May 17, 2017 Regular City Commission Meetings
Items 1 - 3 - 1. ROLL CALL.
Items 1 - 3
Approval of the minutes of the March 25, 2017 Strategic Planning Workshop
Retreat of the City Commission held at Midtwon Cultural & Educational
Center, 925 George Engram Boulevard, Daytona Beach, Florida and the
May 3, 2017 Regular Meeting of the City Commission held at City Hall, 301
South Ridgewood Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Item 4
APPROVAL OF MINUTES.Approval of the minutes of the March 25, 2017 Strategic Planning Workshop
Retreat of the City Commission held at Midtwon Cultural & Educational
Center, 925 George Engram Boulevard, Daytona Beach, Florida and the
May 3, 2017 Regular Meeting of the City Commission held at City Hall, 301
South Ridgewood Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Item 5
Residential Award:
Bruce and Cherie Harnden, 1105 Jacaranda Avenue, City Commissioner
Aaron Delgado, Zone 2, to present.
Commercial Award :
Florida Institute for Reproductive Medicine, 415 North Clyde Morris
Boulevard, Mayor Derrick L. Henry to present.
Item 6
Residential Award:
Bruce and Cherie Harnden, 1105 Jacaranda Avenue, City Commissioner
Aaron Delgado, Zone 2, to present.
Commercial Award :
Florida Institute for Reproductive Medicine, 415 North Clyde Morris
Boulevard, Mayor Derrick L. Henry to present.
Item 7 - CITIZENS.
During this time Citizens have the opportunity to address the City
Commission on any item on the Consent Agenda. Items or discussions not
listed on the Agenda will not be heard during this comment section.
Item 7
During this time Citizens have the opportunity to address the City
Commission on any item on the Consent Agenda. Items or discussions not
listed on the Agenda will not be heard during this comment section.
Consent Agenda - CONSENT AGENDA.
8.A. Engineering/Public Works Department - North Caroline Street - Right of
Way Vacation (pp. 20-45)
Resolution vacating Baldwin Lane and a portion of Division Street in
association with the Midtown Lofts redevelopment project located at 237
Martin Luther King Boulevard South and accepting Utility Easements within
the vacated right-of-way.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.B. Business Enterprise Management Department - Ultra Audioworks, LLC -
Commercial Lease (pp. 46-78)
Resolution approving a commercial lease agreement between the City of
Daytona Beach and Ultra Audioworks, LLC at Halifax Harbor Plaza, Suite
200 for a three year term commencing June 1, 2017 with one threeyear
renewal option. Ultra Audioworks, LLC will use the 832 square feet
commercial space as a professional services offce to sell audio and video
equipment for boats. No funding is required. Recommendation: Business Enterprise Management Director recommends
approval of Resolution.
8.C. Utilities Department - Jon Hall Honda Corrective Easement Deed
(pp. 79-91)
Resolution granting a corrective easement deed originally granted on
December 19, 1997 (Resolution No. 97-609) by the City of Daytona Beach
to Jon Hall Honda. The original easement deed was granted to allow for the
construction and maintenance of a stormwater retention pond, benefting the
Jon Hall Honda dealership on City owned property located at the northeast
corner of Wilson Avenue and Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune Blvd. The Jon
Hall Honda dealership is in the process of being sold and the title insurance
company has determined the 1997 easement deed to be defective because it
does not accurately name the grantee as “John Hall Honda, Inc.” and
because there is no legal description of the property to be beneftted by the
easement. The prospective purchaser of the dealership property is
requesting a corrective easement deed to rectify these defciencies. There is
no City funding associated with this request.
