June 18, 2014 Regular City Commission Meetings
Items 1 - 3 - 1. ROLL CALL.
Items 1 - 3
Item 4
Item 5
Item 6A - BEAUTIFICATION AWARDS - JUNE 2014 (pp. 13-15)
Item 6A
Item 6B - Presentation - Charter Review Commission Report (pp. 16-17)
Item 6B
Presentation - Charter Review Commission Report (pp. 16-17)»
Item 7
Consent Agenda - CONSENT AGENDA Items 8A - 8P
8A. Calling a Municipal Primary Election - August 26, 2014 (pp. 19-22)
Resolution calling a Municipal Primary Election to be held in the City of Daytona
Beach, Volusia County, Florida, on Tuesday, August 26, 2014, for the election by Zone
for City Commissioner for Zones 1, 3, & 5 for which more than two Candidates are
nominated for the office of City Commissioner, for terms commencing November 12,
2014; and calling a special City Commission meeting to declare the results.
Recommendation: City Clerk recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8B. 2014 Custodian of Ballot and Voting Equipment - Municipal Elections - Appointment
(pp. 23-29)
Resolution appointing and naming Ann McFall, Supervisor of Elections, County of
Volusia, as Custodian of all ballots and voting equipment for the Municipal Primary
Election on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 (if required), and the Municipal General Election
on Tuesday, November, 4, 2014; and requesting that she administer absentee ballots for
the Municipality, as well as appoint inspectors and clerks for said Elections in
conjunction with the County's Uniform Municipal Elections.
Recommendation: City Clerk recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8C. Designation of Polling Places - 2014 Primary and General Municipal Elections (pp. 30-
Resolution designating polling places in the City of Daytona Beach to be used by the
voters in the Primary Municipal Election, to be held, Tuesday, August 26, 2014 and for
the General Municipal Election to be held, Tuesday, November 4, 2014.
Recommendation: City Clerk recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8D. Appointment of the Canvassing Board - 2014 Primary and General Municipal Elections
(pp. 35-38)
Resolution appointing the Volusia County Canvassing Board as the body responsible
for judging the results of the August 26, 2014, Primary Municipal Election, (if required)
and the November 4, 2014, General Municipal Election is being requested which will
coincide with the federal, state and county elections process.
Recommendation: City Clerk recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8E. U.S. Department of Justice, FY 2014 Community Oriented Policing Services - Grant
Submission and Acceptance (pp. 39-48)
Resolution authorizing the submission of a grant application, and the acceptance of
funds if awarded, to the U.S. Department of Justice, Community Oriented Policing
Services, COPS Hiring Program; approving funding the hiring of ten (10) full-time,
sworn personnel over a three (3) year period in the amount of $1,336,380. The match
requirement is projected to be $334,095, final match amount will be determined upon
receipt of the award. The City of Daytona Beach will be responsible for retaining any
sworn personnel funded by COPS grant for twelve (12) months after the 36 months of
federal funding has ended.
Recommendation: Chief of Police recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8F. Historic Tree Removal - 1316 Laurel Drive (pp. 49-56)
Resolution authorizing the removal of a historic tree, located at 1316 Laurel Drive,
which is causing damage to the exterior walls and foundation of the home. Pursuant to
Article 18, Section 3.6 (E), historic tree removal requires approval of the City
Recommendation: Permits & Licensing Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8G. Utilities Department - Replacement of Sand Filters at Westside Regional Wastewater
Plant - Work Authorization No. 8 with Carollo Engineers, Inc. - Contract 1307-1022
(pp. 57-80)
Resolution approving Work Authorization No. 8, in the amount of $293,579, to
Contract No. 1307-1022, with Carollo Engineers, Inc., 401 North Cattleman Road,
Suite 306, Sarasota, FL 34232 to provide engineering design and permitting for
replacement of sand filters at the Westside Regional Water Reclamation Facility.
Funds are available in the Water and Sewer Improvement Fund.
