pp. 140-158)
Resolution approving a purchase from Ovivo USA, LLC, Order Entry
Administrator, 4246 Riverboat Road, Suite 300, Salt Lake City, Utah 84123-
2583, to rehabilitate Softener Clarifers No.1 and No.2 and Thickener No.1 at
the Brennan Water Treatment Plant for an amount of $807,829. The Brennan
Water Treatment Plant utilizes three lime softeners to remove hardness in the
raw water. Softener Clarifers No.1 and No.2 were inspected by the Volusia
County Department of Health and cited poor conditions due to rust and
corrosion and Softener Clarifer No.1 drive unit bearings are failing and the
gearbox needs to be replaced. The Brennan plant utilizes three thickeners to
dewater lime sludge before it is hauled off for disposal. The drive unit on
Thickener No.1 failed and requires replacement. Ovivo is the manufacturer
and the sole source to rehabilitate the equipment on Softener Clarifers No.1
and No.2 and Thickener No.1. Funds are available in the 5% Renewal &
Replacement Fund.
Recommendation: Utilities Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8.F. Utilities Department - Carollo Engineers, Inc. - Work Authorization No. 29
(pp. 159 -173)
Resolution approving Work Authorization No. 29 under Contract No. 1307-
1022 with Carollo Engineers, Inc., 200 East Robinson Street, Suite 1400,
Orlando, Florida 32801 for an infow and infltration (I&I) study in an
amount not to exceed $119,033.30. The purpose of this item is to provide
professional engineering services for an I&I study related to the Bethune
Point Water Reclamation Facility collection system as part of an FDEP
permitting requirement. Funds available in the Renewal & Replacement 8%
Recommendation: Utilities Director recommends adoption of the
8.G. Public Works Department/ Administration Division - Campbell Aquatic
Center Improvements (Phases 1 & 2) - Racing and Recreational Facilities
District Grant Acceptance Request (pp. 174-181)
Resolution approving the Racing and Recreational Facilities District Grant
in the amount up to $139,386 for phases 1 and 2 of the improvements needed
at the Campbell Aquatic Center, and authorizing the City Manager to
approve subsequent documents for the furtherance of the grant acceptance.
Phase 1 will consist of the lifeguard pavilion and secure pool entry, and
phase 2 will expand the east pool deck, add shade structures, tables, and
chairs. The City will continue pursuing additional funding opportunities for
the fnal phase of the project, which will consist of remodeling and
expanding existing restrooms, and remodeling existing offce into storage
rooms. The estimated probable construction cost for the frst two phases is
$154,874. As authorized in Resolution 18-215, the City applied for a Racing
and Recreational Facilities District grant and has been awarded $139,386.
The City will be providing the difference of $15,488 as its matching share for
the improvements. Upon acceptance, grant funds will be made available in
the Grant Project Fund. City match funds available in the Capital Project
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.H. Public Works Department/Administration Division - Veteran 1 Lawn Care,
LLC - Lowest Best-Responsive Bid Contract Award (pp. 182-251)
Resolution awarding Bid No. 0118-2270 to Veteran 1 Lawn Care, LLC, 786
Sugar House Drive, Port Orange, FL 32129 for a three (3) year lot clearing
and nuisance abatement service contract in an amount not to exceed $83,090,
with two (2) one-year renewal options with the same terms and conditions,
authorizing the City Manager to exercise renewal options, and authorizing
the City Manager to expend the annual budget appropriations for this service
contract. The Lot Clearance program has been very successful, and handles
in excess of 1,900 requests annually. The current contract will expire
October 20, 2018. The City advertised Bid No. 0118-2270 for the lot
clearance and nuisance abatement services on July 20, 2018 and received
bids on August 15, 2018. Veteran 1 Lawn Care, LLC was the lowest-best
responsive bidder. The contract will be effective for three (3) years from the
date of signing. Funds available in the Solid Waste Management Fund.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.I. Finance Department/Information Technology Division - Innovyze Inc -
Innovyze InfoSWMM Wastewater Modeling Software License and Software
Maintenance - Purchase (pp. 252-266)
Resolution approving the purchase of a foating license of Innovyze
InfoSWMM Wastewater Collection System software, including 10,000 links,
and the frst year of software maintenance from Vendor No. 101285,
Innovyze Inc., 6720 SW Macadam Ave. Suite 150, Portland OR 97219, in
the amount of $29,380. Carollo Engineers Inc. was chosen as the City’s
Engineering Consultant for developing a Wastewater Master Plan pursuant to
Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 0418-0680. Carollo Engineers
recommends the City implement InfoSWMM as its wastewater hydraulic
software for modeling gravity sewer and force main networks. The City
already owns a license to InfoWater; a similar software used for modeling
potable water systems, which is made by the same company as InfoSWMM.
Effciencies are expected to be gained from staff training on and using similar
software to model water and wastewater. Funds available in Water and
Sewer Renewal and Replacement 8% Fund.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Offcer recommends adoption of the
8.J. Finance/Information Technology - Axon Enterprise Inc - Body Worn Camera
Equipment, Software, and Services - Sole Source Purchase (pp. 267-299)
Resolution approving the purchase 25 body worn cameras (BWC), with
associated equipment and services, and approving a fve year agreement with
Axon Enterprise Inc., formerly known as Taser International Inc., 17800 N.
85th St., Scottsdale, Arizona 85255. The new agreement will supersede an
existing agreement with Axon pertaining to the Police Department's 190 unit
BWC program. The proposed fve year agreement will have an effective date
of October 1, 2018 and will govern the new BWC total of 215 units and
includes: software licensing, data storage, and Taser Assurance Plans
(TAP). An initial payment of $138,627.40 is due upon the effective date and
is the total amount to be encumbered for this purpose during fscal year
2019. The initial payment includes a credit of $100,688.60, which the City
paid to Axon during fscal year 2018, but which will not have been consumed
under the existing agreement as of the effective date. Payments for years 2
through 5 for software licensing, data storage, and TAP will be due annually
in the amount of $239,316, an increase of $88,284 per year over the current
annual obligation of $151,032. The increase is due to adding cameras, and to
the adoption of an unlimited data storage plan for all BWC users.
