August 6, 2014 Regular City Commission Meetings
Items 1 - 3 - 1. ROLL CALL.
Items 1 - 3
Item 4 - Approval of Minutes
Approval of the minutes of the July 2, 2014 Regular City Commission Meeting held at
City Hall, 301 South Ridgewood Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Item 4
Approval of MinutesApproval of the minutes of the July 2, 2014 Regular City Commission Meeting held at
City Hall, 301 South Ridgewood Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Item 5
During this time Citizens have the opportunity to address the City Commission on any
item on the Consent Agenda or any other matter that is not on the Agenda.
Item 6
PUBLIC COMMENT BY PEOPLE ADDRESSING THE CITY COMMISSIONDuring this time Citizens have the opportunity to address the City Commission on any
item on the Consent Agenda or any other matter that is not on the Agenda.
Consent Agenda - 7A.Budget Amendment (pp. 13-16)
Resolution amending Resolution No. 13-223, which adopted the 2013-2014 budget, in
order to increase revenues by $277,325; and increase expenditures by $277,325.
Recommendation: Budget Officer recommends adoption of the Resolution.
7B. Sale of Surplus Land (pp. 17-61)
Resolution approving the sale of three (3) City-owned parcels of real property located
within the Midtown Redevelopment Area. The properties are adjacent to each respective
buyer's property. Because there is no record that these three properties were acquired
by, or included as, fixed assets of the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) it has
been determined that these properties are the asset of the City and do not require CRA
Recommendation: Redevelopment Director recommend adoption of the
7C.Finance Department - Banking Services - Contract Renewal (pp. 62-66)
Resolution authorizing the second and final renewal option with SunTrust Bank, 200
South Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL 32801, for a one-year term from October 1, 2014
through September 30, 2015, for an estimate annual cost of $28,000. Resolution No. 10-
260 authorized the approval of the banking services contract with SunTrust Bank for a
three-year period from October 1, 2010 through September 30, 2013, with two (2)
optional one-year renewals. Funds available in the General Fund and the Water and
Sewer Fund.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Officer recommends adoption of the
7D.Planning Solutions Corp. - Grant Management Consulting - Professional Services
Contract Approval (pp. 67-80)
Resolution approving a professional services contract with Planning Solutions Corp.
P.O. Box 4036, Ormond Beach, FL 32175-4036 for strategic planning, grant preparation,
and grant administrative services for a one-year term commencing August 15, 2014,
with options to renew for four additional one-year terms; authorizing payment of $8,531.25 for strategic planning services under the Contract for the remainder of the
2013-2014 fiscal year; and authorizing the City Manager to make certain additional
expenditures for services under the contract subject to budgeting and appropriations.
Planning Solutions would provide strategic planning services for an annual fee of
$68,250. Planning Solutions would also provide grant planning and administrative
services for additional fees to be negotiated when such services are needed, subject to
availability of funds, and depending upon the fee amount, City Commission approval.
The contract provides the City the right to terminate with or without cause. The
proposal has been reviewed by staff from several City departments and all are in
agreement that implementation of this initiative should substantially enhance current
grant funding and improve our grant compliance efforts. Funds available in the General
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
7E. Finance Department - Cash Cycle Solutions - Utility Billing Mailing Contract -
Amendment (pp. 81-104)
Resolution approving an amendment to the Utility Bill Mailing contract with Cash Cycle
Solutions (CCS), 3035 Horseshoe Lane, Suite R, Charlotte, NC 28208, to modify the
contract scope of work to include web services and online document viewing
capabilities, allowing customers to choose to download a copy of their water bill in the
exact format as the printed water bill; increasing the annual expense maximum of
$28,000 per year, authorized by Resolution 13-264, to a maximum of $35,000 per year,
and authorizing the City Manager to expend funds for non-recurring, and annually
recurring fees, provided sufficient funds are available. The amendment includes nonrecurring
fees of $3,110 and an increase in estimated annual recurring charges of $3,210
for a total expenditure of $6,320. This scope of work change has the potential of
reducing costs by eliminating postage, provided customers adopt the City’s paperless bill
offerings. Funds available in the Water and Sewer Improvement Fund and the Water
and Sewer Fund.