Recommendation: Business Enterprise Management Director recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8.D. Business Enterprise Management Department - Mansfeld Oil Company,
Gentry Oil, and Glover Oil - Renewal of County Contract for the Purchase
of Fuels (pp. 92-100)
Resolution authorizing the annual renewals for the purchase of diesel and
gasoline fuels from Mansfeld Oil Company, Gentry Oil, and Glover Oil
under the same terms and conditions as stated in in County Contract 14-B-
72VO for the period of May 21, 2017 through May 21, 2018 with the
following stipulations:
Authorizing the expenditure of $602,000 for the remainder of FY 2016-
Authorizing the City Manager to expend funds for FY 2017-2018
subject to budget appropriations
Authorizing the City Manager to exercise the fnal renewal option year
and expend funds appropriated in the FY 2018-2019 budget. Funds are
available in the Fleet Maintenance Fund
Recommendation: Business Enterprise Management Department Director
recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8.E. Engineering/Public Works Department - International Speedway Boulevard
(ISB) (SR 600) West Phase II Streetscape (Nova Road to Lincoln Street) –
Local Agency Program (LAP) Supplemental Agreement Approval
(pp. 101-116)
Resolution authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the Local
Agency Program (LAP) Supplemental Agreement between the City of
Daytona Beach and Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and
authorizing the Budget Offcer to amend the budget. The LAP Supplemental
Agreement provides additional funding for the construction or installation of
new sidewalks, curbs, ADA compliant ramps, crosswalks, street lighting,
storm inlets, pavers; and milling and resurfacing of International Speedway
Boulevard (ISB) from Nova Road to Lincoln Street. The agreement allows
construction cost up to $2,795,883 to be reimbursed to the City. Funding is
not needed to execute the LAP Amendment; however, funding will need to
be in place prior to executing the Construction or Construction Engineering
Inspection Services contract.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Deputy Director recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8.F. Engineering/Public Works Department - P&S Paving - West Phase II
Streetscape (Nova Rd to Lincoln St) - Acceptance of Construction and
Construction Engineering Inspection Contracts (pp. 117-183)
Resolution awarding the Lowest, Responsive Bid award and accepting
a Construction Contract with P&S Paving, 3701 Olson Drive, Daytona
Beach, Florida 32124 in the amount of $2,795,883.35 and accepting the
Construction Engineering Inspection (CEI) Professional Services Contract
with Infrastructure Engineers, Inc., 400 W. SR 434, Suite 1016, Oviedo,
Florida 32765 in the amount of $389,315.08. The Construction and CEI
services contracts provide for the construction and oversight of the
installation of new sidewalks, curbs, ADA compliant ramps, crosswalks,
street lighting, pavers, and milling and resurfacing ISB from Nova Road to
Lincoln Street.
In addition, $66,073 will cover the Local Agency Program
(LAP) ineligible concrete cost that are needed to ensure the work is
incompliance with City standards. Funding available in the Capital Projects
Fund ($455,388.08) and the Grant Projects Fund ($2,729,810.35). Please
note eligible construction costs up to $2,795,883 are reimbursable under the
LAP agreement.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.G. Utilities Department - Consolidated-Tomoka Land Company, Indigo
Development, LLC, (collectively CTLC) - Temporary License Agreement -
Third Amendment (pp. 184-208)
Resolution approving a third amendment to temporary license agreement
between Consolidated-Tomoka Land Co, Indigo Development LLC, 1530
Cornerstone Blvd, Daytona Beach FL 32117 (hereafter collectively CTLC)
and the City of Daytona Beach for a period of one year and authorizing the
Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement.
This amendment will allow
access to property owned by CTLC in the vicinity of Indian Lake Road and
Fire Tower Road in order inspect and repair piezometers. The previous
agreement was adopted under Resolution 11-70 and amended in Resolutions
12-174 and 16-276. CTLC has agreed to extend the temporary license for an
additional one year ending March 15, 2018. There is no City funding
associated with this request.
Recommendation: Business Enterprise Management Director recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8.H. Public Works, Technical Services Division - Sweetheart Trail along Beach
Street from Wilder to Shady Place - Florida Department of Transportation
(FDOT) SUNTrail Network Agreement No. 439866-1-34-01 (pp. 209-230)
Resolution authorizing acceptance and execution of the Florida Department
of Transportation (FDOT) SUNTrail Network Agreement No. 439866-1-34-
01 between the City of Daytona Beach and FDOT, providing reimbursement
to the City up to $22,940 for the design of a 12 foot wide multiuse
Sweetheart Trail along the southern segment of Beach Street between
Wilder Boulevard and Shady Place; and accepting all future maintenance
and attendant costs thereof in return for receipt of funding from FDOT; and
directing the Budget Offcer to amend the budget.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.I. Public Works, Technical Services Division - Sweetheart Trail (Donnelly
Place Gap) from Shady Place to Bellevue Avenue - FDOT SUNTrail
Network Agreement No. 439867-1-54-01 (pp. 231-259)
Resolution authorizing the acceptance and execution of the Florida
Department of Transportation (FDOT) SUNTrail Network Agreement No.