This purchase is considered sole source, since the City has standardized on
the Axon BWC program pursuant to four previous agreements approved by
Resolutions 13-142, 14-269, 15-247, and 17-41. It is requested that the City
Manager be authorize to expend funds for annually recurring payments;
providing suffcient funds are available. Funding for FY 2019, subject to
budgetary approval, is available in the Information Technology Fund and the
Federal Shared Property Forfeiture Fund.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Offcier recommends adoption of the
8.K. Finance Department - Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship Funds
(pp. 300-301)
Resolution authorizing payment in the amount of:
$2471 to First Step Shelter, Inc., for a general donation and $2,471 to
Volusia Volunteers in Medicine, Inc., for a general donation from the Bike
Week Sponsorship Funds of Commissioner Aaron Delgado.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Offcer recommends adoption of the
8.L. Finance Department - Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship Funds **added
Resolution authorizing payment in the amount of:
$100 to Greater Union First Baptist Church Laymen Ministry, for ad in
Journal from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of Commissioner Paula
Recommendation: Chief Financial Offcer recommends adoption of the
Consent Agenda
8.A. Police Department - Submission and Acceptance of a Grant Application and
Award for 2018 Victim of Crime Act (VOCA) Program (pp. 27-48)
Resolution authorizing the application, submission, acceptance, and
expenditure of a grant application to the State of Florida, Offce of the
Attorney General, Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Program. The City of
Daytona Beach Police Department Victim Advocate Position is funded
primarily by the Florida Offce of Attorney General, Victim of Crime Act
Program, (VOCA) funding in the amount of $43,613, with matching funds
coming from the law enforcement trust fund in the amount of $10,903, for a
total of $54,516 to fund the continuation of the police department's VOCA
Program; and to authorizing the City Manager or his Designee to execute
any agreement relating to this grant application. This application has passed
the VOCA offce technical review and subsequent required revision and has
been approved by the VOCA offce for award. Funds available in the Law
Enforcement Trust Fund.
Recommendation: Chief of Police Recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8.B. Cultural and Leisure Services Department - Keith Payne Pools, Inc. -
Cypress Aquatics - Emergency Expenditure Ratifcation (pp. 49-72)
Resolution ratifying an emergency expenditure to Keith Payne Pools, Inc,
1426 Carol Lee Street, Daytona Beach, FL, 32117 in the amount of $28,500
for the replacement of ES 42340-100-E Sand Filter. The sand flter works
under pressure, but began leaking profusely. Due to the lack of pressure, it
impedes the ability to clean debris from the pool. The fow rate through the
pump has also considerably dropped. The less the water fows, the dirtier the
pool becomes. The work includes installation of the ES 42340-100-E Sand
Filter, media valves, ftting and piping as well as labor to remove existing
sand flter. Funds available in the General Fund.
Recommendation: Interim Leisure Services Administrator recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8.C. Utilities Department - Florida Design Contractors, Inc. - Final Reconciliation
Agreement (pp. 73-113)
Resolution approving a Final Reconciliation Agreement with Florida Design
Contractors, Inc., for the Demonstration Testing System to Purify Reuse
Effuent at the Westside Regional Water Reclamation Facility (WRWRF)
Project under Contract No. 0317-0300 and authorizing the City Manager and
City Clerk to execute the Final Reconciliation Agreement with the following
Approve May 28, 2018, as the fnal completion date
Approve April 13, 2018, as the substantial completion date and start of
the warranty period
Approve the fnal adjusted contract price of $3,157,703.68
Approve a fnal payment of $157,885.18 due under the contract, which
is the remaining retainage
Resolution 17-53 was adopted by City Commission on March 1, 2017,
accepting Florida Design Contractors, Inc., in an amount not to exceed
$3,117,500 for the construction of the Demonstration Testing System to
Purify Reuse Effuent at the Westside Regional Water Reclamation Facility
(WRWRF) Project. Change Order No. 1 was approved in August 2018 by
the City Manager (authorized by Section 30-142 (a) and Section 30-143 (a)
of the Purchasing Code) in the amount of $40,203.68 for the installation of
additional appurtenances, sensors, 6-month chemical supply, chemical
coatings, and other facility enhancements, and a time extension of 60 days.
No additional funds are required for this request.
Recommendation: Utilities Director Recommends adoption of the
8.D. Utilities Department - P&S Paving - Clyde Morris Boulevard Water Main
Repair Contract - Emergency Expenditure Ratifcation (pp. 114 -139)
Resolution ratifying an emergency expenditure with P&S Paving, 3701
Olson Drive, Daytona Beach, FL 32124 for the ISB/Clyde Morris Boulevard
Water Main Repair Contract with a fnal contract amount of $437,386.60
This request is needed to fully comply with the City's Purchasing Code
Section 30-52(b) Emergency Purchases for the selection of a contractor to
complete an emergency water main repair at the intersection of International
Speedway Blvd and Clyde Morris Blvd. Funds available in the Renewal &
Replacement 8% account.
Recommendation: Utilities Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8.E. Utilities Department - Ovivo USA, LLC - Brennan Water Treatment Plant –
Sole Source Purchase (pp. 140-158)
Resolution approving a purchase from Ovivo USA, LLC, Order Entry
Administrator, 4246 Riverboat Road, Suite 300, Salt Lake City, Utah 84123-
2583, to rehabilitate Softener Clarifers No.1 and No.2 and Thickener No.1 at
the Brennan Water Treatment Plant for an amount of $807,829. The Brennan
Water Treatment Plant utilizes three lime softeners to remove hardness in the
raw water. Softener Clarifers No.1 and No.2 were inspected by the Volusia
County Department of Health and cited poor conditions due to rust and
corrosion and Softener Clarifer No.1 drive unit bearings are failing and the
gearbox needs to be replaced. The Brennan plant utilizes three thickeners to
dewater lime sludge before it is hauled off for disposal. The drive unit on
Thickener No.1 failed and requires replacement. Ovivo is the manufacturer
and the sole source to rehabilitate the equipment on Softener Clarifers No.1
and No.2 and Thickener No.1. Funds are available in the 5% Renewal &
Replacement Fund.