7F. Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) - Subordination of City Utility Interest
Agreements - Approval (pp. 105-122)
Resolution approving three Subordination of City Utility Interests Agreement with the
Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), providing FDOT have primary interest in
easements currently issued to the City in three different areas where FDOT will be
constructing improvements to enhance pedestrian safety and improve aesthetics in the
vicinity of the Daytona International Speedway as part of the U.S.92 Comprehensive
Pedestrian Safety Project. Before funding is committed, FDOT requires that they are
able to confirm that all easements and right-of-way acquisitions are acquired. There is
no cost to the City associated with this action.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager/Operation recommends adoption
of the Resolution.
7G.Clubhouse Restaurant Inc., Inventory and Accessories Purchase (pp. 123-129)
Resolution approving the purchase of the Clubhouse Restaurant, Inc. inventory of tables
and chairs, kitchen and various restaurant equipment at the wholesale value of $46,608.
City staff is preparing a Request for Proposals (RFP) to identify a company or proprietor
to start new operations. This purchase will allow the next operator to start with all the
essential equipment to run a full service restaurant. Funds available in the Capital
Projects Fund.
Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship Funds (pp. 130-134)
Resolution authorizing the payment from the General Fund in the amount of: $500 to the Community Unity Festival; and $500 to SMA Behavioral Healthcare for Recovery Month Project from the Bike Week Sponsorship Fund of Commissioner Carl Lentz, IV.
$501 to the Community Unity Festival; $250 to SMA Behavioral Healthcare for
Recovery Month Project; and $1000 to Boys and Girls Clubs of Volusia/Flager from the
Bike Week Sponsorship Fund of Commissioner Robert Gilliland.
$250 to the Community Unity Festival from the Bike Week Sponsorship Fund of
Commissioner Patrick Henry.
$250 to the Community Unity Festival from the Bike Week Sponsorship Fund of Mayor
Derrick Henry.
$1,000 to the Community Unity Festival from the Bike Week Sponsorship Fund of
Commissioner Paula Reed.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Officer recommends adoption of the
7I. Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship Funds **Addendum added 08-01-14**
Resolution authorizing payment from the General Fund in the amount of:
$250 to the Heritage Preservation Trust from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of
Commissioner Kelly White.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Officer recommends adoption of the
Consent Agenda
7A.Budget Amendment (pp. 13-16)Resolution amending Resolution No. 13-223, which adopted the 2013-2014 budget, in
order to increase revenues by $277,325; and increase expenditures by $277,325.
Recommendation: Budget Officer recommends adoption of the Resolution.
7B. Sale of Surplus Land (pp. 17-61)
Resolution approving the sale of three (3) City-owned parcels of real property located
within the Midtown Redevelopment Area. The properties are adjacent to each respective
buyer's property. Because there is no record that these three properties were acquired
by, or included as, fixed assets of the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) it has
been determined that these properties are the asset of the City and do not require CRA
Recommendation: Redevelopment Director recommend adoption of the
7C.Finance Department - Banking Services - Contract Renewal (pp. 62-66)
Resolution authorizing the second and final renewal option with SunTrust Bank, 200
South Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL 32801, for a one-year term from October 1, 2014
through September 30, 2015, for an estimate annual cost of $28,000. Resolution No. 10-
260 authorized the approval of the banking services contract with SunTrust Bank for a
three-year period from October 1, 2010 through September 30, 2013, with two (2)
optional one-year renewals. Funds available in the General Fund and the Water and
Sewer Fund.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Officer recommends adoption of the
7D.Planning Solutions Corp. - Grant Management Consulting - Professional Services
Contract Approval (pp. 67-80)
Resolution approving a professional services contract with Planning Solutions Corp.
