June 15, 2016 Regular City Commission Meetings
Call to Order - 1. ROLL CALL.
Call to Order
4A. Approval of Minutes
Approval of the minutes of the June 1, 2016 Regular City Commission Meeting held at
City Hall, 301 South Ridgewood Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Item 4
APPROVAL OF MINUTES.4A. Approval of Minutes
Approval of the minutes of the June 1, 2016 Regular City Commission Meeting held at
City Hall, 301 South Ridgewood Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Item 5
Item 6A - Presentation - Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (pp. 11-13)
In accordance with section 218.39, Florida Statutes, the City's external auditor, Carr,
Riggs & Ingram, LLC, has completed their audit of the city's financial records for the
fiscal year ending September 30, 2015. A Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
(CAFR) has been completed by the Finance Department and an unmodified "clean"
opinion has been issued by Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC. Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC is
prepared to present their findings to the City Commission.
Yvonne M. Clayborne, CPA, CAM to present.
Item 6A
Presentation - Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (pp. 11-13)In accordance with section 218.39, Florida Statutes, the City's external auditor, Carr,
Riggs & Ingram, LLC, has completed their audit of the city's financial records for the
fiscal year ending September 30, 2015. A Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
(CAFR) has been completed by the Finance Department and an unmodified "clean"
opinion has been issued by Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC. Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC is
prepared to present their findings to the City Commission.
Yvonne M. Clayborne, CPA, CAM to present.
Item 6B - Presentation - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) - Solar Decathlon
Competition (pp. 14-15)
Presentation from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) to introduce the Solar
Decathlon Competition to garner community awareness and to raise funds for the Team
Daytona Beach's entry.
Jenna Beckwith to present.
Item 6B
Presentation - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) - Solar DecathlonCompetition (pp. 14-15)
Presentation from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) to introduce the Solar
Decathlon Competition to garner community awareness and to raise funds for the Team
Daytona Beach's entry.
Jenna Beckwith to present.
Item 6C - BEAUTIFICATION AWARDS - JUNE 2016 (pp. 16-18)
Residential Award:
O C and Arletha White, 337 Walnut Street, Commissioner Kelly White, Zone 3, to
Commercial Award:
Zen Bistro, 223 Magnolia Avenue, Mayor Derrick L. Henry to present.
Item 6C
BEAUTIFICATION AWARDS - JUNE 2016 (pp. 16-18)Residential Award:
O C and Arletha White, 337 Walnut Street, Commissioner Kelly White, Zone 3, to
Commercial Award:
Zen Bistro, 223 Magnolia Avenue, Mayor Derrick L. Henry to present.
Item 7 - CITIZENS.
During this time Citizens have the opportunity to address the City Commission on any
item on the Consent Agenda or any other matter that is not on the Agenda.
Item 7
During this time Citizens have the opportunity to address the City Commission on any
item on the Consent Agenda or any other matter that is not on the Agenda.
Consent Agenda - CONSENT AGENDA.
8A. City Clerk - Calling for Municipal Primary Election - August 30, 2016 (pp. 20-23)
Resolution calling a Municipal Primary Election to be held in the City of Daytona
Beach, Volusia County, Florida, on Tuesday, August 30, 2016, for the election by Zone
for City Commissioner for Zones 2, 4, & 6 for which more than two Candidates are
nominated for the office of City Commissioner and for the election Citywide for Mayor
for which more than two Candidates are nominated for the Office of Mayor, for terms
commencing November 16, 2016; and calling a special City Commission meeting to
declare the results.
Recommendation: City Clerk recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8B. City Clerk - Appointing Custodian of Ballots and Voting Equipment – 2016 Municipal
Elections (pp. 24-27)
Resolution appointing and naming Lisa Lewis, Supervisor of Elections, County of
Volusia, as Custodian of all ballots and voting equipment for the Municipal Primary
Election on Tuesday, August 30, 2016 (if required), and the Municipal General Election
on Tuesday, November, 8, 2016; and requesting that she administer absentee ballots for
the Municipality, as well as appoint inspectors and clerks for said Elections in
conjunction with the County's Uniform Municipal Elections.