Recommendation: Interim Utilities Director recommends adoption of the
8H. Sidewalk Cafe License - Wine Me Boutique Bar (pp. 81-94)
Resolution approving the request by Sheridan East Holdings, LLC (Wine Me Boutique
Bar) for a sidewalk café license agreement to provide outdoor table service in the RDD-
1 (Beach Street Retail) zoning district at 204 South Beach Street. The
Downtown/Ballough Road Redevelopment Area Board recommended approval 8-to-0
for the conditional use for outside table service. The conditional use approval permits a
Sidewalk Café, subject to an approved license agreement by the City Commission.
Recommendation: Redevelopment Director recommends the adoption of the
8I. Fire Department - Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Purchase - Award Expenditure
(pp. 95-106)
Resolution authorizing expenditure and budget amendments for grant funds for the
purchase of 60 self-contained breathing apparatus from the authorized distributor Ten-8
Fire Equipment Inc., 141 Maritime Drive, Sanford, FL 32771, in the amount of
$420,000. The City of Daytona Beach was awarded a U.S. Department of Homeland
Security – Assistance to Firefighters Grant (Resolution No. 13-291). The grant will
reimburse 90% of the equipment cost with a 10 percent City match ($42,000). Funds
available in the General Fund.
Recommendation: Fire Chief recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8J. 518 North Street - Acceptance of Property (pp. 107-111)
Resolution authorizing acceptance of a deed to real property located at 518 North Street
from Ms. Leasie Harris. Ms. Harris applied for assistance under the City's affordable
housing program to help reconstruct her home located at 518 North Street. Because the
property's current zoning does not allow single-family homes, reconstruction services
could not be provided at this address. However, Ms. Harris did qualify for and received
emergency assistance under the affordable housing program. The City has constructed a
new home for her on City property located at 215 Garden Street and is in the process of
deeding her the property subject to various conditions, including a standard loan. The
loan is forgivable if Ms. Harris resides in the new home for a minimum period of 15
years. Ordinarily pursuant to the City's affordable housing program, the amount of the
loan would be based on the cost of construction, which in this case is $71,684, plus the
assessed value of the lot at 215 Garden Street. In this instance, the amount of the loan
will exclude the assessed value of the lot because Ms. Harris has offered the City the
property at 518 North Street. The 518 North Street property would then be advertised
for sale. Staff intends to use proceeds from the property being deeded to the City on
future housing related projects.
Recommendation: Economic/Community Development Director recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8K. Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship Funds (pp. 112-118)
Resolution authorizing payment from the General Fund in the amount of:
$2000 to the Main Street Redevelopment Fund for Summer Nights on Main Street from
the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of Commissioner Kelly White.
$520 to Leisure Services Department to cover the cost of field trips for students at the
STAR Family Shelter; and $500 Leisure Services Department for Children's Programs
from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of Commissioner Pamela Woods.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Officer recommends adoption of the
8L. Daytona Beach Pop Warner Football/Cheerleading Association, Inc. - The City of
Daytona Beach - Agreement (pp. 119-130)
Resolution authorizing The City of Daytona Beach to enter into a five-year agreement
with the Daytona Beach Pop Warner Football/Cheerleading Association, Inc. for the
use of the football and multipurpose fields at Derbyshire Sports Complex. The contract
term will cover the 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 football season.
Recommendation: Leisure Services Director recommends adoption of the
8M. State Road 5/Ridgewood Avenue Median Landscape Improvements Phase II -
Supplemental Amendment No. 1 - Change Order No. 1 - Approval (pp. 131-141)
Resolution authorizing the Supplemental Amendment Number 1 for The Florida
Department of Transportation, Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) that provides an
additional $57,500 Grant for completing the Median Landscape Improvements Phase II
between Wilder Boulevard to Beville Road; increasing revenue and expense budget
reflecting the amount of $257,500 Grant in the 5 Cent Transportation Gas Tax; and
approving Change Order No. 1, in the amount of $59,000 for additional landscape
services between Wilder Boulevard to Beville Road with R.J. Landscape Contractors
Inc. This project is 100 percent funded with FDOT-JPA Reimbursement Grant. Funds
available in the Transportation 5Cent Gas Tax Fund.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager/Operations recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8N. Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Collective Bargaining Agreement (pp. 142-198)
Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a collective bargaining agreement
between the City and Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) for Police Lieutenants for terms
and conditions of employment beginning October 1, 2013 and ending September 30,
2014, authorizing a 2% general wage increase. Funds available in the General Fund.