P.O. Box 4036, Ormond Beach, FL 32175-4036 for strategic planning, grant preparation,
and grant administrative services for a one-year term commencing August 15, 2014,
with options to renew for four additional one-year terms; authorizing payment of $8,531.25 for strategic planning services under the Contract for the remainder of the
2013-2014 fiscal year; and authorizing the City Manager to make certain additional
expenditures for services under the contract subject to budgeting and appropriations.
Planning Solutions would provide strategic planning services for an annual fee of
$68,250. Planning Solutions would also provide grant planning and administrative
services for additional fees to be negotiated when such services are needed, subject to
availability of funds, and depending upon the fee amount, City Commission approval.
The contract provides the City the right to terminate with or without cause. The
proposal has been reviewed by staff from several City departments and all are in
agreement that implementation of this initiative should substantially enhance current
grant funding and improve our grant compliance efforts. Funds available in the General
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
7E. Finance Department - Cash Cycle Solutions - Utility Billing Mailing Contract -
Amendment (pp. 81-104)
Resolution approving an amendment to the Utility Bill Mailing contract with Cash Cycle
Solutions (CCS), 3035 Horseshoe Lane, Suite R, Charlotte, NC 28208, to modify the
contract scope of work to include web services and online document viewing
capabilities, allowing customers to choose to download a copy of their water bill in the
exact format as the printed water bill; increasing the annual expense maximum of
$28,000 per year, authorized by Resolution 13-264, to a maximum of $35,000 per year,
and authorizing the City Manager to expend funds for non-recurring, and annually
recurring fees, provided sufficient funds are available. The amendment includes nonrecurring
fees of $3,110 and an increase in estimated annual recurring charges of $3,210
for a total expenditure of $6,320. This scope of work change has the potential of
reducing costs by eliminating postage, provided customers adopt the City’s paperless bill
offerings. Funds available in the Water and Sewer Improvement Fund and the Water
and Sewer Fund.
7F. Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) - Subordination of City Utility Interest
Agreements - Approval (pp. 105-122)
Resolution approving three Subordination of City Utility Interests Agreement with the
Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), providing FDOT have primary interest in
easements currently issued to the City in three different areas where FDOT will be
constructing improvements to enhance pedestrian safety and improve aesthetics in the
vicinity of the Daytona International Speedway as part of the U.S.92 Comprehensive
Pedestrian Safety Project. Before funding is committed, FDOT requires that they are
able to confirm that all easements and right-of-way acquisitions are acquired. There is
no cost to the City associated with this action.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager/Operation recommends adoption
of the Resolution.
7G.Clubhouse Restaurant Inc., Inventory and Accessories Purchase (pp. 123-129)
Resolution approving the purchase of the Clubhouse Restaurant, Inc. inventory of tables
and chairs, kitchen and various restaurant equipment at the wholesale value of $46,608.
City staff is preparing a Request for Proposals (RFP) to identify a company or proprietor
to start new operations. This purchase will allow the next operator to start with all the
essential equipment to run a full service restaurant. Funds available in the Capital
Projects Fund.
Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship Funds (pp. 130-134)
Resolution authorizing the payment from the General Fund in the amount of: $500 to the Community Unity Festival; and $500 to SMA Behavioral Healthcare for Recovery Month Project from the Bike Week Sponsorship Fund of Commissioner Carl Lentz, IV.
$501 to the Community Unity Festival; $250 to SMA Behavioral Healthcare for
Recovery Month Project; and $1000 to Boys and Girls Clubs of Volusia/Flager from the
Bike Week Sponsorship Fund of Commissioner Robert Gilliland.
$250 to the Community Unity Festival from the Bike Week Sponsorship Fund of
Commissioner Patrick Henry.
$250 to the Community Unity Festival from the Bike Week Sponsorship Fund of Mayor
Derrick Henry.