Recommendation: City Clerk recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8C. City Clerk - Designating Polling Places for the Municipal Primary and General
Elections (pp. 28-32)
Resolution designating polling places in the City of Daytona Beach to be used by the
voters in the Municipal Primary Election to be held, Tuesday, August 30, 2016 and the
Municipal General Election to be held Tuesday, November 8, 2016.
Recommendation: City Clerk recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8D. City Clerk - Appointment of Canvassing Board (pp. 33-36)
Resolution appointing the Volusia County Canvassing Board to judge the results of the
Municipal Primary Election to be held on Tuesday, August 30, 2016 (if required), and
the Municipal General Election to be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, in
accordance with Article IV, Section 10, City Charter.
Recommendation: City Clerk recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8E. Police Department - Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) Revision
(pp. 37-157)
Resolution approving revision of the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
(CEMP); replacing the existing Emergency Management Plan for the City, aligning the
City with the County, State, and Federal Agencies to meet the requirements of the
National Incident Management System (NIMS) for the City's participation in the
National Response Framework.
Recommendation: Chief of Police recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8F. Development and Administrative Services - Burgoyne Properties LTD - Parking Lot
Lease Agreement (pp. 158-169)
Resolution approving a public parking lot lease with Burgoyne Properties Limited,
1010 E. Adams Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202-190, for the parking lot located in the
block bounded by Beach Street, West International Speedway Boulevard, Palmetto
Avenue, and Bay Street for a fee of $12,000 for an initial term ending January 31,
2017. The Lease provides options to renew for five (5) additional one-year terms with
annual rents of $18,000, plus additional rents based on any increase in stormwater
assessments. The lack of a formal agreement between the City and property owner has
raised concerns about maintenance and liability by both parties. The property owner
could eliminate access to more than 250 parking spaces for public use if a formal
agreement is not approved. Funds are available in the Downtown Community
Redevelopment Trust Fund.
Recommendation: Redevelopment Director recommends adoption of the
8G. Utilities Department - 4C’s Trucking and Excavation, Inc.- I-95 Widening Utility
Reinforcement Project - Final Reconciliation Agreement (pp. 170-177)
Resolution approving the final adjusted contract price of $270,628.68 with 4C’s
Trucking and Excavation, Inc., 331 Sawgrass Road, Bunnell, FL 32110, for the I-95
Widening Utility Reinforcement Project; and approving the Final Reconciliation
Agreement in the amount of $13,531.44 which includes full compensation for the
balance of the contract. There is no additional funding associated with this request.
Recommendation: Director of Utilities recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8H. Public Works Department - Lassiter Transportation Group, Inc. - Nova Road Sidewalk
Trail - Amendment No.1 (pp. 178-224)
Resolution approving Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 2015-069 with Lassiter
Transportation Group, Inc., 123 Live Oak Avenue, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 in the
amount of $15,000 to address the extensive Florida Department of Transportation
(FDOT) design requirements not anticipated to complete the design of the Nova Road
Sidewalk Trail (Bellevue Avenue to South Street). Lassiter Transportation Group
(LTG) has been preparing the construction plans for this project since November 2015
in order to meet the approved FDOT Local Agency Program (LAP) schedule; however,
when they got the plans to 100 percent stage, FDOT submitted additional extensive
review comments. The new comments requested additional design analysis, additional
plans and details, redesign of already approved segments of the trail and detailed
Temporary Traffic Control and Pedestrian Control plan with lane closure analysis
calculations. These design requirements were not anticipated or reflected in LTG's
original contract proposal of $22,965 to design the trail. Funds are available in the
Transportation 5cent Gas Tax Funds.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of the
8I. Public Works Department - Orange Avenue Stormwater Remediation and Infrastructure
Improvements - Change Order No. 11 (pp. 225-268)
Resolution authorizing Change Order No. 11 in the amount of $63,012.88 to Contract
No. ITB 0314-0551 approved by Resolution 14-105 with ThadCon LLC, 503 North
Street, Daytona Beach, FL 32114; and authorizing an additional 89 contract days. The
change order is necessary to address a multitude of revisions resulting from various