James Sexton, Human Resources Director, to report.
Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption of the
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
8O. IAFF LOCAL 1162 Collective Bargaining Agreement (pp. 199-281) **Attachment
added 06-16-14**
Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a collective bargaining agreement
between the City and IAFF, Local 1162, for the period covering October 1, 2013
through September 30, 2014, authorizing a 2% general wage increase. Funds available
in the General Fund.
James Sexton, Human Resources Director, to report.
Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption of the
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
8P. Teamsters Local 385 Collective Bargaining Agreement (pp. 282-351) **Attachment
added 06-16-14**
Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a collective bargaining agreement
between the City and Teamsters Local 385 for Police Officers and Sergeants for terms
and conditions of employment beginning October 1, 2013 and ending September 30,
2014, authorizing a 2% general wage increase. Funds available in the General Fund.
James Sexton, Human Resources Director, to report.
Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption of the
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Consent Agenda
CONSENT AGENDA Items 8A - 8P8A. Calling a Municipal Primary Election - August 26, 2014 (pp. 19-22)
Resolution calling a Municipal Primary Election to be held in the City of Daytona
Beach, Volusia County, Florida, on Tuesday, August 26, 2014, for the election by Zone
for City Commissioner for Zones 1, 3, & 5 for which more than two Candidates are
nominated for the office of City Commissioner, for terms commencing November 12,
2014; and calling a special City Commission meeting to declare the results.
Recommendation: City Clerk recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8B. 2014 Custodian of Ballot and Voting Equipment - Municipal Elections - Appointment
(pp. 23-29)
Resolution appointing and naming Ann McFall, Supervisor of Elections, County of
Volusia, as Custodian of all ballots and voting equipment for the Municipal Primary
Election on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 (if required), and the Municipal General Election
on Tuesday, November, 4, 2014; and requesting that she administer absentee ballots for
the Municipality, as well as appoint inspectors and clerks for said Elections in
conjunction with the County's Uniform Municipal Elections.
Recommendation: City Clerk recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8C. Designation of Polling Places - 2014 Primary and General Municipal Elections (pp. 30-
Resolution designating polling places in the City of Daytona Beach to be used by the
voters in the Primary Municipal Election, to be held, Tuesday, August 26, 2014 and for
the General Municipal Election to be held, Tuesday, November 4, 2014.
Recommendation: City Clerk recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8D. Appointment of the Canvassing Board - 2014 Primary and General Municipal Elections
(pp. 35-38)
Resolution appointing the Volusia County Canvassing Board as the body responsible
for judging the results of the August 26, 2014, Primary Municipal Election, (if required)
and the November 4, 2014, General Municipal Election is being requested which will
coincide with the federal, state and county elections process.
Recommendation: City Clerk recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8E. U.S. Department of Justice, FY 2014 Community Oriented Policing Services - Grant
Submission and Acceptance (pp. 39-48)
Resolution authorizing the submission of a grant application, and the acceptance of
funds if awarded, to the U.S. Department of Justice, Community Oriented Policing
Services, COPS Hiring Program; approving funding the hiring of ten (10) full-time,
sworn personnel over a three (3) year period in the amount of $1,336,380. The match
requirement is projected to be $334,095, final match amount will be determined upon
receipt of the award. The City of Daytona Beach will be responsible for retaining any
sworn personnel funded by COPS grant for twelve (12) months after the 36 months of
federal funding has ended.