Recommendation: Utilities Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8.F. Utilities Department - Carollo Engineers, Inc. - Work Authorization No. 29
(pp. 159 -173)
Resolution approving Work Authorization No. 29 under Contract No. 1307-
1022 with Carollo Engineers, Inc., 200 East Robinson Street, Suite 1400,
Orlando, Florida 32801 for an infow and infltration (I&I) study in an
amount not to exceed $119,033.30. The purpose of this item is to provide
professional engineering services for an I&I study related to the Bethune
Point Water Reclamation Facility collection system as part of an FDEP
permitting requirement. Funds available in the Renewal & Replacement 8%
Recommendation: Utilities Director recommends adoption of the
8.G. Public Works Department/ Administration Division - Campbell Aquatic
Center Improvements (Phases 1 & 2) - Racing and Recreational Facilities
District Grant Acceptance Request (pp. 174-181)
Resolution approving the Racing and Recreational Facilities District Grant
in the amount up to $139,386 for phases 1 and 2 of the improvements needed
at the Campbell Aquatic Center, and authorizing the City Manager to
approve subsequent documents for the furtherance of the grant acceptance.
Phase 1 will consist of the lifeguard pavilion and secure pool entry, and
phase 2 will expand the east pool deck, add shade structures, tables, and
chairs. The City will continue pursuing additional funding opportunities for
the fnal phase of the project, which will consist of remodeling and
expanding existing restrooms, and remodeling existing offce into storage
rooms. The estimated probable construction cost for the frst two phases is
$154,874. As authorized in Resolution 18-215, the City applied for a Racing
and Recreational Facilities District grant and has been awarded $139,386.
The City will be providing the difference of $15,488 as its matching share for
the improvements. Upon acceptance, grant funds will be made available in
the Grant Project Fund. City match funds available in the Capital Project
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.H. Public Works Department/Administration Division - Veteran 1 Lawn Care,
LLC - Lowest Best-Responsive Bid Contract Award (pp. 182-251)
Resolution awarding Bid No. 0118-2270 to Veteran 1 Lawn Care, LLC, 786
Sugar House Drive, Port Orange, FL 32129 for a three (3) year lot clearing
and nuisance abatement service contract in an amount not to exceed $83,090,
with two (2) one-year renewal options with the same terms and conditions,
authorizing the City Manager to exercise renewal options, and authorizing
the City Manager to expend the annual budget appropriations for this service
contract. The Lot Clearance program has been very successful, and handles
in excess of 1,900 requests annually. The current contract will expire
October 20, 2018. The City advertised Bid No. 0118-2270 for the lot
clearance and nuisance abatement services on July 20, 2018 and received
bids on August 15, 2018. Veteran 1 Lawn Care, LLC was the lowest-best
responsive bidder. The contract will be effective for three (3) years from the
date of signing. Funds available in the Solid Waste Management Fund.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.I. Finance Department/Information Technology Division - Innovyze Inc -
Innovyze InfoSWMM Wastewater Modeling Software License and Software
Maintenance - Purchase (pp. 252-266)
Resolution approving the purchase of a foating license of Innovyze
InfoSWMM Wastewater Collection System software, including 10,000 links,
and the frst year of software maintenance from Vendor No. 101285,
Innovyze Inc., 6720 SW Macadam Ave. Suite 150, Portland OR 97219, in
the amount of $29,380. Carollo Engineers Inc. was chosen as the City’s
Engineering Consultant for developing a Wastewater Master Plan pursuant to
Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 0418-0680. Carollo Engineers
recommends the City implement InfoSWMM as its wastewater hydraulic
software for modeling gravity sewer and force main networks. The City
already owns a license to InfoWater; a similar software used for modeling
potable water systems, which is made by the same company as InfoSWMM.
Effciencies are expected to be gained from staff training on and using similar
software to model water and wastewater. Funds available in Water and
Sewer Renewal and Replacement 8% Fund.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Offcer recommends adoption of the
8.J. Finance/Information Technology - Axon Enterprise Inc - Body Worn Camera
Equipment, Software, and Services - Sole Source Purchase (pp. 267-299)
Resolution approving the purchase 25 body worn cameras (BWC), with
associated equipment and services, and approving a fve year agreement with
Axon Enterprise Inc., formerly known as Taser International Inc., 17800 N.
85th St., Scottsdale, Arizona 85255. The new agreement will supersede an
existing agreement with Axon pertaining to the Police Department's 190 unit
BWC program. The proposed fve year agreement will have an effective date
of October 1, 2018 and will govern the new BWC total of 215 units and
includes: software licensing, data storage, and Taser Assurance Plans
(TAP). An initial payment of $138,627.40 is due upon the effective date and
is the total amount to be encumbered for this purpose during fscal year
2019. The initial payment includes a credit of $100,688.60, which the City
paid to Axon during fscal year 2018, but which will not have been consumed
under the existing agreement as of the effective date. Payments for years 2
through 5 for software licensing, data storage, and TAP will be due annually
in the amount of $239,316, an increase of $88,284 per year over the current
annual obligation of $151,032. The increase is due to adding cameras, and to
the adoption of an unlimited data storage plan for all BWC users.
This purchase is considered sole source, since the City has standardized on
the Axon BWC program pursuant to four previous agreements approved by
Resolutions 13-142, 14-269, 15-247, and 17-41. It is requested that the City
Manager be authorize to expend funds for annually recurring payments;
providing suffcient funds are available. Funding for FY 2019, subject to
budgetary approval, is available in the Information Technology Fund and the
Federal Shared Property Forfeiture Fund.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Offcier recommends adoption of the
8.K. Finance Department - Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship Funds
(pp. 300-301)
Resolution authorizing payment in the amount of:
$2471 to First Step Shelter, Inc., for a general donation and $2,471 to
Volusia Volunteers in Medicine, Inc., for a general donation from the Bike
Week Sponsorship Funds of Commissioner Aaron Delgado.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Offcer recommends adoption of the
8.L. Finance Department - Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship Funds **added
Resolution authorizing payment in the amount of:
$100 to Greater Union First Baptist Church Laymen Ministry, for ad in
Journal from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of Commissioner Paula
Recommendation: Chief Financial Offcer recommends adoption of the
Items 9A - 9C - 9.A. Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Minto
Tomoka Parcel A -Voluntary Annexation (pp. 302-320)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - approving a
voluntary annexation of 2.13± acres of land located west and adjacent to
Tymber Creek Road South and south of Old Tomoka Road, contiguous to the
municipal boundary, and pursuant to Chapter 171, Florida Statutes.
