July 9, 2018 Regular City Commission Meetings
Items 1 - 3 - 1. ROLL CALL.
Items 1 - 3
Item 4 - Approval of Minutes
Approval of the Minutes will be on the July 18, 2018 Business Meeting of
the City Commission.
Item 4
Approval of MinutesApproval of the Minutes will be on the July 18, 2018 Business Meeting of
the City Commission.
During this time Citizens have the opportunity to address the City
Commission on any item on the Consent Agenda. Items or discussions not
listed on the Agenda will not be heard during this comment section.
Item 7
During this time Citizens have the opportunity to address the City
Commission on any item on the Consent Agenda. Items or discussions not
listed on the Agenda will not be heard during this comment section.
8.A. City Manager's Offce - Campbell Aquatic Center - Racing & Recreational
Facilities District - Grant Application (pp. 18-20)
Resolution supporting the submission of grant application to Racing &
Recreational Facilities District for critical improvements needed to the
Campbell Aquatic Center. In 2016, the Campbell Pool received necessary
repairs to the deteriorating fberglass pool surface and installation of a heater
to allow year-round use. However, the surrounding facilities remain in need
of renovation and repair to allow safe and continuous access for the
surrounding community. In addition, due to its small size and increased local
demand, capacity improvements are needed. The surrounding facilities
remain in need of renovation and repair and include: Phase 1 - Lifeguard
pavilion and secure pool entry $81,250. Phase 2 - Expand east pool deck
and add shade structures and tables/chairs $73,624. Phase 3 - Remodel and
expand existing restrooms and remodel existing offces into storage rooms
$330,000. TOTAL: $484,514. An application was submitted to the Daytona
Beach Racing and Recreational Facilities District on June 19, 2018
requesting $154,874 to fund phases 1 and 2. The City has $150,000 matching
funds available towards the project.
Recommendation: Government Relations Administrator recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8.B. Legal Department - Bumb v. City Of Daytona Beach - Settlement of Claim
(pp. 21-24)
Resolution authorizing payment in the amount of $70,000 to Bonnie Bumb,
Leslie Bumb and their attorney, Martin Jaffee, Esq., for release of all claims
and full settlement arising from injuries allegedly sustained from a July 14,
2017 slip and fall on City property. Funds available in the Consolidated
Insurance Fund.
Recommendation: City Attorney recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8.C. Risk Management - Wright National Flood Insurance Company - Flood
Insurance Renewal (pp. 25-39)
Resolution accepting renewal proposals submitted by Wright National Flood
Insurance Company, P.O. Box 33033, St. Petersburg, FL 33733 for an
annual premium in the amount of $41,986 for food insurance coverage for
various City properties in food zones for the period of July 25, 2018 to July
25, 2018 (this is a $10,041 decrease due to the reduction in number of
buildings we need to insure) and authorizing payment for any additional
food premium, not to exceed $20,000, for additional properties determined
to be in food zones and for adjustments in property values that may cause a
need for an increase of coverage during the period of July 25, 2018 to July
25, 2019. Funds available in the Consolidated Insurance Fund.
Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.D. Engineering/Public Works Division - Halifax Hospital Medical Center -
Terminable Vehicular Access Easement (pp. 40-48)
Resolution approving a Deed of Dedication for Terminable Vehicular
Access Easement from Halifax Hospital Medical Center, a special Taxing
District organized and existing pursuant to Chapter 2003-374, Laws of
Florida. This easement is associated with the Halifax Hospital Medical
Center Final Plat.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.E. Police Department - City of Daytona Beach and Volusia County School
Board - Memorandum Of Understanding (pp. 49-58)
Resolution approving a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the
City of Daytona Beach and Volusia County School Board for 11 School
Safety Offcers. The term of the agreement will be from July 1, 2018, through
June 30, 2019, with the Volusia County School board agreeing to pay 70% of
the salary and benefts for the offcers for a total of $533,088 for the one (1)
year period. The 30% balance to be covered by the City is $228,467. This
agreement may be terminated by either party, with or without cause, with a
minimum of a one hundred eighty (180) days written notice. Any additional
work that is performed by a School Safety Offcer not covered in the
contract, outside of their normal duties, the City will bill the School Board at
a rate of $40 per hour. The salary and benefts cost for the 11 offcers are
included in the FY2018-2019 budget. The $533,088 will need to be
budgeted as a revenue to offset the offcer costs.
Recommendation: Chief of Police recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8.F. City Manager's Offce - River to Sea Transportation Planning Organization -
Funding Agreement (pp. 59-66)
Resolution approving the Funding Agreement for the River to Sea
Transportation Planning Organization in the amount of $6,554. The
agreement is to provide the River to Sea Transportation Planning
Organization (R2CTPO) with funding to support the functions necessary to
achieve its desired role in planning the transportation system. The R2CTPO
is the duly designated and constituted body responsible for carrying out the
urban transportation planning and programming process for Volusia County
and portions of Flagler County. Funds available in the General Fund.