Recommendation: Chief of Police recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8F. Historic Tree Removal - 1316 Laurel Drive (pp. 49-56)
Resolution authorizing the removal of a historic tree, located at 1316 Laurel Drive,
which is causing damage to the exterior walls and foundation of the home. Pursuant to
Article 18, Section 3.6 (E), historic tree removal requires approval of the City
Recommendation: Permits & Licensing Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8G. Utilities Department - Replacement of Sand Filters at Westside Regional Wastewater
Plant - Work Authorization No. 8 with Carollo Engineers, Inc. - Contract 1307-1022
(pp. 57-80)
Resolution approving Work Authorization No. 8, in the amount of $293,579, to
Contract No. 1307-1022, with Carollo Engineers, Inc., 401 North Cattleman Road,
Suite 306, Sarasota, FL 34232 to provide engineering design and permitting for
replacement of sand filters at the Westside Regional Water Reclamation Facility.
Funds are available in the Water and Sewer Improvement Fund.
Recommendation: Interim Utilities Director recommends adoption of the
8H. Sidewalk Cafe License - Wine Me Boutique Bar (pp. 81-94)
Resolution approving the request by Sheridan East Holdings, LLC (Wine Me Boutique
Bar) for a sidewalk café license agreement to provide outdoor table service in the RDD-
1 (Beach Street Retail) zoning district at 204 South Beach Street. The
Downtown/Ballough Road Redevelopment Area Board recommended approval 8-to-0
for the conditional use for outside table service. The conditional use approval permits a
Sidewalk Café, subject to an approved license agreement by the City Commission.
Recommendation: Redevelopment Director recommends the adoption of the
8I. Fire Department - Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Purchase - Award Expenditure
(pp. 95-106)
Resolution authorizing expenditure and budget amendments for grant funds for the
purchase of 60 self-contained breathing apparatus from the authorized distributor Ten-8
Fire Equipment Inc., 141 Maritime Drive, Sanford, FL 32771, in the amount of
$420,000. The City of Daytona Beach was awarded a U.S. Department of Homeland
Security – Assistance to Firefighters Grant (Resolution No. 13-291). The grant will
reimburse 90% of the equipment cost with a 10 percent City match ($42,000). Funds
available in the General Fund.
Recommendation: Fire Chief recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8J. 518 North Street - Acceptance of Property (pp. 107-111)
Resolution authorizing acceptance of a deed to real property located at 518 North Street
from Ms. Leasie Harris. Ms. Harris applied for assistance under the City's affordable
housing program to help reconstruct her home located at 518 North Street. Because the
property's current zoning does not allow single-family homes, reconstruction services
could not be provided at this address. However, Ms. Harris did qualify for and received
emergency assistance under the affordable housing program. The City has constructed a
new home for her on City property located at 215 Garden Street and is in the process of
deeding her the property subject to various conditions, including a standard loan. The
loan is forgivable if Ms. Harris resides in the new home for a minimum period of 15
years. Ordinarily pursuant to the City's affordable housing program, the amount of the
loan would be based on the cost of construction, which in this case is $71,684, plus the
assessed value of the lot at 215 Garden Street. In this instance, the amount of the loan
will exclude the assessed value of the lot because Ms. Harris has offered the City the
property at 518 North Street. The 518 North Street property would then be advertised
for sale. Staff intends to use proceeds from the property being deeded to the City on
future housing related projects.
Recommendation: Economic/Community Development Director recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8K. Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship Funds (pp. 112-118)
Resolution authorizing payment from the General Fund in the amount of:
$2000 to the Main Street Redevelopment Fund for Summer Nights on Main Street from
the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of Commissioner Kelly White.
$520 to Leisure Services Department to cover the cost of field trips for students at the
STAR Family Shelter; and $500 Leisure Services Department for Children's Programs
from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of Commissioner Pamela Woods.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Officer recommends adoption of the
8L. Daytona Beach Pop Warner Football/Cheerleading Association, Inc. - The City of
Daytona Beach - Agreement (pp. 119-130)
Resolution authorizing The City of Daytona Beach to enter into a five-year agreement
with the Daytona Beach Pop Warner Football/Cheerleading Association, Inc. for the
use of the football and multipurpose fields at Derbyshire Sports Complex. The contract
term will cover the 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 football season.