Applicant: Robert A. Merrell III, Esquire, Cobb Cole, on behalf of
Consolidated-Tomoka Land Co.
Dennis Mrozek, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Director recommends approval.
Action: Motion to adopt Ordinance.
9.B. Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Minto
Tomoka Parcel A - Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment
(pp. 321-537)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - adopting a Large
Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (LSCPA), amending the Future Land
Use Element, Neighborhood V, to increase the residential density and reduce
the non-residential intensity for 1614± acres of land located west of Interstate
95 and south of West Granada Boulevard/State Road 40 to permit the
development of 3,250 residential dwelling units and limit commercial
development to 200,000 square feet. Applicant: Robert A. Merrell III,
Esquire, Cobb Cole, on behalf of Scott Bullock, Consolidated-Tomoka Land
Dennis Mrozek, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 6-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt Ordinance.
9.C. Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Minto
Tomoka Parcel A - Rezoning, Planned Development-General
(pp. 538-652)
Ordinance on second reading - Quasi-Judicial Hearing - approving a
request to rezone 1614± acres of land located west of Interstate 95 and south
of West Granada Boulevard/State Road 40 from "County" Rural Agriculture
(A-2) and Resource Corridor (RC) to "City" Planned Development-General
(PD-G) to develop up to 3,250 dwelling units with amenities and up to
200,000 square feet of commercial uses, and authorizing the Mayor to
execute the Minto Tomoka - Parcel A Planned District Agreement.
Applicant: Robert A. Merrell III, Esquire, Cobb Cole, on behalf of Scott
Bullock, Consolidated-Tomoka Land Co.
Dennis Mrozek, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 6-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt Ordinance.
Items 9A - 9C
9.A. Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - MintoTomoka Parcel A -Voluntary Annexation (pp. 302-320)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - approving a
voluntary annexation of 2.13± acres of land located west and adjacent to
Tymber Creek Road South and south of Old Tomoka Road, contiguous to the
municipal boundary, and pursuant to Chapter 171, Florida Statutes.
Applicant: Robert A. Merrell III, Esquire, Cobb Cole, on behalf of
Consolidated-Tomoka Land Co.
Dennis Mrozek, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Director recommends approval.
Action: Motion to adopt Ordinance.
9.B. Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Minto
Tomoka Parcel A - Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment
(pp. 321-537)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - adopting a Large
Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (LSCPA), amending the Future Land
Use Element, Neighborhood V, to increase the residential density and reduce
the non-residential intensity for 1614± acres of land located west of Interstate
95 and south of West Granada Boulevard/State Road 40 to permit the
development of 3,250 residential dwelling units and limit commercial
development to 200,000 square feet. Applicant: Robert A. Merrell III,
Esquire, Cobb Cole, on behalf of Scott Bullock, Consolidated-Tomoka Land
Dennis Mrozek, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 6-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt Ordinance.
9.C. Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Minto
Tomoka Parcel A - Rezoning, Planned Development-General
(pp. 538-652)
Ordinance on second reading - Quasi-Judicial Hearing - approving a
request to rezone 1614± acres of land located west of Interstate 95 and south
of West Granada Boulevard/State Road 40 from "County" Rural Agriculture
(A-2) and Resource Corridor (RC) to "City" Planned Development-General
(PD-G) to develop up to 3,250 dwelling units with amenities and up to
200,000 square feet of commercial uses, and authorizing the Mayor to
execute the Minto Tomoka - Parcel A Planned District Agreement.
Applicant: Robert A. Merrell III, Esquire, Cobb Cole, on behalf of Scott
Bullock, Consolidated-Tomoka Land Co.
Dennis Mrozek, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 6-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt Ordinance.
Items 9D, 9E, 9F, 9Q - 9.D. Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Tomoka
Farms Road ILF - Voluntary Annexation (pp. 653-671)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - approving a
voluntary annexation of 46.81± acres of land located west of Tomoka Farms
Road and north of First Baptist Parkway, contiguous to the municipal
boundary, and pursuant to Chapter 171, Florida Statutes. Applicant: A
request by Robert A. Merrell III, Esq., Cobb Cole, on behalf of THP, LLC.
Dennis Mrozek, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Director recommends approval.
Action: Motion to adopt Ordinance.
9.E. Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - T omoka
Farms Road ILF - Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment
(pp. 672-749)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - adopting a Large
Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (LSCPA) changing the Future Land
Use Map (FLUM) designation from "County" Activity Center (AC) and
Environmental Systems Corridor (ESC) to "City" Level 1 Residential and
Potential Environmentally Signifcant (PES) for 46.81± acres of land located
at 1510 Tomoka Farms Road, north of First Baptist Parkway and west of
Tomoka Farms Road to allow for the development of a 150 unit age
restricted independent living facility. Applicant: Robert A. Merrell III, Esq.,
Cobb Cole, on behalf of THP, LLC.
Dennis Mrozek, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 6-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt Ordinance.
9.F. Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Tomoka
Farms Road ILF - Rezoning, Planned Development-General (pp. 750-805)
Ordinance on second reading - Quasi-Judicial Hearing - approving a
request to rezone 46.81± acres of land located at 1510 Tomoka Farms Road,
north of First Baptist Parkway and west of Tomoka Farms Road from
"County" Rural Agriculture (A-2) and Resource Corridor (RC) to "City"
Planned Development-General (PD-G) to allow for the development of a 150
unit age restricted independent living facility, and authorizing the Mayor to
execute the Tomoka Independent Living Planned District Agreement.
Applicant: Robert A. Merrell III, Esquire, Cobb Cole, on behalf of THP,
Dennis Mrozek, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 6-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt Ordinance.