$1,000 to the Community Unity Festival from the Bike Week Sponsorship Fund of
Commissioner Paula Reed.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Officer recommends adoption of the
7I. Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship Funds **Addendum added 08-01-14**
Resolution authorizing payment from the General Fund in the amount of:
$250 to the Heritage Preservation Trust from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of
Commissioner Kelly White.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Officer recommends adoption of the
Item 8A - KRK Investments /Starbucks Coffee – Rezoning, Planned Redevelopment District (pp.
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - approving a request to rezone
0.8± acre of land located at 110 S. Ocean Avenue from Atlantic Avenue Retail (RDB-5)
to Planned Redevelopment District (PRD) to establish a Starbucks Coffee restaurant and
authorizing the Mayor to execute the Planned Redevelopment District
Agreement. Applicant: Joseph Hopkins, Performance Group, Inc. on behalf of the
property owner, KRK Investments, LLC. (Continued from the July 16, 2014 Regular
City Commission Meeting)
Reed Berger, Redevelopment Director, to report.
Recommendation: Main Street/South Atlantic Redevelopment Area Board
recommends approval 8-to-0.
Planning Board Recommends approval 8-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.
Item 8A
KRK Investments /Starbucks Coffee – Rezoning, Planned Redevelopment District (pp.135-218)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - approving a request to rezone
0.8± acre of land located at 110 S. Ocean Avenue from Atlantic Avenue Retail (RDB-5)
to Planned Redevelopment District (PRD) to establish a Starbucks Coffee restaurant and
authorizing the Mayor to execute the Planned Redevelopment District
Agreement. Applicant: Joseph Hopkins, Performance Group, Inc. on behalf of the
property owner, KRK Investments, LLC. (Continued from the July 16, 2014 Regular
City Commission Meeting)
Reed Berger, Redevelopment Director, to report.
Recommendation: Main Street/South Atlantic Redevelopment Area Board
recommends approval 8-to-0.
Planning Board Recommends approval 8-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.
Item 8B - Police & Fire Pension Plan - Ordinance - A (pp. 219-224)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - amending the City Charter
Subpart D - Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement System; amending Section 5 -
Contributions, Subsection 1 - Member Contributions.
James A. Sexton, Human Resources Director, to report.
Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption of the
Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.
Item 8B
Police & Fire Pension Plan - Ordinance - A (pp. 219-224)Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - amending the City Charter
Subpart D - Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement System; amending Section 5 -
Contributions, Subsection 1 - Member Contributions.
James A. Sexton, Human Resources Director, to report.
Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption of the
Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.
Item 8C - Police & Fire Pension Plan - Ordinance - B (pp. 225-236)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - amending the City Charter
Subpart D - Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement System; amending Section 5 -
Contributions, Section 6 - Benefit Amounts and Eligibility and Section 27 - Deferred
NovusAGENDA[8/1/2014 2:19:51 PM]
Retirement Option Plan.
James A. Sexton, Human Resources Director, to report.
Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption of the
Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.
Item 8C
Police & Fire Pension Plan - Ordinance - B (pp. 225-236)Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - amending the City Charter
Subpart D - Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement System; amending Section 5 -
Contributions, Section 6 - Benefit Amounts and Eligibility and Section 27 - Deferred
NovusAGENDA[8/1/2014 2:19:51 PM]
Retirement Option Plan.
James A. Sexton, Human Resources Director, to report.
Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption of the
Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.
Item 8D - Charter Amendment (pp. 237-294)
Ordinance on first reading - PUBLIC HEARING - approving a revised City Charter,
Sub-Part A, in its entirety, and approving additional specific amendments to the Charter,
or revised Charter, to (1) reduce the Planning Board from eleven members to seven; (2)
require the Mayor to deliver an annual State of the City Address; (3) reduce the number
of signatures required on an initiative and referendum petition from 20% of registered
City voters to 10%; and (4) provide for the City Commission to appoint a City Auditor;
and calling referenda November 4, 2014, to consider approval of adoption of this
Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to pass the Ordinance on first reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, August 20.