Recommendation: Leisure Services Director recommends adoption of the
8M. State Road 5/Ridgewood Avenue Median Landscape Improvements Phase II -
Supplemental Amendment No. 1 - Change Order No. 1 - Approval (pp. 131-141)
Resolution authorizing the Supplemental Amendment Number 1 for The Florida
Department of Transportation, Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) that provides an
additional $57,500 Grant for completing the Median Landscape Improvements Phase II
between Wilder Boulevard to Beville Road; increasing revenue and expense budget
reflecting the amount of $257,500 Grant in the 5 Cent Transportation Gas Tax; and
approving Change Order No. 1, in the amount of $59,000 for additional landscape
services between Wilder Boulevard to Beville Road with R.J. Landscape Contractors
Inc. This project is 100 percent funded with FDOT-JPA Reimbursement Grant. Funds
available in the Transportation 5Cent Gas Tax Fund.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager/Operations recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8N. Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Collective Bargaining Agreement (pp. 142-198)
Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a collective bargaining agreement
between the City and Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) for Police Lieutenants for terms
and conditions of employment beginning October 1, 2013 and ending September 30,
2014, authorizing a 2% general wage increase. Funds available in the General Fund.
James Sexton, Human Resources Director, to report.
Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption of the
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
8O. IAFF LOCAL 1162 Collective Bargaining Agreement (pp. 199-281) **Attachment
added 06-16-14**
Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a collective bargaining agreement
between the City and IAFF, Local 1162, for the period covering October 1, 2013
through September 30, 2014, authorizing a 2% general wage increase. Funds available
in the General Fund.
James Sexton, Human Resources Director, to report.
Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption of the
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
8P. Teamsters Local 385 Collective Bargaining Agreement (pp. 282-351) **Attachment
added 06-16-14**
Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a collective bargaining agreement
between the City and Teamsters Local 385 for Police Officers and Sergeants for terms
and conditions of employment beginning October 1, 2013 and ending September 30,
2014, authorizing a 2% general wage increase. Funds available in the General Fund.
James Sexton, Human Resources Director, to report.
Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption of the
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 9A - Code of Ordinances Amendment - Occupational License Terminology Change (pp. 352-387)
Item 9A
Code of Ordinances Amendment - Occupational License Terminology Change (pp. 352-387)»
Item 9B - Code of Ordinances Amendment - Pedi-cab Operator Permits (pp. 388-403)
Item 9B
Code of Ordinances Amendment - Pedi-cab Operator Permits (pp. 388-403)»
Item 9C - Midtown Master Plan - Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (pp. 404-501)
Item 9C
Midtown Master Plan - Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (pp. 404-501)»
Item 9D - Bayberry Cove - Residential Planned Unit Development, Rezoning (pp. 502-523)
Item 9D
Bayberry Cove - Residential Planned Unit Development, Rezoning (pp. 502-523)»
Item 9E - Gateway Daytona (Blue Water) - Planned Commercial Development (pp. 524-558)
Item 9E
Gateway Daytona (Blue Water) - Planned Commercial Development (pp. 524-558)»
Item 9F - First United Methodist Church - Planned Master Development (pp. 559-577)
Item 9F
First United Methodist Church - Planned Master Development (pp. 559-577)»
Item 9G - Nova Oaks Business Park-Planned Commercial Development, Rezoning (pp. 578-619)
Item 9G
Nova Oaks Business Park-Planned Commercial Development, Rezoning (pp. 578-619)»
Item 9H - Public Use - 638 Madison Avenue (pp. 620-632)
Item 9H
Public Use - 638 Madison Avenue (pp. 620-632)»
Item 9I - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Semi-Public Use Permit (pp. 633-646)
Item 9I
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Semi-Public Use Permit (pp. 633-646)»
Item 10A - Announcement - Public Comment Period for Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Local
Grant Assistance (JAG) Program (pp. 647-659)
Item 10A
Announcement - Public Comment Period for Edward Byrne Memorial Justice LocalGrant Assistance (JAG) Program (pp. 647-659)
Item 10B - Audit Selection Committee - External Auditor Recommendation - Acceptance (pp. 660-
Item 10B
Audit Selection Committee - External Auditor Recommendation - Acceptance (pp. 660-666)
Item 10C - Resolution authorizing the Supplemental Amendment Number 1 for The Florida
Department of Transportation, Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) that provides an
additional $57,500 Grant for completing the Median Landscape Improvements Phase II