9.Q. Development and Administrative Services - Tomoka Independent Living
Transportation Improvements Cost Allocation Agreement and Proportionate
Fair Share Contribution (pp. 1030-1038)
Resolution - PUBLIC HEARING - authorizing the City to enter into the
Tomoka Independent Living Transportation Improvements Cost Allocation
Agreement with THP, LLC ("Owner") and BPS Independent Living, LLC
("Developer") and approving the proportionate fair share contribution. The
agreement provides for a proportionate fair share contribution in the amount
of $3,505.44 to address traffc concurrency and traffc impacts. The
contribution will provide transportation improvements in the impact area and
shall be paid to the County prior to the City's issuance of a Certifcate of
Occupancy. This project is located west of Tomoka Farms Road and north of
First Baptist Parkway at 1500 Tomoka Farms Road.
James Morris, Deputy City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager recommends adoption of the
Action: Motion to adopt Resolution.
Items 9D, 9E, 9F, 9Q
9.D. Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - TomokaFarms Road ILF - Voluntary Annexation (pp. 653-671)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - approving a
voluntary annexation of 46.81± acres of land located west of Tomoka Farms
Road and north of First Baptist Parkway, contiguous to the municipal
boundary, and pursuant to Chapter 171, Florida Statutes. Applicant: A
request by Robert A. Merrell III, Esq., Cobb Cole, on behalf of THP, LLC.
Dennis Mrozek, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Director recommends approval.
Action: Motion to adopt Ordinance.
9.E. Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - T omoka
Farms Road ILF - Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment
(pp. 672-749)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - adopting a Large
Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (LSCPA) changing the Future Land
Use Map (FLUM) designation from "County" Activity Center (AC) and
Environmental Systems Corridor (ESC) to "City" Level 1 Residential and
Potential Environmentally Signifcant (PES) for 46.81± acres of land located
at 1510 Tomoka Farms Road, north of First Baptist Parkway and west of
Tomoka Farms Road to allow for the development of a 150 unit age
restricted independent living facility. Applicant: Robert A. Merrell III, Esq.,
Cobb Cole, on behalf of THP, LLC.
Dennis Mrozek, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 6-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt Ordinance.
9.F. Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Tomoka
Farms Road ILF - Rezoning, Planned Development-General (pp. 750-805)
Ordinance on second reading - Quasi-Judicial Hearing - approving a
request to rezone 46.81± acres of land located at 1510 Tomoka Farms Road,
north of First Baptist Parkway and west of Tomoka Farms Road from
"County" Rural Agriculture (A-2) and Resource Corridor (RC) to "City"
Planned Development-General (PD-G) to allow for the development of a 150
unit age restricted independent living facility, and authorizing the Mayor to
execute the Tomoka Independent Living Planned District Agreement.
Applicant: Robert A. Merrell III, Esquire, Cobb Cole, on behalf of THP,
Dennis Mrozek, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 6-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt Ordinance.
9.Q. Development and Administrative Services - Tomoka Independent Living
Transportation Improvements Cost Allocation Agreement and Proportionate
Fair Share Contribution (pp. 1030-1038)
Resolution - PUBLIC HEARING - authorizing the City to enter into the
Tomoka Independent Living Transportation Improvements Cost Allocation
Agreement with THP, LLC ("Owner") and BPS Independent Living, LLC
("Developer") and approving the proportionate fair share contribution. The
agreement provides for a proportionate fair share contribution in the amount
of $3,505.44 to address traffc concurrency and traffc impacts. The
contribution will provide transportation improvements in the impact area and
shall be paid to the County prior to the City's issuance of a Certifcate of
Occupancy. This project is located west of Tomoka Farms Road and north of
First Baptist Parkway at 1500 Tomoka Farms Road.
James Morris, Deputy City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager recommends adoption of the
Action: Motion to adopt Resolution.
Item 9O - Development and Administrative Services - Framework Transportation
Improvements Cost Allocation Agreement and Proportionate Fair Share
Contribution (pp. 1013-1020)
Resolution - PUBLIC HEARING - authorizing the City to enter into the
Framework Transportation Improvements Cost Allocation Agreement with
Consolidated Tomoka Land Co., ("Owner") and Framework Group, LLC,
("Developer") and approving the proportionate fair share contribution. The
agreement provides for a proportionate fair share contribution to the County
in the amount of $371,085.87 to address traffc concurrency and traffc
impacts. The contribution will provide transportation improvements in the
impact area and shall be paid to the County prior to the City's issuance of
Certifcate of Occupancy for Framework. This project is located on the east
side of Williamson Boulevard, south of Hand Avenue and north of Strickland
Range Road.
James Morris, Deputy City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager recommends adoption of the
Action: Motion to adopt Resolution.
Item 9O
Development and Administrative Services - Framework TransportationImprovements Cost Allocation Agreement and Proportionate Fair Share
Contribution (pp. 1013-1020)
Resolution - PUBLIC HEARING - authorizing the City to enter into the
Framework Transportation Improvements Cost Allocation Agreement with
Consolidated Tomoka Land Co., ("Owner") and Framework Group, LLC,
("Developer") and approving the proportionate fair share contribution. The
agreement provides for a proportionate fair share contribution to the County
in the amount of $371,085.87 to address traffc concurrency and traffc
impacts. The contribution will provide transportation improvements in the
impact area and shall be paid to the County prior to the City's issuance of
Certifcate of Occupancy for Framework. This project is located on the east
side of Williamson Boulevard, south of Hand Avenue and north of Strickland
Range Road.
James Morris, Deputy City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager recommends adoption of the
Action: Motion to adopt Resolution.
Item 9G - Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Land
Development Code Text Amendment - Amend Article 5 (Use Standards)
(pp. 806-813)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING amending Article 5,
Section 5.2.B (Use Standards) of the Land Development Code to require a
minimum separation of 500 feet from Self-Storage or Mini-Warehouse uses
and a Major Thoroughfare. Applicant: Development and Administrative
Services Department, Planning Division.
Dennis Mrozek, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 4-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt Ordinance.