Item 8D
Charter Amendment (pp. 237-294)Ordinance on first reading - PUBLIC HEARING - approving a revised City Charter,
Sub-Part A, in its entirety, and approving additional specific amendments to the Charter,
or revised Charter, to (1) reduce the Planning Board from eleven members to seven; (2)
require the Mayor to deliver an annual State of the City Address; (3) reduce the number
of signatures required on an initiative and referendum petition from 20% of registered
City voters to 10%; and (4) provide for the City Commission to appoint a City Auditor;
and calling referenda November 4, 2014, to consider approval of adoption of this
Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to pass the Ordinance on first reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, August 20.
Item 8E - Daytona International Speedway, LLC - Florida Sports Development Incentive Funds -
Recommendation (pp. 295-297)
Resolution - PUBLIC HEARING - recommending Daytona International Speedway,
LLC to be a Recipient of Florida Sports Development Incentive Funds. The Speedway
hosts several world renown racing events each year and is investing $400 million into
the Daytona Rising Speedway facility to further expand and enhance the fan and visitor
experience in Daytona Beach/Volusia County. This expansion includes redesigned
entrances, escalators, elevators, social areas, new more comfortable seating, improved
observation areas and video screens. The investment is projected to create substantial
economic impact throughout the area and the state through new jobs and increased
payroll, as well as, through all the spin-offs from these activities including increased
visitation; more and longer hotel stays, greater support for area merchants, and increased
ancillary commercial business growth. The Daytona International Speedway, LLC
qualifies to be a recipient of Florida Sports Development Incentive Funds per F.S.
288.11625 and would use these funds to increase and enhance recreational facilities in
Volusia County.
Emory Counts, Economic/Community Development Director, to report.
Recommendation: Economic/Community Development Director recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 8E
Daytona International Speedway, LLC - Florida Sports Development Incentive Funds -Recommendation (pp. 295-297)
Resolution - PUBLIC HEARING - recommending Daytona International Speedway,
LLC to be a Recipient of Florida Sports Development Incentive Funds. The Speedway
hosts several world renown racing events each year and is investing $400 million into
the Daytona Rising Speedway facility to further expand and enhance the fan and visitor
experience in Daytona Beach/Volusia County. This expansion includes redesigned
entrances, escalators, elevators, social areas, new more comfortable seating, improved
observation areas and video screens. The investment is projected to create substantial
economic impact throughout the area and the state through new jobs and increased
payroll, as well as, through all the spin-offs from these activities including increased
visitation; more and longer hotel stays, greater support for area merchants, and increased
ancillary commercial business growth. The Daytona International Speedway, LLC
qualifies to be a recipient of Florida Sports Development Incentive Funds per F.S.
288.11625 and would use these funds to increase and enhance recreational facilities in
Volusia County.
Emory Counts, Economic/Community Development Director, to report.
Recommendation: Economic/Community Development Director recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 9A - Tarragona Shoppes - Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (pp. 298-357)
Ordinance on first reading - approving a Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment
(LSCPA) changing the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designation from Office
Transition to Low Intensity Commercial for 2.47± acres of land along the south side of
west International Speedway Boulevard, between Nova Road and Clyde Morris
Boulevard. The second component of the proposed amendment includes a modification
to Neighborhood Policy M, Issue (e), Policy (1), to allow a scenic setback to be
maintained, of which the specific parameters may be established through a Planned
Development (PD) rezoning and to also allow commercial development to include the
uses of restaurant and retail sales and limit the amount of such allowed uses to 50% of
the gross floor area. Applicant: Robert A. Merrell III, Esq., Cobb Cole, on behalf of
Paul F. Holub, Jr., Speedway Investors, LLC
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 6-to-l.