unforeseen field conditions, please reference Change Order No. 11 for specific details
regarding the field conditions and the necessary corrective actions. The additional work
caused by the unforeseen conditions requires 89 additional contract days for
implementation. The revised Substantial Completion will now be 800 days after the
commencement date and the Final Completion will now be 830 Days after the
commencement date for the Contract. Funds are available in the State Revolving Loan-
W&S Construction Fund.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager/Administration recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8J. Public Works Department - Chinchor Electric, Incorporated - Orange Avenue Mast Arm
Traffic Signals – Change Order No. 8 (pp. 269-299)
Resolution authorizing Change Order No. 8 to Contract No. ITB 0314-0550
with Chinchor Electric Inc., P.O. Box 431, Enterprise, FL 32715, for the addition of 77
contract days to the Orange Avenue Mast Arm Traffic Signals project. The change
order is needed to match the final completion date of the concurrent stormwater
remediation and infrastructure improvement project being completed by Thadcon LLC.
The task associated with the two contracts are intermingled, where portions of one
project cannot be completed without portions of the other being finished, so it is
important that both projects have the same final completion date to minimize further
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager/Administration recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8K. Utilities Department - Ring Power Corporation - Westside Regional Wastewater
Treatment Plant - Bid Acceptance (pp. 300-307)
Resolution awarding bid 0216-0850 for the purchase of a 2500 KW generator to Ring
Power Corporation, 500 World Commerce Parkway, St. Augustine, FL 32092 in the
amount of $1,432,000. Emergency generators are required under FDEP rules 62-600
and 62-602 and are critical to the continued operation of the Westside Regional
Wastewater Treatment Facility. One of the generators which supplies emergency
power to the treatment facility is more than forty years old and malfunctioned.
Invitations for Bid 0216-0850 were sent to 14 companies; Ring Power Corporation was
the best responsive bidder. Funds are available in the Water and Sewer Construction
Bank Loan Fund.
8L. Public Works Department - Sparks Concrete, LLC - Eagle's Landing Trail/Sidewalk -
Bid Acceptance (pp. 308-318)
Resolution accepting the lowest responsive bid from Sparks Concrete, LLC, 4106 South
Nova Road, Port Orange, FL 32127 in the amount of $74,680 for the construction of a
six-inch thick, concrete trail/sidewalk as a part of the Eagle's Landing Trail/Sidewalk,
City Project No. 2015-032. This is necessary to ensure safe passage of pedestrians
along Clyde Morris Boulevard from the Eagle's Landing Apartment Complex,
beginning at Shady Place and going North to Bellevue Avenue. Funds are available in
the Capital Project Fund.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of the
8M. Finance Department - Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship Funds (pp. 319-321)
Resolution authorizing payment from the General Fund in the amount of:
$250 to Cultural Service Department for partial payment of rental fees for a City
facility for Majesty #565/Brenya's Love Community Event on July 16, 2016 from the
Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of Mayor Derrick Henry.
$5,392 to Leisure Services for 18 children from the shelter to attend the City's Summer
Camp Program from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of Commissioner Pamela
Recommendation: Chief Financial Officer recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8N. Engineering/Public Works Department - Thompson Consulting Services - Debris
Monitoring and Related Services Contract Renewal **Addendum added 06-13-16**
Resolution authorizing the acceptance of the Debris Monitoring and Related Services
Contracts one-year renewal term with Thompson Consulting Services. Hurricane
season is upon us and without a debris monitoring contract in place, the City
jeopardizes receiving FEMA assistance. Thompson has conducted, free of charge,
multiple annual meetings with City personnel and agents for general pre-event planning
purposes. Upon issuance of a Work Authorization, Thompson personnel will mobilize
to the City's Emergency Operations Center (EOC) within eight hours of issuance, and
will commence services within 24 hours of issuance. The initial term of the contract
was three years with two one-year renewal options; this being the second one-year
renewal. No expenses will occur unless a work authorization is issued prior to a
forecasted disaster or immediately following an unanticipated event.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8O. City Managers Office - Naming of Sweetheart Trail **Addenda added 06-14-16
Resolution naming the trail that runs along the Halifax River "The Sweetheart Trail".