Item 9G
Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - LandDevelopment Code Text Amendment - Amend Article 5 (Use Standards)
(pp. 806-813)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING amending Article 5,
Section 5.2.B (Use Standards) of the Land Development Code to require a
minimum separation of 500 feet from Self-Storage or Mini-Warehouse uses
and a Major Thoroughfare. Applicant: Development and Administrative
Services Department, Planning Division.
Dennis Mrozek, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 4-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt Ordinance.
Item 9H - Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Land
Development Code Text Amendment - Amend Article 6 and 7
(pp. 814-827)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - amending the Land
Development Code, Article 6 (Development Standards) to require LED street
lighting, and Article 7 (Subdivision Infrastructure) to use modern
construction materials in the City infrastructure. These text amendments
ensure the latest technology and construction materials are used to ensure
safe and effective standards for City infrastructure. Applicant: Development
and Administrative Services Department, Planning Division, on behalf of the
Public Works Department.
Dennis Mrozek, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 4-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt Ordinance.
Item 9H
Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - LandDevelopment Code Text Amendment - Amend Article 6 and 7
(pp. 814-827)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - amending the Land
Development Code, Article 6 (Development Standards) to require LED street
lighting, and Article 7 (Subdivision Infrastructure) to use modern
construction materials in the City infrastructure. These text amendments
ensure the latest technology and construction materials are used to ensure
safe and effective standards for City infrastructure. Applicant: Development
and Administrative Services Department, Planning Division, on behalf of the
Public Works Department.
Dennis Mrozek, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 4-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt Ordinance.
Item 9I - Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - 200 Block
South MLK - Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (pp. 828-857)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - adopting a Small
Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (SSCPA) amending the Future Land
Use Map designation from Level 2 Residential to Commercial Transitional
for six (6) properties totaling 1.28± acres of land located generally along and
west of Dr. Martin Luther King Boulevard between Magnolia Avenue and
Cherry Street to provide the correct future land use as illustrated in the
Midtown Master Plan. Applicant: Development and Administrative Services
Department, Planning Division.
Dennis Mrozek, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 7-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt Ordinance.
Item 9I
Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - 200 BlockSouth MLK - Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (pp. 828-857)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - adopting a Small
Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (SSCPA) amending the Future Land
Use Map designation from Level 2 Residential to Commercial Transitional
for six (6) properties totaling 1.28± acres of land located generally along and
west of Dr. Martin Luther King Boulevard between Magnolia Avenue and
Cherry Street to provide the correct future land use as illustrated in the
Midtown Master Plan. Applicant: Development and Administrative Services
Department, Planning Division.
Dennis Mrozek, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 7-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt Ordinance.
Item 9J - Development and Administrative Services, Redevelopment Division - 200
Block South MLK - Rezoning to Redevelopment Midtown-Neighborhood
Transition Mixed Use (RDM-5) (pp. 858-893)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - approving a request
to rezone 1.28± acres of land located generally along and west of Dr. Martin
Luther King Boulevard between Magnolia Avenue and Cherry Street from
Redevelopment Midtown-Residential Preservation (RDM-6) to
Redevelopment Midtown-Neighborhood Transition Mixed Use (RDM-5) for
the purpose of providing the correct zoning district illustrated in the Midtown
Master Plan. Applicant: Development and Administrative Services,
Redevelopment Division.
Reed Berger, Redevelopment Director, to report.
Recommendation: Midtown Redevelopment Board recommends approval 4-
to-0 and the Planning Board recommends approval 7-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt Ordinance.
Item 9J
Development and Administrative Services, Redevelopment Division - 200Block South MLK - Rezoning to Redevelopment Midtown-Neighborhood
Transition Mixed Use (RDM-5) (pp. 858-893)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - approving a request
to rezone 1.28± acres of land located generally along and west of Dr. Martin
Luther King Boulevard between Magnolia Avenue and Cherry Street from
Redevelopment Midtown-Residential Preservation (RDM-6) to
Redevelopment Midtown-Neighborhood Transition Mixed Use (RDM-5) for
the purpose of providing the correct zoning district illustrated in the Midtown
Master Plan. Applicant: Development and Administrative Services,
Redevelopment Division.
Reed Berger, Redevelopment Director, to report.
Recommendation: Midtown Redevelopment Board recommends approval 4-
to-0 and the Planning Board recommends approval 7-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt Ordinance.
Item 9K - Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Kirton Tract
- Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (pp. 894-974)
Ordinance on frst reading - PUBLIC HEARING - adopting a Large Scale
Comprehensive Plan Amendment (LSCPA) changing the Future Land Use
Map (FLUM) designation from "County" Low Impact Urban (LIU) and
Environmental Systems Corridor (ESC) to "City" Mixed Uses (MU) and
Potential Environmentally Sensitive (PES) and amending the Future Land
Use Element, Neighborhood R, to limit density and FAR for 378.49± acres
of land located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Interstate 95 and
Interstate 4, and east of Tomoka Farms Road. Applicant: Glenn D. Storch,
P.A., Storch Law Firm on behalf of Thomas Kirton and Katherine Wingard,
as Co-Trustees of the Dorothy C. Kirton Living Trust of November 17, 2004
and Myron S. Kirton Living Trust of November 17, 2004.
Dennis Mrozek, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 6-to-0.
Action: Motion to pass Ordinance on frst reading.
Note: If passed, second Public Hearing, November 7, 2018.
Item 9K
Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Kirton Tract- Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (pp. 894-974)
Ordinance on frst reading - PUBLIC HEARING - adopting a Large Scale
Comprehensive Plan Amendment (LSCPA) changing the Future Land Use
Map (FLUM) designation from "County" Low Impact Urban (LIU) and
Environmental Systems Corridor (ESC) to "City" Mixed Uses (MU) and
Potential Environmentally Sensitive (PES) and amending the Future Land
Use Element, Neighborhood R, to limit density and FAR for 378.49± acres
of land located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Interstate 95 and
Interstate 4, and east of Tomoka Farms Road. Applicant: Glenn D. Storch,
P.A., Storch Law Firm on behalf of Thomas Kirton and Katherine Wingard,
as Co-Trustees of the Dorothy C. Kirton Living Trust of November 17, 2004
and Myron S. Kirton Living Trust of November 17, 2004.