Recommendation: City Manager recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8.G. City Manager's Offce - Wells Fargo Equipment Finances, Inc -
Subordination Lien Agreement (pp. 67-69)
Resolution authorizing the execution of the Subordination Lien Agreement
between Wells Fargo Equipment Fiance, Inc., and the City of Daytona
Beach. The Tortugas, LLC secured an equipment loan through Wells Fargo
Equipment Finances, Inc., to purchase an outdoor LED Scoring/Control
System for Jackie Robinson Ballpark. As the landlord/property owner of
Jackie Robinson Ballpark, Wells Fargo requires the City to execute the
Recommendation: City Manager recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8.H. Development and administrative Services/Redevelopment - Bourbon On The
Beach, LLC - Sidewalk Café License Agreement (pp. 70-86)
Resolution approving a Sidewalk Café License Agreement with Bourbon on
Beach, LLC, 230 South Beach Street, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 for a
sidewalk license agreement to provide outdoor table service in the RDD-1
(Beach Street retail) zoning district. The agreement will permit Bourbon on
Beach, LLC to operate a sidewalk café and place a sidewalk café boundary
fence with awning support posts on City property adjacent to their business.
Recommendation: Redevelopment Director recommends adoption of the
8.I. Business Enterprise Management Department - LPGA Foundation, Inc -
Commerical Lease Agreement (pp. 87-115)
Resolution approving a Commercial Lease Agreement between the City of
Daytona and The LPGA Foundation, Inc., at the Florida Tennis Center for a
one-year term commencing July 1, 2018 with two one-year renewal
options. The LPGA Foundation, Inc., primary activities focuses on running
the girls gold program, leadership academies, women's golf tournaments, and
LPGA Amateur Golf Association. The lease is for a 4000 square foot
commercial offce space at the Florida Tennis Center and the City will
receive the following revenue stream for the duration of the lease; Year 1 -
$60,000 and Year 2 - 3, $125,454 for a total amount of $185,454.
Recommendation: Business Enterprise Management Director recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8.J. Development Services/Cultural & Leisure Services Department - Zoom Air
Daytona Beach, LLC - Agreement Amendment (pp. 116-147)
Resolution approving the proposed amendment to the agreement for
construction, installation, and operation of Zoom Air Daytona Beach, LLC
Aerial Adventure Park. Zoom Air Daytona Beach LLC has operated Zoom
Air Adventure Park located in Tuscawilla Park since April 19, 2012. The
existing zipline course has been inoperational since receiving damage from
Hurricane Matthew in 2016. Zoom Air Daytona Beach desires to repair and
resume operation of its zipline course. The purpose of the proposed
amendment is (1) to allow Zoom Air Daytona Beach LLC to rebrand the
course under an alternate "trade name" or d/b/a, and (2) to give the City's
Risk Manager discretion and authority to allow for additional changes in
insurance coverage, when the Risk Manager determines that changes are
consistent with other similar-in-scope Central Florida area business
operations, and are reasonable in light of prior claims against Zoom Air's
Recommendation: Cultural & Leisure Services Director recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8.K. Cultural and Leisure Services Department - KOMPAN, Inc. - Schnebly
Recreation Center Playground - Construction Contract Award
(pp. 148-178)
Resolution approving a contract with KOMPAN, Inc, 821 Grand Avenue
Parkway, Ste 410, Pfugerville, TX 78660 in the amount of $32,446.01 for
the purchase and installation of playground equipment at the Schnebly
Recreation Center. This quote is a pursuant to a cooperative, U.S.
Communities Contract, contract number 2017001135. Funds available in the
Capital Project Funds.
Recommendation: Cultural & Leisure Services Department Director
recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8.L. Cultural and Leisure Services Department - Giles Electric Company, Inc -
Schnebly Recreation Center Basketball Court Lighting - Contract Award
(pp. 179-205)
Resolution approving a term electrical service contract with Giles Electric
Company, Inc., 1700 S. Segrave Street, South Daytona FL 32121,
piggybacking on a contract between Giles Electric and the City of South
Daytona accepting a proposal to install basketball court lighting as authorized
under contract and approving an expenditure with Giles Electric in the
amount of $31,210 for the installation of basketball court lighting at the
Schnebly Recreation Center. Funds available in the Capital Projects Fund.