Charles Grover Burgoyne and his wife Mary Therese MacCauley Burgoyne retired in
Daytona Beach in 1984. The Sweetheart Trail is named after the 75-foot yacht owned
by the Burgoynes. The 'Sweetheart' was built from cypress and pine in 1989 on City
Island providing jobs during hard economic times.
Recommendation: Commission Action.
8P. Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship Funds **Addenda added 06-14-16**
Resolution authorizing payment from the General Fund in the amount of:
$100 to the Juneteenth Festival Committee, Inc., for the Juneteenth 2016 celebration,
$100 to Greater Friendship Baptist Church for sponsoring of the Scholarship Ministry's
13th Annual Golf Tournament at LPGA and $100 to Leisure Services for Cypress
Aquatic Center for youth swim lessons (matching donation of Save Our Neighborhood)
from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of Commissioner Ruth Trager.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Officer recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Consent Agenda
8A. City Clerk - Calling for Municipal Primary Election - August 30, 2016 (pp. 20-23)
Resolution calling a Municipal Primary Election to be held in the City of Daytona
Beach, Volusia County, Florida, on Tuesday, August 30, 2016, for the election by Zone
for City Commissioner for Zones 2, 4, & 6 for which more than two Candidates are
nominated for the office of City Commissioner and for the election Citywide for Mayor
for which more than two Candidates are nominated for the Office of Mayor, for terms
commencing November 16, 2016; and calling a special City Commission meeting to
declare the results.
Recommendation: City Clerk recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8B. City Clerk - Appointing Custodian of Ballots and Voting Equipment – 2016 Municipal
Elections (pp. 24-27)
Resolution appointing and naming Lisa Lewis, Supervisor of Elections, County of
Volusia, as Custodian of all ballots and voting equipment for the Municipal Primary
Election on Tuesday, August 30, 2016 (if required), and the Municipal General Election
on Tuesday, November, 8, 2016; and requesting that she administer absentee ballots for
the Municipality, as well as appoint inspectors and clerks for said Elections in
conjunction with the County's Uniform Municipal Elections.
Recommendation: City Clerk recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8C. City Clerk - Designating Polling Places for the Municipal Primary and General
Elections (pp. 28-32)
Resolution designating polling places in the City of Daytona Beach to be used by the
voters in the Municipal Primary Election to be held, Tuesday, August 30, 2016 and the
Municipal General Election to be held Tuesday, November 8, 2016.
Recommendation: City Clerk recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8D. City Clerk - Appointment of Canvassing Board (pp. 33-36)
Resolution appointing the Volusia County Canvassing Board to judge the results of the
Municipal Primary Election to be held on Tuesday, August 30, 2016 (if required), and
the Municipal General Election to be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, in
accordance with Article IV, Section 10, City Charter.
Recommendation: City Clerk recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8E. Police Department - Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) Revision
(pp. 37-157)
Resolution approving revision of the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
(CEMP); replacing the existing Emergency Management Plan for the City, aligning the
City with the County, State, and Federal Agencies to meet the requirements of the
National Incident Management System (NIMS) for the City's participation in the
National Response Framework.