Dennis Mrozek, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 6-to-0.
Action: Motion to pass Ordinance on frst reading.
Note: If passed, second Public Hearing, November 7, 2018.
Item 9L - Budget Offce - FY 2018/19 Property Taxes and Budget - City of Daytona
Beach (pp. 975-987)
1. PUBLIC HEARING - Members of the general public may speak on the
millage rate and the FY 2018-2019 budget.
2. Presentation by the Budget Offcer.
3. Resolution of the City of Daytona Beach adopting an ad valorum property
fnal tax millage rate of 6.2000 ($6.2000 per $1,000 of assessed taxable
value). This is a 5.93% tax increase from the rolled back rate of 5.8527; and
a voted debt service fnal millage rate of 0.3090 ($0.3090 per $1,000 of
assessed taxable value) which is a 8.82% reduction from the FY 2017/18 tax
4. Resolution adopting the Budget for the fscal year October 1, 2018, to
September 30, 2019; prescribing estimated Revenue Sources of
$246,888,734, and setting forth Operating Expenditures, Capital
Expenditures, and Transfers of $246,888,734.
Fred Coulter, Budget Offcer, to report.
Recommendation: City Manager recommends adoption of the Resolutions.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolutions.
Item 9L
Budget Offce - FY 2018/19 Property Taxes and Budget - City of DaytonaBeach (pp. 975-987)
1. PUBLIC HEARING - Members of the general public may speak on the
millage rate and the FY 2018-2019 budget.
2. Presentation by the Budget Offcer.
3. Resolution of the City of Daytona Beach adopting an ad valorum property
fnal tax millage rate of 6.2000 ($6.2000 per $1,000 of assessed taxable
value). This is a 5.93% tax increase from the rolled back rate of 5.8527; and
a voted debt service fnal millage rate of 0.3090 ($0.3090 per $1,000 of
assessed taxable value) which is a 8.82% reduction from the FY 2017/18 tax
4. Resolution adopting the Budget for the fscal year October 1, 2018, to
September 30, 2019; prescribing estimated Revenue Sources of
$246,888,734, and setting forth Operating Expenditures, Capital
Expenditures, and Transfers of $246,888,734.
Fred Coulter, Budget Offcer, to report.
Recommendation: City Manager recommends adoption of the Resolutions.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolutions.
Item 9M - Budget Offce - FY 2018/19 Property Taxes and Budget - Downtown
Development Authority (DDA) (pp. 988-998)
1. Presentation by Jason Jefferies, Redevelopment Project Manager.
Discussion on the proposed millage rate of 1.0000 and proposed budget.
2. PUBLIC HEARING - Members of the general public may speak and ask
questions on the proposed millage rate and the FY 2018/19 budget.
3 . Resolution of the Daytona Beach Downtown Development Authority
adopting an ad valorum property tax millage rate of 1.0000 ($1.0000 per
$1,000 of assessed taxable value). This is the rate utilized in the Notice of
Proposed Property Taxes and is a 27.50% tax increase from the rolled back
rate of 0.7843.
4. Resolution adopting the Budget for the fscal year October 1, 2018, to
September 30, 2019; prescribing estimated Revenue Sources of $266,032 and
setting forth Operating Expenditures, Capital Expenditures, and Transfers of
Jason Jeffries, Redevelopment Project Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Authority Chairman recommends action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolutions.
Item 9M
Budget Offce - FY 2018/19 Property Taxes and Budget - DowntownDevelopment Authority (DDA) (pp. 988-998)
1. Presentation by Jason Jefferies, Redevelopment Project Manager.
Discussion on the proposed millage rate of 1.0000 and proposed budget.
2. PUBLIC HEARING - Members of the general public may speak and ask
questions on the proposed millage rate and the FY 2018/19 budget.
3 . Resolution of the Daytona Beach Downtown Development Authority
adopting an ad valorum property tax millage rate of 1.0000 ($1.0000 per
$1,000 of assessed taxable value). This is the rate utilized in the Notice of
Proposed Property Taxes and is a 27.50% tax increase from the rolled back
rate of 0.7843.
4. Resolution adopting the Budget for the fscal year October 1, 2018, to
September 30, 2019; prescribing estimated Revenue Sources of $266,032 and
setting forth Operating Expenditures, Capital Expenditures, and Transfers of
Jason Jeffries, Redevelopment Project Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Authority Chairman recommends action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolutions.
Item 9N - Engineering/Public Works Department - Bellewood Commons Final Plat
(pp. 999-1012)
Resolution - PUBLIC HEARING - approving the Final Plat for Plat for
Bellewood Commons. The Final Plat includes area containing 5± acres and
4 developable lots. The subject property is located at 1250 Beville Road, at
the northeast corner of Beville Road and Cambridge Avenue. The building
on the site is vacant and was most recently used as the Christian &
Missionary Alliance Church. The fnal plat will allow for a mixued use
project on the property. Ordinance No. 18-51 adopted at the February 7th,
2018 City Commission Meeting approved the preliminary plat.
David Waller, Deputy Public Works Director, to report.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 9N
Engineering/Public Works Department - Bellewood Commons Final Plat(pp. 999-1012)
Resolution - PUBLIC HEARING - approving the Final Plat for Plat for
Bellewood Commons. The Final Plat includes area containing 5± acres and
4 developable lots. The subject property is located at 1250 Beville Road, at
the northeast corner of Beville Road and Cambridge Avenue. The building
on the site is vacant and was most recently used as the Christian &
Missionary Alliance Church. The fnal plat will allow for a mixued use
project on the property. Ordinance No. 18-51 adopted at the February 7th,
2018 City Commission Meeting approved the preliminary plat.
David Waller, Deputy Public Works Director, to report.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 9P - Development and Administrative Services - CVJCR Properties/Great
American Transportation Improvements Cost Allocation Agreement and
Proportionate Fair Share Contribution (pp. 1021-1029)
Resolution - PUBLIC HEARING - authorizing the City to enter into the
CVJCR Properties/Great American Transportation Improvements Cost
Allocation Agreement with CVJCR Properties, Ltd, LLP, ("Owner") and
approving the proportionate fair share contribution. The agreement provides
for a proportionate fair share contribution to the County in the amount of
$43,931.49 to address traffc concurrency and traffc impacts. The
contribution will provide transportation improvements in the impact area and
shall be paid to the County prior to the City's issuance of Certifcate of
Occupancy for CVJCR Properties/Great American. This project is located
west of Interstate-95 (I-95) and north of International Speedway Boulevard at
620 N. Tomoka Farms Road.
James Morris, Deputy City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager recommends adoption of the
Action: Motion to adopt Resolution.