Action: Motion to pass Ordinance on first reading.
Item 9A
Tarragona Shoppes - Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (pp. 298-357)Ordinance on first reading - approving a Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment
(LSCPA) changing the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designation from Office
Transition to Low Intensity Commercial for 2.47± acres of land along the south side of
west International Speedway Boulevard, between Nova Road and Clyde Morris
Boulevard. The second component of the proposed amendment includes a modification
to Neighborhood Policy M, Issue (e), Policy (1), to allow a scenic setback to be
maintained, of which the specific parameters may be established through a Planned
Development (PD) rezoning and to also allow commercial development to include the
uses of restaurant and retail sales and limit the amount of such allowed uses to 50% of
the gross floor area. Applicant: Robert A. Merrell III, Esq., Cobb Cole, on behalf of
Paul F. Holub, Jr., Speedway Investors, LLC
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 6-to-l.
Action: Motion to pass Ordinance on first reading.
Item 9B - Tarragona Shoppes PCD - Rezoning, Planned Commercial Development (pp. 358-460)
Ordinance on first reading - approving a request to rezone the property located at 1145
West International Speedway Blvd. from Office Professional (OP) to Planned
Commercial Development (PCD) to allow for the development of a 21,036± square foot
office and retail center and authorizing the Mayor to execute the Planned Commercial
Development Agreement. Applicant: Robert A. Merrell III, Esq., Cobb Cole, on behalf
of Paul F. Holub, Jr., Speedway Investors, LLC
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 7-to-2.
Action: Motion to pass the Ordinance on first reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, August 20.
Item 9B
Tarragona Shoppes PCD - Rezoning, Planned Commercial Development (pp. 358-460)Ordinance on first reading - approving a request to rezone the property located at 1145
West International Speedway Blvd. from Office Professional (OP) to Planned
Commercial Development (PCD) to allow for the development of a 21,036± square foot
office and retail center and authorizing the Mayor to execute the Planned Commercial
Development Agreement. Applicant: Robert A. Merrell III, Esq., Cobb Cole, on behalf
of Paul F. Holub, Jr., Speedway Investors, LLC
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 7-to-2.
Action: Motion to pass the Ordinance on first reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, August 20.
Item 9C - Land Development Code Text Amendment - Permitting EMC's at Retail Centers along
International Speedway Boulevard (pp. 461-473)
Ordinance on first reading - amending the Land Development Code (LDC), Article 18
(Appearance Standards), Section 6 (Signs), permitting Electronic Message Center
(EMC) signs as part of a Comprehensive Signage Plan (CSP) for properties exceeding
35 acres and adjacent to the International Speedway Blvd. Applicant: Robert A.
Merrell III, Esq., Cobb Cole, on behalf of Jamey Flegal, Volusia Mall, LLC c/o CBL &
Richard Walton, Planning Director to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 9-to-0.
Action: Motion to pass the Ordinance on first reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, August 20.
Item 9C
Land Development Code Text Amendment - Permitting EMC's at Retail Centers alongInternational Speedway Boulevard (pp. 461-473)
Ordinance on first reading - amending the Land Development Code (LDC), Article 18
(Appearance Standards), Section 6 (Signs), permitting Electronic Message Center
(EMC) signs as part of a Comprehensive Signage Plan (CSP) for properties exceeding
35 acres and adjacent to the International Speedway Blvd. Applicant: Robert A.
Merrell III, Esq., Cobb Cole, on behalf of Jamey Flegal, Volusia Mall, LLC c/o CBL &
Richard Walton, Planning Director to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 9-to-0.
Action: Motion to pass the Ordinance on first reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, August 20.
Item 9D - Zoning Map Amendment - Rezoning, Bay Street RDD-2 (pp. 474-489)
Ordinance on first reading - approving a request to rezone five parcels totaling 0.648±
acres located at 228, 231, 232 Bay Street & the vacant lot on Bay Street, 145 N.