Recommendation: Chief of Police recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8F. Development and Administrative Services - Burgoyne Properties LTD - Parking Lot
Lease Agreement (pp. 158-169)
Resolution approving a public parking lot lease with Burgoyne Properties Limited,
1010 E. Adams Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202-190, for the parking lot located in the
block bounded by Beach Street, West International Speedway Boulevard, Palmetto
Avenue, and Bay Street for a fee of $12,000 for an initial term ending January 31,
2017. The Lease provides options to renew for five (5) additional one-year terms with
annual rents of $18,000, plus additional rents based on any increase in stormwater
assessments. The lack of a formal agreement between the City and property owner has
raised concerns about maintenance and liability by both parties. The property owner
could eliminate access to more than 250 parking spaces for public use if a formal
agreement is not approved. Funds are available in the Downtown Community
Redevelopment Trust Fund.
Recommendation: Redevelopment Director recommends adoption of the
8G. Utilities Department - 4C’s Trucking and Excavation, Inc.- I-95 Widening Utility
Reinforcement Project - Final Reconciliation Agreement (pp. 170-177)
Resolution approving the final adjusted contract price of $270,628.68 with 4C’s
Trucking and Excavation, Inc., 331 Sawgrass Road, Bunnell, FL 32110, for the I-95
Widening Utility Reinforcement Project; and approving the Final Reconciliation
Agreement in the amount of $13,531.44 which includes full compensation for the
balance of the contract. There is no additional funding associated with this request.
Recommendation: Director of Utilities recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8H. Public Works Department - Lassiter Transportation Group, Inc. - Nova Road Sidewalk
Trail - Amendment No.1 (pp. 178-224)
Resolution approving Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 2015-069 with Lassiter
Transportation Group, Inc., 123 Live Oak Avenue, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 in the
amount of $15,000 to address the extensive Florida Department of Transportation
(FDOT) design requirements not anticipated to complete the design of the Nova Road
Sidewalk Trail (Bellevue Avenue to South Street). Lassiter Transportation Group
(LTG) has been preparing the construction plans for this project since November 2015
in order to meet the approved FDOT Local Agency Program (LAP) schedule; however,
when they got the plans to 100 percent stage, FDOT submitted additional extensive
review comments. The new comments requested additional design analysis, additional
plans and details, redesign of already approved segments of the trail and detailed
Temporary Traffic Control and Pedestrian Control plan with lane closure analysis
calculations. These design requirements were not anticipated or reflected in LTG's
original contract proposal of $22,965 to design the trail. Funds are available in the
Transportation 5cent Gas Tax Funds.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of the
8I. Public Works Department - Orange Avenue Stormwater Remediation and Infrastructure
Improvements - Change Order No. 11 (pp. 225-268)
Resolution authorizing Change Order No. 11 in the amount of $63,012.88 to Contract
No. ITB 0314-0551 approved by Resolution 14-105 with ThadCon LLC, 503 North
Street, Daytona Beach, FL 32114; and authorizing an additional 89 contract days. The
change order is necessary to address a multitude of revisions resulting from various
unforeseen field conditions, please reference Change Order No. 11 for specific details
regarding the field conditions and the necessary corrective actions. The additional work
caused by the unforeseen conditions requires 89 additional contract days for
implementation. The revised Substantial Completion will now be 800 days after the
commencement date and the Final Completion will now be 830 Days after the
commencement date for the Contract. Funds are available in the State Revolving Loan-
W&S Construction Fund.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager/Administration recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8J. Public Works Department - Chinchor Electric, Incorporated - Orange Avenue Mast Arm
Traffic Signals – Change Order No. 8 (pp. 269-299)
Resolution authorizing Change Order No. 8 to Contract No. ITB 0314-0550
with Chinchor Electric Inc., P.O. Box 431, Enterprise, FL 32715, for the addition of 77
contract days to the Orange Avenue Mast Arm Traffic Signals project. The change
order is needed to match the final completion date of the concurrent stormwater
remediation and infrastructure improvement project being completed by Thadcon LLC.