Recommendation: Cultural and Leisure Services Director recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8.M. Public Works/Technical Services Division - Trident Resurfacing, Inc -
Peabody Auditorium Floor Replacement Contract (pp. 206-228)
Resolution approving the Contract with Trident Resurfacing, Inc., 5399 NW
161st Street, Miami, FL 33014 for a total amount of $77,257.25 for the
removal of and replacement of the existing stage foor at the Peabody
Auditorium. The existing stage foor is not a resilient type foor and has been
the basis of complaints from dance groups who have used and performed at
the Peabody Auditorium in the past. Funds available in the General
Fund ($27,257.26) and the Grant Projects Fund ( $49,999.99).
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.N. Business Enterprise Management Department - CMG Pro Security Services,
Inc. - Amendment No. 2 to Contract No. 011703540
(pp. 229-264)
Resolution approving Amendment No. 2 to Contract No. 0117-3540 with
CMG Pro Security, Inc., 1142 Pelican Bay Drive, Daytona Beach, FL 32119
with the following stipulations:
Waive Section 30-81 (Source Selection) of the Purchasing Code.
Approve the amendment which adds Halifax Harbor Marina to the
contract for security services under the same terms and conditions
retroactive to their start date of May 31, 2018.
Authorize the City Manager to exercise renewal options under the same
terms and conditions subject to budget appropriations.
Approve an expenditure of $27,656 for the remainder of FY 2017-
2018. Funds needed for subsequent fscal years will be included in
future year budgets as adopted by City Commission.
Credible Security Services cancelled their security services contract with the
City without explanation. Staff examined several options and determined
amending the security contract with CMG Pro Security of Daytona Beach
was the only option that would provide uninterrupted security services to the
Marina. CMG Pro Security currently provides security services to the Band
Shell, Peabody, and Westside Regional Treatment Plants. The Purchasing
Code authorizes the City Commission to waive compliance with any
provision of the code where it determines that such a waiver is in the best
interest of the City. Funds available in the Halifax Harbor Fund.
Recommendation: Business Enterprise Management Director recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8.O. Utilities Department - 4C's Trucking and Excavation, Inc - Ratifcation of an
Emergency Expenditure for the ISB/SR600/US-92 Utility Repairs and Water
Main Adjustments Contract (pp. 265-327)
Resolution ratifying an emergency expenditure for the ISB/SR600/US-92
Utility Repairs and Water Main Adjustments Contract in the amount of
$263,936.59 with 4C's Trucking and Excavation, Inc., 331 Sawgrass Road,
Bunnell, FL 32110. This request is needed to fully comply with City
Purchasing Code Section 30-52(b) Emergency Purchases for the selection of
a contractor to complete construction of required City improvements ahead
of FDOT's storm water project on W. International Speedway Boulevard
between Helms Place and Segrave Street. Funds available in the Renewal
and Replacement 8% Fund.
Recommendation: Interim Utilities Director recommends adoption of the
8.P. Utilities Department - Central Florida Liftstations - Ratifcation of an
Emergency Expenditure for Lift Stations 50 and 115 (pp. 328-335)
Resolution ratifying an emergency expenditure to Central Florida
Liftstations, P.O. Box 740179, Orange City, FL 32774-0179 in the amount of
$25,850 for the installation of suction piping and associated valve work for
lift stations 50 and 115. Lift stations No. 50 and 115 do not have an
emergency by-pass pumps for system failures related to loss of power or
pump failures and both have experienced past failures which resulted in
sewer back-ups. This work includes the installation of suction piping within
the wet wells and associated valves needed to connect an emergency diesel
driven by-pass pump to the lift stations. The by-pass pumps are expected to
be delivered late July and the pump manufacturer has offered temporary
pumps for these locations in the interim until the permanent pumps are
delivered. The work described above must be completed before the loaner
pumps can be utilized. Funds available in the Water and Sewer Fund.
Recommendation: Interim Utilities Director recommends approval of
the Resolution.
8.Q. Utilities Department - 4C's Trucking and Excavation - Change Order No. 1 to
Lift Station 4 - Contract No. 0318-3140 (pp. 336-363)
Resolution approving Change Order No. 1 to Contract 0318-3140 for the
Lift Station 4 Replacement Project with 4C's Trucking and Excavation, Inc.,
331 Sawgrass Rd., Bunnell, FL 32110 in an amount not to exceed $47,272.58
with an additional 30 days of contract time, make an administrative
correction to the conformed Contract No. 0318-3140 Article IV, correcting
the original amount of the contract from $656,5612.28 to $626,512.28 and
adjust the Contract 0318-3140 amount with this Change Order No. 1 to
$673,784.86. The circumstances leading to this request for Change Order
No. 1 are:
An abandoned lift station and 8-inch concrete slab were uncovered
when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. was opened for construction of
the project.
An unknown storm water pipe in confict with the proposed gravity
main and lift station vault were encountered during construction on
Cedar Street.