between Wilder Boulevard to Beville Road; increasing revenue and expense budget
reflecting the amount of $257,500 Grant in the 5 Cent Transportation Gas Tax; and
approving Change Order No. 1, in the amount of $59,000 for additional landscape
services between Wilder Boulevard to Beville Road with R.J. Landscape Contractors
Inc. This project is 100 percent funded with FDOT-JPA Reimbursement Grant. Funds
available in the Transportation 5Cent Gas Tax Fund.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager/Operations recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8N. Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Collective Bargaining Agreement (pp. 142-198)
Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a collective bargaining agreement
between the City and Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) for Police Lieutenants for terms
and conditions of employment beginning October 1, 2013 and ending September 30,
2014, authorizing a 2% general wage increase. Funds available in the General Fund.
James Sexton, Human Resources Director, to report.
Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption of the
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
8O. IAFF LOCAL 1162 Collective Bargaining Agreement (pp. 199-281) **Attachment
added 06-16-14**
Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a collective bargaining agreement
between the City and IAFF, Local 1162, for the period covering October 1, 2013
through September 30, 2014, authorizing a 2% general wage increase. Funds available
in the General Fund.
James Sexton, Human Resources Director, to report.
Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption of the
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
8P. Teamsters Local 385 Collective Bargaining Agreement (pp. 282-351) **Attachment
added 06-16-14**
Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a collective bargaining agreement
between the City and Teamsters Local 385 for Police Officers and Sergeants for terms
and conditions of employment beginning October 1, 2013 and ending September 30,
2014, authorizing a 2% general wage increase. Funds available in the General Fund.
James Sexton, Human Resources Director, to report.
Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption of the
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 10C
Resolution authorizing the Supplemental Amendment Number 1 for The FloridaDepartment of Transportation, Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) that provides an
additional $57,500 Grant for completing the Median Landscape Improvements Phase II
between Wilder Boulevard to Beville Road; increasing revenue and expense budget
reflecting the amount of $257,500 Grant in the 5 Cent Transportation Gas Tax; and
approving Change Order No. 1, in the amount of $59,000 for additional landscape
services between Wilder Boulevard to Beville Road with R.J. Landscape Contractors
Inc. This project is 100 percent funded with FDOT-JPA Reimbursement Grant. Funds
available in the Transportation 5Cent Gas Tax Fund.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager/Operations recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8N. Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Collective Bargaining Agreement (pp. 142-198)
Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a collective bargaining agreement
between the City and Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) for Police Lieutenants for terms
and conditions of employment beginning October 1, 2013 and ending September 30,
2014, authorizing a 2% general wage increase. Funds available in the General Fund.
James Sexton, Human Resources Director, to report.
Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption of the
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
8O. IAFF LOCAL 1162 Collective Bargaining Agreement (pp. 199-281) **Attachment
added 06-16-14**
Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a collective bargaining agreement
between the City and IAFF, Local 1162, for the period covering October 1, 2013
through September 30, 2014, authorizing a 2% general wage increase. Funds available
in the General Fund.
James Sexton, Human Resources Director, to report.
Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption of the
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
8P. Teamsters Local 385 Collective Bargaining Agreement (pp. 282-351) **Attachment
added 06-16-14**
Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a collective bargaining agreement
between the City and Teamsters Local 385 for Police Officers and Sergeants for terms
and conditions of employment beginning October 1, 2013 and ending September 30,
2014, authorizing a 2% general wage increase. Funds available in the General Fund.
James Sexton, Human Resources Director, to report.
Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption of the
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Items 11 & 12
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