The task associated with the two contracts are intermingled, where portions of one
project cannot be completed without portions of the other being finished, so it is
important that both projects have the same final completion date to minimize further
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager/Administration recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8K. Utilities Department - Ring Power Corporation - Westside Regional Wastewater
Treatment Plant - Bid Acceptance (pp. 300-307)
Resolution awarding bid 0216-0850 for the purchase of a 2500 KW generator to Ring
Power Corporation, 500 World Commerce Parkway, St. Augustine, FL 32092 in the
amount of $1,432,000. Emergency generators are required under FDEP rules 62-600
and 62-602 and are critical to the continued operation of the Westside Regional
Wastewater Treatment Facility. One of the generators which supplies emergency
power to the treatment facility is more than forty years old and malfunctioned.
Invitations for Bid 0216-0850 were sent to 14 companies; Ring Power Corporation was
the best responsive bidder. Funds are available in the Water and Sewer Construction
Bank Loan Fund.
8L. Public Works Department - Sparks Concrete, LLC - Eagle's Landing Trail/Sidewalk -
Bid Acceptance (pp. 308-318)
Resolution accepting the lowest responsive bid from Sparks Concrete, LLC, 4106 South
Nova Road, Port Orange, FL 32127 in the amount of $74,680 for the construction of a
six-inch thick, concrete trail/sidewalk as a part of the Eagle's Landing Trail/Sidewalk,
City Project No. 2015-032. This is necessary to ensure safe passage of pedestrians
along Clyde Morris Boulevard from the Eagle's Landing Apartment Complex,
beginning at Shady Place and going North to Bellevue Avenue. Funds are available in
the Capital Project Fund.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of the
8M. Finance Department - Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship Funds (pp. 319-321)
Resolution authorizing payment from the General Fund in the amount of:
$250 to Cultural Service Department for partial payment of rental fees for a City
facility for Majesty #565/Brenya's Love Community Event on July 16, 2016 from the
Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of Mayor Derrick Henry.
$5,392 to Leisure Services for 18 children from the shelter to attend the City's Summer
Camp Program from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of Commissioner Pamela
Recommendation: Chief Financial Officer recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8N. Engineering/Public Works Department - Thompson Consulting Services - Debris
Monitoring and Related Services Contract Renewal **Addendum added 06-13-16**
Resolution authorizing the acceptance of the Debris Monitoring and Related Services
Contracts one-year renewal term with Thompson Consulting Services. Hurricane
season is upon us and without a debris monitoring contract in place, the City
jeopardizes receiving FEMA assistance. Thompson has conducted, free of charge,
multiple annual meetings with City personnel and agents for general pre-event planning
purposes. Upon issuance of a Work Authorization, Thompson personnel will mobilize
to the City's Emergency Operations Center (EOC) within eight hours of issuance, and
will commence services within 24 hours of issuance. The initial term of the contract
was three years with two one-year renewal options; this being the second one-year
renewal. No expenses will occur unless a work authorization is issued prior to a
forecasted disaster or immediately following an unanticipated event.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8O. City Managers Office - Naming of Sweetheart Trail **Addenda added 06-14-16
Resolution naming the trail that runs along the Halifax River "The Sweetheart Trail".
Charles Grover Burgoyne and his wife Mary Therese MacCauley Burgoyne retired in
Daytona Beach in 1984. The Sweetheart Trail is named after the 75-foot yacht owned
by the Burgoynes. The 'Sweetheart' was built from cypress and pine in 1989 on City
Island providing jobs during hard economic times.
Recommendation: Commission Action.
8P. Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship Funds **Addenda added 06-14-16**
Resolution authorizing payment from the General Fund in the amount of:
$100 to the Juneteenth Festival Committee, Inc., for the Juneteenth 2016 celebration,
$100 to Greater Friendship Baptist Church for sponsoring of the Scholarship Ministry's
13th Annual Golf Tournament at LPGA and $100 to Leisure Services for Cypress
Aquatic Center for youth swim lessons (matching donation of Save Our Neighborhood)
from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of Commissioner Ruth Trager.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Officer recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Item 9A - Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Daytona Promenade -
Twistee Treat - First Amendment to the Planned District Agreement (pp. 322-352)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - amending the Daytona
Promenade Planned District Agreement to allow the construction of a Twistee Treat ice
cream store and associated site improvements on Lot 5 located at the northeast corner
of Beville and Nova Roads, and authorizing the Mayor to execute the First Amendment
to the Planned District Agreement. Applicant: Randy Hodge, Twistee Treat USA,
LLC on behalf of Daytona Promenade Partners, LLC, et al.