To avoid the abandoned lift station, the Contractor made feld
adjustments to re-route the new force main to a manhole on Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. Blvd underneath existing sidewalk. The Contractor
used fowable fll to stabilize the abandoned lift station to minimize the
chance of a roadway failure. Sidewalk damaged during the force main
re-routing was replaced.
The 8-inch concrete slab was removed by the Contractor. At the
direction of the City Engineer, the 8-inch concrete slab was replaced
after the installation of the new utilities to mitigate the potential for
future settling issues.
The Contractor removed and disposed of the storm water pipe in
conflict with the proposed gravity main and replaced the storm water
pipe and installed concrete collars to reconnect the storm water pipe to
existing storm water manholes after installation of the gravity main.
Funds available in the Water and Sewer Improvement Fund.
Recommendation: Interim Utilities Director recommends adoption of the
8.R. Utilities Department - SNF Polydyne Inc. - Wastewater Sludge Dewatering
Chemical - Polymer - Lowest Best Responsive Bid Contract Award
(pp. 364-370)
Resolution awarding a three (3) year contract to the lowest best responsive
bidder, SNF Polydyne Inc., One Chemical Plant Road, Riceboro, GA
31323 for the purchase of wastewater sludge dewatering polymer at a rate of
$49.69 for each dry ton with two additional one-year renewals with the same
terms and conditions, authorizing the not to exceed amount of $48,776 for
the purchase of polymer for the remainder of fscal year
2017/2018, authorizing the City Manager to expend the annual budget
appropriations for the purchase of polymer; and authorizing the City
Manager to exercise the renewal options. The City uses polymer to dewater
wastewater sludge to reduce the volume and weight of sludge before
transporting and disposing in a qualifed FDEP land fll. The reduction of
weight relative to the extraction of water allows the City to dispose of more
sludge at a lower cost. Funds available in the Water & Wastewater
Operating Fund.
Recommendation: Interim Utilities Director recommends adoption of the
8.S. Finance Department - Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship Funds
(pp. 371-372)
Resolution authorizing payment in the amount of:
$500 to Halifax Historical Society, Inc., for a general donation , $300 to
Heritage Preservation Trust, Inc., for Lilian Place, $200 to Food Brings
Hope, Inc., for a general donation, $200 to Juneteenth Festival Committee,
Inc., for the 2018 Juneteenth Celebration, $200 to Halifax Urban Ministries,
Inc., for Hope Place, c/o Forugh Hossani Beville; and $200 Bethune-
Cookman University, for the National Statuary Hall Campaign for Dr. Mary
McLeod Bethune statue at the US Capitol from the Bike Week Sponsorship
Funds of Commissioner Ruth Trager.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Offcer recommends adoption of the
Consent Agenda
8.A. City Manager's Offce - Campbell Aquatic Center - Racing & Recreational
Facilities District - Grant Application (pp. 18-20)
Resolution supporting the submission of grant application to Racing &
Recreational Facilities District for critical improvements needed to the
Campbell Aquatic Center. In 2016, the Campbell Pool received necessary
repairs to the deteriorating fberglass pool surface and installation of a heater
to allow year-round use. However, the surrounding facilities remain in need
of renovation and repair to allow safe and continuous access for the
surrounding community. In addition, due to its small size and increased local
demand, capacity improvements are needed. The surrounding facilities
remain in need of renovation and repair and include: Phase 1 - Lifeguard
pavilion and secure pool entry $81,250. Phase 2 - Expand east pool deck
and add shade structures and tables/chairs $73,624. Phase 3 - Remodel and
expand existing restrooms and remodel existing offces into storage rooms
$330,000. TOTAL: $484,514. An application was submitted to the Daytona
Beach Racing and Recreational Facilities District on June 19, 2018
requesting $154,874 to fund phases 1 and 2. The City has $150,000 matching
funds available towards the project.
Recommendation: Government Relations Administrator recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8.B. Legal Department - Bumb v. City Of Daytona Beach - Settlement of Claim
(pp. 21-24)
Resolution authorizing payment in the amount of $70,000 to Bonnie Bumb,
Leslie Bumb and their attorney, Martin Jaffee, Esq., for release of all claims
and full settlement arising from injuries allegedly sustained from a July 14,
2017 slip and fall on City property. Funds available in the Consolidated
Insurance Fund.
