June 20, 2012 Regular City Commission Meetings
Call to Order - 1. ROLL CALL.
Call to Order
Item 4 - Approval of the minutes of the May 16, 2012 Regular City Commission Meeting, and the minutes of the June 6, 2012 Regular City Commission Meeting held in the Commission Chambers, City Hall, 301 South Ridgewood Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Item 4
Approval of the minutes of the May 16, 2012 Regular City Commission Meeting, and the minutes of the June 6, 2012 Regular City Commission Meeting held in the Commission Chambers, City Hall, 301 South Ridgewood Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida.»
Item 5 - Agenda Approval
Item 5
Agenda Approval»
Item 7 - Consent Agenda
Item 7
Consent Agenda»
Item 6 - BEAUTIFICATION AWARDS - JUNE 2012 (pp. 10-12)
Residential Award: Richard K. Johnson, 320 Braddock Avenue, Commissioner Kelly White, Zone 3 to present. Commercial Award: Salon 230, Inc., 116 Magnolia Avenue, Mayor Glenn Ritchey to present.
Item 6
BEAUTIFICATION AWARDS - JUNE 2012 (pp. 10-12)Residential Award: Richard K. Johnson, 320 Braddock Avenue, Commissioner Kelly White, Zone 3 to present. Commercial Award: Salon 230, Inc., 116 Magnolia Avenue, Mayor Glenn Ritchey to present.
Item 7E - City of Daytona Beach - Volusia County Schools - Interlocal Agreement (pp. 34-49) Resolution approving an interlocal agreement between the City of Daytona Beach and Volusia County Schools for the joint use of real property at a reduced rental rate in exchange for the use of specific facilities as part of its parks program. Recommendation: Leisure Services Director recommends adoption of Resolution.
Item 7E
City of Daytona Beach - Volusia County Schools - Interlocal Agreement (pp. 34-49) Resolution approving an interlocal agreement between the City of Daytona Beach and Volusia County Schools for the joint use of real property at a reduced rental rate in exchange for the use of specific facilities as part of its parks program. Recommendation: Leisure Services Director recommends adoption of Resolution.»
Item 8A - Police & Fire Pension Plan - Amendments (pp. (129-154) Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - amending Ordinance No. 10-322
modifying the pension benefits for Police & Fire members; Section 4 - Finance and Fund
Management; Section 6 - Benefit Amounts and Eligibility; and Section 7 - Pre-Retirement Death. Sally McCarroll, Human Resources Director, to report. Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption of the Ordinance. Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance
Item 8A
Police & Fire Pension Plan - Amendments (pp. (129-154) Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - amending Ordinance No. 10-322modifying the pension benefits for Police & Fire members; Section 4 - Finance and Fund
Management; Section 6 - Benefit Amounts and Eligibility; and Section 7 - Pre-Retirement Death. Sally McCarroll, Human Resources Director, to report. Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption of the Ordinance. Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance
Item 8B - Flexible Spending Plan - Amendment (pp. 155-187)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - amending Ordinance 89-469 Flexible Spending Plan with an updated Section 125 Plan. In November of 1989 the City established Ordinance Code 89-469 (Attachment A) to adopt a Flexible Benefits Plan to allow eligible employees to pay for health insurance on a pre-tax basis as allowed under Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code. Due to changes in the revenue code and our employee benefits plan over time it is necessary to update our Section 125 Plan. With the assistance of our Employee Benefits Consultant, Brown & Brown, the Section 125
Plan has been revised (Attachment B). The revised plan allows for eligible employees to
direct portions of their pay for health insurance and dental insurance premiums on a
pre-tax basis and allows for eligible COBRA and retirees that end employment with the
City during the plan year to pay for coverage with pre-tax dollars out of their final
paychecks, but only for coverage through the end of the plan year. It is recommended by
the Human Resources Director and Risk Manager that the City adopts the revised Section 125 Plan in order to bring our current plan up to date with IRS requirements and to reflect our current employee benefits plan and to grant authority to the Commission to approve any future revisions to the Section 125 Plan via Resolution. Sally McCarroll, Human Resources Director, to report Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption
of the Ordinance. Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.