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 6-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.
Item 9A
Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Daytona Promenade -Twistee Treat - First Amendment to the Planned District Agreement (pp. 322-352)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - amending the Daytona
Promenade Planned District Agreement to allow the construction of a Twistee Treat ice
cream store and associated site improvements on Lot 5 located at the northeast corner
of Beville and Nova Roads, and authorizing the Mayor to execute the First Amendment
to the Planned District Agreement. Applicant: Randy Hodge, Twistee Treat USA,
LLC on behalf of Daytona Promenade Partners, LLC, et al.
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 6-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.
Item 9B - Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Mason Avenue/Nova
Road - Kentucky Fried Chicken - Rezoning, Planned Development- General
(pp. 353-422)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - approving a request to rezone
1.5± acres of land located at 948 Mason Avenue from Business Automotive (BA) and
Business Shopping Center (BR-2) to Planned Development-General (PD-G) to allow
for the construction of a 4,260± sq. ft. building with associated site improvements, and
authorizing the Mayor to execute the Planned District Agreement. Applicant: Michael
O. Sznapstajler, Cobb Cole, on behalf of Nova Road, LLC.
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 6-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt the ordinance.
Item 9B
Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Mason Avenue/NovaRoad - Kentucky Fried Chicken - Rezoning, Planned Development- General
(pp. 353-422)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - approving a request to rezone
1.5± acres of land located at 948 Mason Avenue from Business Automotive (BA) and
Business Shopping Center (BR-2) to Planned Development-General (PD-G) to allow
for the construction of a 4,260± sq. ft. building with associated site improvements, and
authorizing the Mayor to execute the Planned District Agreement. Applicant: Michael
O. Sznapstajler, Cobb Cole, on behalf of Nova Road, LLC.
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 6-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt the ordinance.
Item 9C - Calling for Special Election - August 30, 2016 and November 8, 2016 **Addendum
added 06-13-16**
An Emergency Ordinance - PUBLIC HEARING - calling a Special Primary Election
Tuesday, August 30, 2016 (if necessary), and a Special General Election November 8,
http://agenda.codb.us/PublicWeb/MeetingView.aspx?MeetingID=340&MinutesMeetingID=-1&doctype=Agenda[6/14/2016 4:30:20 PM]
2016 for the vacated seat of the Commissioner of Zone 5 and calling a special City
Commission Meeting to declare the results. Commissioner Patrick Henry has
submitted a letter of Resignation effective November 8, 2016. Article IV, Section 9,
City Charter states:
In the event a vacancy in any such office occurs more than twelve months prior to any
regular election to be held in The City of Daytona Beach, the City Commission shall
call a special election in accordance with the election laws of The City of Daytona
Beach, for the purpose of filling said vacancy for a term ending in accordance with the
schedule in Section 8, Sub-Pt. A , City Charter. The candidates for such vacant office
shall possess the requisite qualifications for said office as set forth in this Charter.
In the event a vacancy in any such office occurs due to the resignation of a member of
the City Commission, including the Mayor, pursuant to the State law requirement that a
municipal officer resign prior to qualifying for a different elective office with a
concurrent or partially concurrent term, the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired
term shall be filled by Special Election held in conjunction with the scheduled General
Election for the office for which the resigning member is running.
Letitia LaMagna, City Clerk, to report.
Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Emergency Ordinance.