Recommendation: City Attorney recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8.C. Risk Management - Wright National Flood Insurance Company - Flood
Insurance Renewal (pp. 25-39)
Resolution accepting renewal proposals submitted by Wright National Flood
Insurance Company, P.O. Box 33033, St. Petersburg, FL 33733 for an
annual premium in the amount of $41,986 for food insurance coverage for
various City properties in food zones for the period of July 25, 2018 to July
25, 2018 (this is a $10,041 decrease due to the reduction in number of
buildings we need to insure) and authorizing payment for any additional
food premium, not to exceed $20,000, for additional properties determined
to be in food zones and for adjustments in property values that may cause a
need for an increase of coverage during the period of July 25, 2018 to July
25, 2019. Funds available in the Consolidated Insurance Fund.
Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.D. Engineering/Public Works Division - Halifax Hospital Medical Center -
Terminable Vehicular Access Easement (pp. 40-48)
Resolution approving a Deed of Dedication for Terminable Vehicular
Access Easement from Halifax Hospital Medical Center, a special Taxing
District organized and existing pursuant to Chapter 2003-374, Laws of
Florida. This easement is associated with the Halifax Hospital Medical
Center Final Plat.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.E. Police Department - City of Daytona Beach and Volusia County School
Board - Memorandum Of Understanding (pp. 49-58)
Resolution approving a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the
City of Daytona Beach and Volusia County School Board for 11 School
Safety Offcers. The term of the agreement will be from July 1, 2018, through
June 30, 2019, with the Volusia County School board agreeing to pay 70% of
the salary and benefts for the offcers for a total of $533,088 for the one (1)
year period. The 30% balance to be covered by the City is $228,467. This
agreement may be terminated by either party, with or without cause, with a
minimum of a one hundred eighty (180) days written notice. Any additional
work that is performed by a School Safety Offcer not covered in the
contract, outside of their normal duties, the City will bill the School Board at
a rate of $40 per hour. The salary and benefts cost for the 11 offcers are
included in the FY2018-2019 budget. The $533,088 will need to be
budgeted as a revenue to offset the offcer costs.
Recommendation: Chief of Police recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8.F. City Manager's Offce - River to Sea Transportation Planning Organization -
Funding Agreement (pp. 59-66)
Resolution approving the Funding Agreement for the River to Sea
Transportation Planning Organization in the amount of $6,554. The
agreement is to provide the River to Sea Transportation Planning
Organization (R2CTPO) with funding to support the functions necessary to
achieve its desired role in planning the transportation system. The R2CTPO
is the duly designated and constituted body responsible for carrying out the
urban transportation planning and programming process for Volusia County
and portions of Flagler County. Funds available in the General Fund.
Recommendation: City Manager recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8.G. City Manager's Offce - Wells Fargo Equipment Finances, Inc -
Subordination Lien Agreement (pp. 67-69)
Resolution authorizing the execution of the Subordination Lien Agreement
between Wells Fargo Equipment Fiance, Inc., and the City of Daytona
Beach. The Tortugas, LLC secured an equipment loan through Wells Fargo
Equipment Finances, Inc., to purchase an outdoor LED Scoring/Control
System for Jackie Robinson Ballpark. As the landlord/property owner of
Jackie Robinson Ballpark, Wells Fargo requires the City to execute the
Recommendation: City Manager recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8.H. Development and administrative Services/Redevelopment - Bourbon On The
Beach, LLC - Sidewalk Café License Agreement (pp. 70-86)
Resolution approving a Sidewalk Café License Agreement with Bourbon on
Beach, LLC, 230 South Beach Street, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 for a
sidewalk license agreement to provide outdoor table service in the RDD-1
(Beach Street retail) zoning district. The agreement will permit Bourbon on
Beach, LLC to operate a sidewalk café and place a sidewalk café boundary
fence with awning support posts on City property adjacent to their business.
Recommendation: Redevelopment Director recommends adoption of the
8.I. Business Enterprise Management Department - LPGA Foundation, Inc -
Commerical Lease Agreement (pp. 87-115)
Resolution approving a Commercial Lease Agreement between the City of
Daytona and The LPGA Foundation, Inc., at the Florida Tennis Center for a
one-year term commencing July 1, 2018 with two one-year renewal
options. The LPGA Foundation, Inc., primary activities focuses on running
the girls gold program, leadership academies, women's golf tournaments, and
LPGA Amateur Golf Association. The lease is for a 4000 square foot
commercial offce space at the Florida Tennis Center and the City will
receive the following revenue stream for the duration of the lease; Year 1 -
$60,000 and Year 2 - 3, $125,454 for a total amount of $185,454.