439867-1-54-01 and associated Maintenance Memorandum of Agreement
(MOA) between the City of Daytona Beach and FDOT, providing
reimbursement to the City up to $313,723 to construct a 12 foot wide multiuse
Sweetheart Trail (Donnelly Place Gap) from Shady Place to Bellevue
Avenue; and agreeing to accept all future maintenance and attendant costs
thereof in return for receipt of funding from the Department; and directing
the Budget Offcer to amend the budget.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.J. Public Works, technical Services Division - Simes & Rosch, LLC and DDC
Engineering, Inc - Mechanical Engineering Services - Continuing Services
Contract (pp. 260-315)
Resolution awarding the Continuing Services Contracts to Simes & Rosch,
LLC, 3020 Hartley Road, Suite 100, Jacksonville, Florida 32257 and DDC
Engineering Inc., 4083 South Highway US1, Suite 101, Rockledge, Florida
32955, in accordance with Chapter 30 of the City Code, for as-needed
Mechanical Engineering Services for a term of fve years.
Projects will be
issued alternately between the two (2) above listed consultants by issuance
of a Work Authorization. The scope of services and compensation for each
project will be negotiated and mutually agreed upon prior to project
issuance. Work Authorizations will be issued when a project is awarded to a
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.K. Public Works, Technical Services Division - Graif - USA Inc. - Structural
Engineering Services - Continuing Services Contract (pp. 316-348)
Resolution awarding a Continuing Service Contract to Graif - USA Inc.,
2300 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 210, Maitland, FL. 32751, in
accordance with Chapter 30 of the City Code, for as-needed Structural
Engineering Services, for a term of fve years.
Projects will be issued to the
above listed consultant by issuance of a Work Authorization. The scope of
services and compensation for each project will be negotiated and mutually
agreed upon prior to project issuance. Work Authorizations will be issued
when a project is awarded to a contractor.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.L. Public Works, Technical Services Division - McKim & Creed, Inc and SGM
Engineering, Inc - Electrical Engineering Services - Continuing Services
Contract (pp. 349-400)
Resolution awarding a Continuing Services Contracts to McKim and Creed,
Inc., 139 Executive Circle, Suite 201, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 and
SGM Engineering Inc., 935 Baldwin Lake Lane, Orlando, Florida 32814, in
accordance with Chapter 30 of the City Code, for as-needed Electrical
Engineering Services, for a term of fve years.
Projects will be issued
alternately between the two (2) above listed consultants by issuance of a
Work Authorization. The scope of services and compensation for each
project will be negotiated and mutually agreed upon prior to project
issuance. Work Authorizations will be issued when a project is awarded to a
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.M. Utilities Department - McMahan Construction Co., Inc. - Reuse Water
System, Storage Tank and Pump Station - Lowest, Best Responsive Bid
Award (pp. 401-425)
Resolution awarding the Lowest, Best Responsive Bid to McMahan
Construction Company, Inc., 123 East Indiana Avenue, DeLand, FL 32724,
in the amount of $3,683,475. The purpose of this project is to construct a
new 2.5 million gallon reuse ground storage tank, pump station and reuse
main behind the Police Station on Valor Drive. St. Johns River Water
Management District Cost Share Agreement Contract No. 28812 is funding
33% of the project's construction cost. Funds available in the Water and
Sewer Improvement Fund and the Renewal and Replacement 8% Fund.
Recommendation: Business Enterprise Management Director recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8.N. Business Enterprise Manangement Department - Garber Fleet Sales - Police
Department - Replacement Vehicles (pp. 426-431)
Resolution authorizing the purchase of two (2) replacement vehicles off the
Florida Sheriff's Association Bid FSA16-VEL24.0, specifcation 07
with options from Garber Fleet Sales, 3440 Highway 17, Green Cove
Springs, FL 32043 in the amount of $61,046. The vehicles will replace two
vehicles assigned to the Police Department’s command staff that cannot
fully perform its intended functions. Funds available in Capital Projects
Fund, $27,000 and the General Fund, $34,046.
Recommendation: Business Enterprise Management Department
Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8.O. Finance Department - Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship Funds
(pp. 432-433)
Resolution authorizing payment from the General Fund in the amount of:
$50 to Hadassah, The Women's Zionist Organization of America, Inc.,
Daytona Beach Chapter for the 2017 Ad Journal from the Bike Week
Sponsorship Funds of Mayor Derrick Henry.
$250 to Ila's Diamonds, LLC for the Annual F.R.E.S.H Book Festival in
January 2018 and $250 to Juneteenth Festival Committee, Inc. for the 17th
Annual Juneteenth Festival Celebration from the Bike Week Sponsorship
Funds of Commissioner Kelly White.