Item 8B
Flexible Spending Plan - Amendment (pp. 155-187)Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - amending Ordinance 89-469 Flexible Spending Plan with an updated Section 125 Plan. In November of 1989 the City established Ordinance Code 89-469 (Attachment A) to adopt a Flexible Benefits Plan to allow eligible employees to pay for health insurance on a pre-tax basis as allowed under Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code. Due to changes in the revenue code and our employee benefits plan over time it is necessary to update our Section 125 Plan. With the assistance of our Employee Benefits Consultant, Brown & Brown, the Section 125
Plan has been revised (Attachment B). The revised plan allows for eligible employees to
direct portions of their pay for health insurance and dental insurance premiums on a
pre-tax basis and allows for eligible COBRA and retirees that end employment with the
City during the plan year to pay for coverage with pre-tax dollars out of their final
paychecks, but only for coverage through the end of the plan year. It is recommended by
the Human Resources Director and Risk Manager that the City adopts the revised Section 125 Plan in order to bring our current plan up to date with IRS requirements and to reflect our current employee benefits plan and to grant authority to the Commission to approve any future revisions to the Section 125 Plan via Resolution. Sally McCarroll, Human Resources Director, to report Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption
of the Ordinance. Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.
Item 8C - E-Zone Master Plan - Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (pp. 188-417) Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - adopting Comprehensive Plan Amendments previously transmitted to state agencies and local jurisdictions, amending the Future Land Use, Transportation, Infrastructure and Redevelopment Elements, to establish the E-Zone Overlay Future Land Use designation for 141.88 ± acres of property located is in the general core tourist area around the Ocean Center, Peabody Auditorium, Boardwalk and Main Street and to incorporate the E-Zone Master Plan. Applicant: Development and Administrative Services Department, Planning Division. Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report. Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 11-to-0 with recommendations. Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.
Item 8C
E-Zone Master Plan - Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (pp. 188-417) Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - adopting Comprehensive Plan Amendments previously transmitted to state agencies and local jurisdictions, amending the Future Land Use, Transportation, Infrastructure and Redevelopment Elements, to establish the E-Zone Overlay Future Land Use designation for 141.88 ± acres of property located is in the general core tourist area around the Ocean Center, Peabody Auditorium, Boardwalk and Main Street and to incorporate the E-Zone Master Plan. Applicant: Development and Administrative Services Department, Planning Division. Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report. Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 11-to-0 with recommendations. Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.»
Item 8D - Citywide Social Service Uses - Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (pp. 418-552) Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - adopting Comprehensive Plan Amendments previously transmitted to state agencies and local jurisdictions, adding a Goal, an Objective and Policies to the Future Land Use Element to encourage equalization of the City’s over-population of social service providers to under-served areas outside of the City within Volusia-Flagler Counties. Applicant: Development and Administrative Services Department, Planning Division. Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report. Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 9-to-0 with revisions. Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.
Item 8D
Citywide Social Service Uses - Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (pp. 418-552) Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - adopting Comprehensive Plan Amendments previously transmitted to state agencies and local jurisdictions, adding a Goal, an Objective and Policies to the Future Land Use Element to encourage equalization of the City’s over-population of social service providers to under-served areas outside of the City within Volusia-Flagler Counties. Applicant: Development and Administrative Services Department, Planning Division. Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report. Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 9-to-0 with revisions. Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.»
Item 7F - One Way Valet, Inc. - City-owned Property - Valet Parking Agreement (pp.50-61) Resolution approving an agreement with One Way Valet, 37 North Orange Ave. Suite 500, Orlando FL 32801, for a term commencing June 1, 2012 and ending May 31, 2013, to use the City-owned property located at the northeast corner of Ocean Avenue and Harvey Street, south of Breakers Oceanfront Part for valet parking services for patrons
of the Boardwalk and Joe's Crab Shack Restaurant. One Way Valet would charge $10.00
for valet parking and will pay the City $5.00 for each car that is parked in the City-owned lot. Recommendation: Support Services Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Item 7F
One Way Valet, Inc. - City-owned Property - Valet Parking Agreement (pp.50-61) Resolution approving an agreement with One Way Valet, 37 North Orange Ave. Suite 500, Orlando FL 32801, for a term commencing June 1, 2012 and ending May 31, 2013, to use the City-owned property located at the northeast corner of Ocean Avenue and Harvey Street, south of Breakers Oceanfront Part for valet parking services for patronsof the Boardwalk and Joe's Crab Shack Restaurant. One Way Valet would charge $10.00
for valet parking and will pay the City $5.00 for each car that is parked in the City-owned lot. Recommendation: Support Services Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Item 9
Items 10 & 11
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