Recommendation: Business Enterprise Management Director recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8.J. Development Services/Cultural & Leisure Services Department - Zoom Air
Daytona Beach, LLC - Agreement Amendment (pp. 116-147)
Resolution approving the proposed amendment to the agreement for
construction, installation, and operation of Zoom Air Daytona Beach, LLC
Aerial Adventure Park. Zoom Air Daytona Beach LLC has operated Zoom
Air Adventure Park located in Tuscawilla Park since April 19, 2012. The
existing zipline course has been inoperational since receiving damage from
Hurricane Matthew in 2016. Zoom Air Daytona Beach desires to repair and
resume operation of its zipline course. The purpose of the proposed
amendment is (1) to allow Zoom Air Daytona Beach LLC to rebrand the
course under an alternate "trade name" or d/b/a, and (2) to give the City's
Risk Manager discretion and authority to allow for additional changes in
insurance coverage, when the Risk Manager determines that changes are
consistent with other similar-in-scope Central Florida area business
operations, and are reasonable in light of prior claims against Zoom Air's
Recommendation: Cultural & Leisure Services Director recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8.K. Cultural and Leisure Services Department - KOMPAN, Inc. - Schnebly
Recreation Center Playground - Construction Contract Award
(pp. 148-178)
Resolution approving a contract with KOMPAN, Inc, 821 Grand Avenue
Parkway, Ste 410, Pfugerville, TX 78660 in the amount of $32,446.01 for
the purchase and installation of playground equipment at the Schnebly
Recreation Center. This quote is a pursuant to a cooperative, U.S.
Communities Contract, contract number 2017001135. Funds available in the
Capital Project Funds.
Recommendation: Cultural & Leisure Services Department Director
recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8.L. Cultural and Leisure Services Department - Giles Electric Company, Inc -
Schnebly Recreation Center Basketball Court Lighting - Contract Award
(pp. 179-205)
Resolution approving a term electrical service contract with Giles Electric
Company, Inc., 1700 S. Segrave Street, South Daytona FL 32121,
piggybacking on a contract between Giles Electric and the City of South
Daytona accepting a proposal to install basketball court lighting as authorized
under contract and approving an expenditure with Giles Electric in the
amount of $31,210 for the installation of basketball court lighting at the
Schnebly Recreation Center. Funds available in the Capital Projects Fund.
Recommendation: Cultural and Leisure Services Director recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8.M. Public Works/Technical Services Division - Trident Resurfacing, Inc -
Peabody Auditorium Floor Replacement Contract (pp. 206-228)
Resolution approving the Contract with Trident Resurfacing, Inc., 5399 NW
161st Street, Miami, FL 33014 for a total amount of $77,257.25 for the
removal of and replacement of the existing stage foor at the Peabody
Auditorium. The existing stage foor is not a resilient type foor and has been
the basis of complaints from dance groups who have used and performed at
the Peabody Auditorium in the past. Funds available in the General
Fund ($27,257.26) and the Grant Projects Fund ( $49,999.99).
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.N. Business Enterprise Management Department - CMG Pro Security Services,
Inc. - Amendment No. 2 to Contract No. 011703540
(pp. 229-264)
Resolution approving Amendment No. 2 to Contract No. 0117-3540 with
CMG Pro Security, Inc., 1142 Pelican Bay Drive, Daytona Beach, FL 32119
with the following stipulations:
Waive Section 30-81 (Source Selection) of the Purchasing Code.
Approve the amendment which adds Halifax Harbor Marina to the
contract for security services under the same terms and conditions
retroactive to their start date of May 31, 2018.
Authorize the City Manager to exercise renewal options under the same
terms and conditions subject to budget appropriations.
Approve an expenditure of $27,656 for the remainder of FY 2017-
2018. Funds needed for subsequent fscal years will be included in
future year budgets as adopted by City Commission.
Credible Security Services cancelled their security services contract with the
City without explanation. Staff examined several options and determined
amending the security contract with CMG Pro Security of Daytona Beach
was the only option that would provide uninterrupted security services to the
Marina. CMG Pro Security currently provides security services to the Band
Shell, Peabody, and Westside Regional Treatment Plants. The Purchasing
Code authorizes the City Commission to waive compliance with any
provision of the code where it determines that such a waiver is in the best
interest of the City. Funds available in the Halifax Harbor Fund.
Recommendation: Business Enterprise Management Director recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8.O. Utilities Department - 4C's Trucking and Excavation, Inc - Ratifcation of an
Emergency Expenditure for the ISB/SR600/US-92 Utility Repairs and Water
Main Adjustments Contract (pp. 265-327)
Resolution ratifying an emergency expenditure for the ISB/SR600/US-92
Utility Repairs and Water Main Adjustments Contract in the amount of
$263,936.59 with 4C's Trucking and Excavation, Inc., 331 Sawgrass Road,
Bunnell, FL 32110. This request is needed to fully comply with City
Purchasing Code Section 30-52(b) Emergency Purchases for the selection of
a contractor to complete construction of required City improvements ahead
of FDOT's storm water project on W. International Speedway Boulevard
between Helms Place and Segrave Street. Funds available in the Renewal
and Replacement 8% Fund.