Item 9P
Development and Administrative Services - CVJCR Properties/GreatAmerican Transportation Improvements Cost Allocation Agreement and
Proportionate Fair Share Contribution (pp. 1021-1029)
Resolution - PUBLIC HEARING - authorizing the City to enter into the
CVJCR Properties/Great American Transportation Improvements Cost
Allocation Agreement with CVJCR Properties, Ltd, LLP, ("Owner") and
approving the proportionate fair share contribution. The agreement provides
for a proportionate fair share contribution to the County in the amount of
$43,931.49 to address traffc concurrency and traffc impacts. The
contribution will provide transportation improvements in the impact area and
shall be paid to the County prior to the City's issuance of Certifcate of
Occupancy for CVJCR Properties/Great American. This project is located
west of Interstate-95 (I-95) and north of International Speedway Boulevard at
620 N. Tomoka Farms Road.
James Morris, Deputy City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager recommends adoption of the
Action: Motion to adopt Resolution.
Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Voluntary
Annexation - Kirton Tract (pp. 1039-1067)
Ordinance on frst reading approving a voluntary annexation of four
parcels for a total of 407.49± acres of land located at the southwest corner of
the intersection of Interstate 95 and Interstate 4, west of Interstate 95 and east
of Tomoka Farms Road, contiguous to the municipal boundary, and pursuant
to Chapter 171, Florida Statutes.
Parcel #6203-00-00-0060 – 1749 Tomoka Farms Road
Parcel #6203-00-00-0010 – 1661 Tomoka Farms Road
Parcel #5234-00-00-0370 – 1667 Tomoka Farms Road
Parcel #5234-00-00-0372 Tomoka Farms Road
Applicant: Glenn D. Storch, Storch Law Firm, on behalf of Thomas Kirton
and Katherine Wingard, as Co-Trustees of the Dorothy C. Kirton Living
Trust of November 17, 2004, and Myron S. Kirton Living Trust of November
17, 2004, and Bonnie L. Hutchinson and Laura L. Curtis.
Dennis Mrozek, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Director recommends approval.
Action: Motion to pass Ordinance on frst reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, November 7, 2018.
Item 10A
ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS.Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Voluntary
Annexation - Kirton Tract (pp. 1039-1067)
Ordinance on frst reading approving a voluntary annexation of four
parcels for a total of 407.49± acres of land located at the southwest corner of
the intersection of Interstate 95 and Interstate 4, west of Interstate 95 and east
of Tomoka Farms Road, contiguous to the municipal boundary, and pursuant
to Chapter 171, Florida Statutes.
Parcel #6203-00-00-0060 – 1749 Tomoka Farms Road
Parcel #6203-00-00-0010 – 1661 Tomoka Farms Road
Parcel #5234-00-00-0370 – 1667 Tomoka Farms Road
Parcel #5234-00-00-0372 Tomoka Farms Road
Applicant: Glenn D. Storch, Storch Law Firm, on behalf of Thomas Kirton
and Katherine Wingard, as Co-Trustees of the Dorothy C. Kirton Living
Trust of November 17, 2004, and Myron S. Kirton Living Trust of November
17, 2004, and Bonnie L. Hutchinson and Laura L. Curtis.
Dennis Mrozek, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Director recommends approval.
Action: Motion to pass Ordinance on frst reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, November 7, 2018.
Item 10B - Legal Department - City Code Amendment, Chapter 102 "Vehicles for Hire"
(pp. 1068-1071)
Ordinance on frst reading amending Chapter 102 - "Vehicle for Hire" - by
repealing certain provisions and adding certain requirements to provide
greater consistency with state's exclusive regulation of Transportation
Network Companies such as UBER and LYFT, providing for conficts,
codifcation and severability.
Robert Jagger, City Attorney, to report.
Recommendation: City Attorney recommends passing Ordinance on frst
Action: Motion to pass Ordinance on frst reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, October 3, 2018.
Item 10B
Legal Department - City Code Amendment, Chapter 102 "Vehicles for Hire"(pp. 1068-1071)
Ordinance on frst reading amending Chapter 102 - "Vehicle for Hire" - by
repealing certain provisions and adding certain requirements to provide
greater consistency with state's exclusive regulation of Transportation
Network Companies such as UBER and LYFT, providing for conficts,
codifcation and severability.
Robert Jagger, City Attorney, to report.
Recommendation: City Attorney recommends passing Ordinance on frst
Action: Motion to pass Ordinance on frst reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, October 3, 2018.
Item 10C - City Manager's Offce - Code Enforcement Board Appointments
(pp. 1072-1084)
Resolution appointing four (4) members to the Code Enforcement Board.
The membership term of Turner Hymes and Cheryl House have expired and
both would like to be reappointed. There are two additional open positions
made available as a result of the resignations from Dalynn Purdy and Vernon
Weatherholtz. The board shall consist of seven members appointed by the
City Commission. Members of the board shall be residents of the City. In
addition to the applications for reappointment from Ms. Turner and Ms.
House, we have applications from Karen Robey and Valorie McLean.
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 10C
City Manager's Offce - Code Enforcement Board Appointments(pp. 1072-1084)
Resolution appointing four (4) members to the Code Enforcement Board.
The membership term of Turner Hymes and Cheryl House have expired and
both would like to be reappointed. There are two additional open positions
made available as a result of the resignations from Dalynn Purdy and Vernon
Weatherholtz. The board shall consist of seven members appointed by the
City Commission. Members of the board shall be residents of the City. In
addition to the applications for reappointment from Ms. Turner and Ms.
House, we have applications from Karen Robey and Valorie McLean.
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Items 11 & 12
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