Item 9C
Calling for Special Election - August 30, 2016 and November 8, 2016 **Addendumadded 06-13-16**
An Emergency Ordinance - PUBLIC HEARING - calling a Special Primary Election
Tuesday, August 30, 2016 (if necessary), and a Special General Election November 8,
http://agenda.codb.us/PublicWeb/MeetingView.aspx?MeetingID=340&MinutesMeetingID=-1&doctype=Agenda[6/14/2016 4:30:20 PM]
2016 for the vacated seat of the Commissioner of Zone 5 and calling a special City
Commission Meeting to declare the results. Commissioner Patrick Henry has
submitted a letter of Resignation effective November 8, 2016. Article IV, Section 9,
City Charter states:
In the event a vacancy in any such office occurs more than twelve months prior to any
regular election to be held in The City of Daytona Beach, the City Commission shall
call a special election in accordance with the election laws of The City of Daytona
Beach, for the purpose of filling said vacancy for a term ending in accordance with the
schedule in Section 8, Sub-Pt. A , City Charter. The candidates for such vacant office
shall possess the requisite qualifications for said office as set forth in this Charter.
In the event a vacancy in any such office occurs due to the resignation of a member of
the City Commission, including the Mayor, pursuant to the State law requirement that a
municipal officer resign prior to qualifying for a different elective office with a
concurrent or partially concurrent term, the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired
term shall be filled by Special Election held in conjunction with the scheduled General
Election for the office for which the resigning member is running.
Letitia LaMagna, City Clerk, to report.
Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Emergency Ordinance.
Item 10A - Development and Administrative Services, Redevelopment Division - Ridgewood
Corners - Rezoning to Planned Development-Redevelopment (pp. 423-461)
Ordinance on first reading - approving a request to rezone 3.5 +/- acres of land located
at the corner of S. Ridgewood Avenue and W. International Speedway Boulevard from
Redevelopment Downtown-Commercial (RDD-3) to Planned Development-
Redevelopment (PD-RD) to allow for a 6,119 sq. ft. commercial retail building and gas
station, associated site improvements. Applicant: Glen D. Storch, P.A., on behalf of
Riverland Gas & Oil, Inc., Suntrust Banks Inc., and Dorice Marie Soroka, et al.
Reed Berger, Redevelopment Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 6-to-0.
Action: Motion to pass Ordinance on first reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, July 6, 2016.
Item 10A
Development and Administrative Services, Redevelopment Division - RidgewoodCorners - Rezoning to Planned Development-Redevelopment (pp. 423-461)
Ordinance on first reading - approving a request to rezone 3.5 +/- acres of land located
at the corner of S. Ridgewood Avenue and W. International Speedway Boulevard from
Redevelopment Downtown-Commercial (RDD-3) to Planned Development-
Redevelopment (PD-RD) to allow for a 6,119 sq. ft. commercial retail building and gas
station, associated site improvements. Applicant: Glen D. Storch, P.A., on behalf of
Riverland Gas & Oil, Inc., Suntrust Banks Inc., and Dorice Marie Soroka, et al.
Reed Berger, Redevelopment Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 6-to-0.
Action: Motion to pass Ordinance on first reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, July 6, 2016.
Item 10B - Daytona Beach Racing & Recreational Facilities District - Appointment (pp. 462-467)
Resolution appointing one (1) member to the Daytona Beach Racing & Recreational
Facilities. The board shall consist of five (5) members, serving four (4) year terms.
Must be a qualified elector of the District and are appointed by the City and County
Commission jointly. The membership term of George Burden will expire on 07/01/16
and Mr. Burden would like to continue to serve. This position is appointed by the City
Commission. There are no additional applications.
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to adopt the resolution.
Item 10B
Daytona Beach Racing & Recreational Facilities District - Appointment (pp. 462-467)Resolution appointing one (1) member to the Daytona Beach Racing & Recreational
Facilities. The board shall consist of five (5) members, serving four (4) year terms.
Must be a qualified elector of the District and are appointed by the City and County
Commission jointly. The membership term of George Burden will expire on 07/01/16
and Mr. Burden would like to continue to serve. This position is appointed by the City
Commission. There are no additional applications.
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to adopt the resolution.
Items 11 & 12
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