Recommendation: Interim Utilities Director recommends adoption of the
8.P. Utilities Department - Central Florida Liftstations - Ratifcation of an
Emergency Expenditure for Lift Stations 50 and 115 (pp. 328-335)
Resolution ratifying an emergency expenditure to Central Florida
Liftstations, P.O. Box 740179, Orange City, FL 32774-0179 in the amount of
$25,850 for the installation of suction piping and associated valve work for
lift stations 50 and 115. Lift stations No. 50 and 115 do not have an
emergency by-pass pumps for system failures related to loss of power or
pump failures and both have experienced past failures which resulted in
sewer back-ups. This work includes the installation of suction piping within
the wet wells and associated valves needed to connect an emergency diesel
driven by-pass pump to the lift stations. The by-pass pumps are expected to
be delivered late July and the pump manufacturer has offered temporary
pumps for these locations in the interim until the permanent pumps are
delivered. The work described above must be completed before the loaner
pumps can be utilized. Funds available in the Water and Sewer Fund.
Recommendation: Interim Utilities Director recommends approval of
the Resolution.
8.Q. Utilities Department - 4C's Trucking and Excavation - Change Order No. 1 to
Lift Station 4 - Contract No. 0318-3140 (pp. 336-363)
Resolution approving Change Order No. 1 to Contract 0318-3140 for the
Lift Station 4 Replacement Project with 4C's Trucking and Excavation, Inc.,
331 Sawgrass Rd., Bunnell, FL 32110 in an amount not to exceed $47,272.58
with an additional 30 days of contract time, make an administrative
correction to the conformed Contract No. 0318-3140 Article IV, correcting
the original amount of the contract from $656,5612.28 to $626,512.28 and
adjust the Contract 0318-3140 amount with this Change Order No. 1 to
$673,784.86. The circumstances leading to this request for Change Order
No. 1 are:
An abandoned lift station and 8-inch concrete slab were uncovered
when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. was opened for construction of
the project.
An unknown storm water pipe in confict with the proposed gravity
main and lift station vault were encountered during construction on
Cedar Street.
To avoid the abandoned lift station, the Contractor made feld
adjustments to re-route the new force main to a manhole on Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. Blvd underneath existing sidewalk. The Contractor
used fowable fll to stabilize the abandoned lift station to minimize the
chance of a roadway failure. Sidewalk damaged during the force main
re-routing was replaced.
The 8-inch concrete slab was removed by the Contractor. At the
direction of the City Engineer, the 8-inch concrete slab was replaced
after the installation of the new utilities to mitigate the potential for
future settling issues.
The Contractor removed and disposed of the storm water pipe in
conflict with the proposed gravity main and replaced the storm water
pipe and installed concrete collars to reconnect the storm water pipe to
existing storm water manholes after installation of the gravity main.
Funds available in the Water and Sewer Improvement Fund.
Recommendation: Interim Utilities Director recommends adoption of the
8.R. Utilities Department - SNF Polydyne Inc. - Wastewater Sludge Dewatering
Chemical - Polymer - Lowest Best Responsive Bid Contract Award
(pp. 364-370)
Resolution awarding a three (3) year contract to the lowest best responsive
bidder, SNF Polydyne Inc., One Chemical Plant Road, Riceboro, GA
31323 for the purchase of wastewater sludge dewatering polymer at a rate of
$49.69 for each dry ton with two additional one-year renewals with the same
terms and conditions, authorizing the not to exceed amount of $48,776 for
the purchase of polymer for the remainder of fscal year
2017/2018, authorizing the City Manager to expend the annual budget
appropriations for the purchase of polymer; and authorizing the City
Manager to exercise the renewal options. The City uses polymer to dewater
wastewater sludge to reduce the volume and weight of sludge before
transporting and disposing in a qualifed FDEP land fll. The reduction of
weight relative to the extraction of water allows the City to dispose of more
sludge at a lower cost. Funds available in the Water & Wastewater
Operating Fund.
Recommendation: Interim Utilities Director recommends adoption of the
8.S. Finance Department - Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship Funds
(pp. 371-372)
Resolution authorizing payment in the amount of:
$500 to Halifax Historical Society, Inc., for a general donation , $300 to
Heritage Preservation Trust, Inc., for Lilian Place, $200 to Food Brings
Hope, Inc., for a general donation, $200 to Juneteenth Festival Committee,
Inc., for the 2018 Juneteenth Celebration, $200 to Halifax Urban Ministries,
Inc., for Hope Place, c/o Forugh Hossani Beville; and $200 Bethune-
Cookman University, for the National Statuary Hall Campaign for Dr. Mary
McLeod Bethune statue at the US Capitol from the Bike Week Sponsorship
Funds of Commissioner Ruth Trager.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Offcer recommends adoption of the
Item 9 - A. Engineering/Public Works Department - Halifax Hospital Medical Center -
Final Plat and Contract for Plat Recording (pp. 373-437)
Resolution - PUBLIC HEARING - approving the Final Plat for Halifax
Hospital Medical Center, and the Contract for Plat Recording. The subject
property is located just east of the Volusia Mall, north of International
Speedway Boulevard, west of Clyde Morris Boulevard, and south of Dunn
Avenue. Ordinance No. 17-120 approved the preliminary plat.