Ridgewood Avenue from RDD-3 (Commercial) to RDD-2 (Central Business Mixed
Use) in order to facilitate urban commercial development. Applicant: Dwight Selby,
on behalf of Burgoyne Properties LTD, Geraldine M Meadows, Billie-Banner Properties
LLC, Michael Lai Chin et al, and China Dragon Enterprise, Inc.
Reed Berger, Redevelopment Director, to report.
Recommendation: Downtown/Ballough Road Redevelopment Area Board
recommends approval 7-to-0.
Planning Board recommends approval 9-to-0.
Action: Motion to pass the Ordinance on first reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, August 20.
Item 9D
Zoning Map Amendment - Rezoning, Bay Street RDD-2 (pp. 474-489)Ordinance on first reading - approving a request to rezone five parcels totaling 0.648±
acres located at 228, 231, 232 Bay Street & the vacant lot on Bay Street, 145 N.
Ridgewood Avenue from RDD-3 (Commercial) to RDD-2 (Central Business Mixed
Use) in order to facilitate urban commercial development. Applicant: Dwight Selby,
on behalf of Burgoyne Properties LTD, Geraldine M Meadows, Billie-Banner Properties
LLC, Michael Lai Chin et al, and China Dragon Enterprise, Inc.
Reed Berger, Redevelopment Director, to report.
Recommendation: Downtown/Ballough Road Redevelopment Area Board
recommends approval 7-to-0.
Planning Board recommends approval 9-to-0.
Action: Motion to pass the Ordinance on first reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, August 20.
Item 9E - Andros Isles RPUD - Residential Planned Unit Development First Amendment (pp.
Ordinance on first reading - approving a request to amend the RPUD Agreement for
the purpose of developing lot 1 and 2, located at the corner of Williamson and Beville,
for use as a 6,000± square foot retail store with gas pumps and authorizing the Mayor to
execute the Residential Planned Unit Development First Amendment. Applicant: Frank
J. O’Keefe, P.E., Zev Cohen & Associates, on behalf of Edward Kobel, DD Gateway
Daytona, LLC.
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 7-to-2.
Action: Motion to pass the Ordinance on first reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, August 20.
Item 9E
Andros Isles RPUD - Residential Planned Unit Development First Amendment (pp.490-533)
Ordinance on first reading - approving a request to amend the RPUD Agreement for
the purpose of developing lot 1 and 2, located at the corner of Williamson and Beville,
for use as a 6,000± square foot retail store with gas pumps and authorizing the Mayor to
execute the Residential Planned Unit Development First Amendment. Applicant: Frank
J. O’Keefe, P.E., Zev Cohen & Associates, on behalf of Edward Kobel, DD Gateway
Daytona, LLC.
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 7-to-2.
Action: Motion to pass the Ordinance on first reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, August 20.
Item 9F - Merger of Volusia League of Cities and Volusia Council of Governments (pp. 534-543)
Resolution supporting the merger of the Volusia League of Cities (VLOC) and the
Volusia Council of Governments (VCOG). The Executive Committees for the Volusia
League of Cities (VLOC) and the Volusia Council of Governments (VCOG) have joined
together in creating a hybrid organization that would combine and expand services from
both organizations, as well as, making involvement for elected officials, staff and
businesses more inclusive.
Commissioner Carl Lentz, to report.
Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 9F
Merger of Volusia League of Cities and Volusia Council of Governments (pp. 534-543)Resolution supporting the merger of the Volusia League of Cities (VLOC) and the
Volusia Council of Governments (VCOG). The Executive Committees for the Volusia
League of Cities (VLOC) and the Volusia Council of Governments (VCOG) have joined
together in creating a hybrid organization that would combine and expand services from
both organizations, as well as, making involvement for elected officials, staff and
businesses more inclusive.
Commissioner Carl Lentz, to report.
Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Items 10 & 11
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