David Waller, Deputy Public Works Director, to report.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 9
A. Engineering/Public Works Department - Halifax Hospital Medical Center -Final Plat and Contract for Plat Recording (pp. 373-437)
Resolution - PUBLIC HEARING - approving the Final Plat for Halifax
Hospital Medical Center, and the Contract for Plat Recording. The subject
property is located just east of the Volusia Mall, north of International
Speedway Boulevard, west of Clyde Morris Boulevard, and south of Dunn
Avenue. Ordinance No. 17-120 approved the preliminary plat.
David Waller, Deputy Public Works Director, to report.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 10A - Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Framework -
Rezoning, Planned Development-General (pp. 438-481)
Ordinance on frst reading - approving a request to rezone 50.35± acres of
land located east of Williamson Boulevard, south of Hand Avenue, and north
of Strickland Range Road from "County” Urban Single-Family Residential
(R-2) and “City” Planned Development-General (PD-G) to Planned
Development-General (PD-G) to allow for the development of a multifamily
complex with approximately 260 apartments and associated site
improvements, with additional offce, medical, and commercial uses, and
authorizing the Mayor to execute the Framework Planned District
Agreement. Applicant: Robert A. Merrell III, Esquire, Cobb Cole, on behalf
of Scott Bullock, Consolidated-Tomoka Land Co.
Dennis Mrozek, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 7-to-0.
Action: Motion to pass Ordinance on frst reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, August 1, 2018.
Item 10A
Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Framework -Rezoning, Planned Development-General (pp. 438-481)
Ordinance on frst reading - approving a request to rezone 50.35± acres of
land located east of Williamson Boulevard, south of Hand Avenue, and north
of Strickland Range Road from "County” Urban Single-Family Residential
(R-2) and “City” Planned Development-General (PD-G) to Planned
Development-General (PD-G) to allow for the development of a multifamily
complex with approximately 260 apartments and associated site
improvements, with additional offce, medical, and commercial uses, and
authorizing the Mayor to execute the Framework Planned District
Agreement. Applicant: Robert A. Merrell III, Esquire, Cobb Cole, on behalf
of Scott Bullock, Consolidated-Tomoka Land Co.
Dennis Mrozek, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 7-to-0.
Action: Motion to pass Ordinance on frst reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, August 1, 2018.
Item 10B - Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Frazar Road
Beach House - Rezoning to Single-Family Residential-5 (SFR-5)
(pp. 482-510)
Ordinance on frst reading - approving a request to rezone 0.18± acres of
land located at 144 Frazar Road from Business Professional (BP) to Single-
Family Residential-5 (SFR-5) to allow for the development of a single-family
dwelling. Applicant: Lucinda and Terran Freeman.
Dennis Mrozek, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 7-to-0.
Action: Motion to pass Ordinance on frst reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, August 1, 2018.
Item 10B
Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Frazar RoadBeach House - Rezoning to Single-Family Residential-5 (SFR-5)
(pp. 482-510)
Ordinance on frst reading - approving a request to rezone 0.18± acres of
land located at 144 Frazar Road from Business Professional (BP) to Single-
Family Residential-5 (SFR-5) to allow for the development of a single-family
dwelling. Applicant: Lucinda and Terran Freeman.
Dennis Mrozek, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 7-to-0.
Action: Motion to pass Ordinance on frst reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, August 1, 2018.
Item 10C - City Manager's Offce - Peabody Auditorium Advisory Board - Appointment
(pp. 511-516)
Resolution appointing one (1) member from Zone 6 to the Peabody
Auditorium Advisory Board for a four year term. The board shall consist of
seven members serving four year terms and must reside within the zone
from which appointed or if mayoral from within the corporate limits of the
City. Ms. Sandra Chavous would like to be reappointed.
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 10C
City Manager's Offce - Peabody Auditorium Advisory Board - Appointment(pp. 511-516)
Resolution appointing one (1) member from Zone 6 to the Peabody
Auditorium Advisory Board for a four year term. The board shall consist of
seven members serving four year terms and must reside within the zone
from which appointed or if mayoral from within the corporate limits of the
City. Ms. Sandra Chavous would like to be reappointed.
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Items 11 & 12
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