$500 to the Juneteenth Festival Committee, Inc. for the 17th Annual
Juneteenth Festival Celebration from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of
Commissioner Robert Gilliland.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Offcer recommends adoption of the
8.P. Public Works, Technical Services Division - Sweetheart Trail along Beach
Street from Bellevue Avenue to Marina Point Drive - FDOT SUNTrail
Network Agreement No. 439868-1-34-01 **Addendum added 05-15-17**
Resolution authorizing acceptance and execution of the Florida Department
of Transportation (FDOT) SUNTrail Network Agreement No. 439868-1-34-
01 between the City of Daytona Beach and FDOT, providing reimbursement
to the City up to $56,819 for the design of a 12 foot wide multi-use
Sweetheart Trail along the southern segment of Beach Street between
Bellevue Avenue and Marina Point Drive; and accepting all future
maintenance and attendant costs thereof in return for receipt of funding from
FDOT; and directing the Budget Offcer to amend the budget.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.Q. Public Works, Technical Services Division - Sweetheart Trail along Beach
Street from Marina Point Drive to Orange Avenue - FDOT SUNTrail
Network Agreement No. 439869-1-34-01 **Addendum added 05-15-17**
Resolution authorizing acceptance and execution of the Florida Department
of Transportation (FDOT) SUNTrail Network Agreement No. 439869-1-34-
01 between the City of Daytona Beach and FDOT, providing reimbursement
to the City up to $100,000 for the design of a 12 foot wide multi-use
Sweetheart Trail along the southern segment of Beach Street from Marina
Point Drive to Orange Avenue; and accepting all future maintenance and
attendant costs thereof in return for receipt of funding from FDOT; and
directing the Budget Offcer to amend the budget.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.R. Public Works, Technical Services Division - Sweetheart Trail - Ballough
Road Bridge - Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) SUNTrail
Network Agreement No. 439870-1-34-01 **Addendum added 05-15-17**
Resolution authorizing acceptance and execution of the Florida Department
of Transportation (FDOT) SUNTrail Network Agreement No. 439870-1-34-
01 between the City of Daytona Beach FDOT, providing reimbursement to
the City up to $6,600 for the design of a 12 foot wide multi-use Sweetheart
Trail on the Ballough Road Bridge; and accepting all future maintenance and
attendant costs thereof in return for receipt of funding from FDOT; and
directing the Budget Offcer to amend the budget.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.S. Public Works, Technical Services Division - Sweetheart Trail along Sickler
Drive from 350 Feet south of 2nd Street to 2nd Street - FDOT SUNTrail
Network Agreement No. 439871-1-34-01 **Addendum added 05-15-17**
Resolution authorizing the acceptance and execution of the Florida
Department of Transportation (FDOT) SUNTrail Network Agreement No.
439871-1-34-01 between the City of Daytona Beach and FDOT, providing
reimbursement to the City up to $18,940 for the design of a 12 foot wide
multi-use Sweetheart Trail along Sickler Driver from 350 feet south of 2nd
Street to 2nd Street; and accepting all future maintenance and attendant costs
thereof in return for receipt of funding from FDOT; and directing the Budget
Offcer to amend the budget.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.T. Public Works/Engineering Department - RJ Landscape Contractors, Inc. -
A1A Landscaping - Lowest, Responsive Bid Contract Award **Addendum
added 05-15-17**
Resolution awarding Lowest Responsive Bid Contract to RJ Landscape
Contractors, Inc., 1766 Taylor Road, Port Orange, Florida 32128 in the
amount of $161,700 to restore the landscaping in the medians on A1A (ISB
to Seabreeze) to a high quality, visually appealing, and maintainable
landscape that will enhance the experience of residents and visitors to the
City of Daytona Beach. Funds available in the General Fund.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.U. Finance Department - Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship Funds **
Addenda added 05-17-17
Resolution authorizing payment from the General Fund in the amount of:
$500 to the Juneteenth Festival Committee, Inc. for the 17th Annual
Juneteenth Festival Celebration and $500 to the Halifax Historical Museum
for a general donation from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of
Commissioner Ruth Trager.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Offcer recommends adoption of the
Consent Agenda
8.A. Engineering/Public Works Department - North Caroline Street - Right of
Way Vacation (pp. 20-45)
Resolution vacating Baldwin Lane and a portion of Division Street in
association with the Midtown Lofts redevelopment project located at 237
Martin Luther King Boulevard South and accepting Utility Easements within
the vacated right-of-way.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.B. Business Enterprise Management Department - Ultra Audioworks, LLC -
Commercial Lease (pp. 46-78)
Resolution approving a commercial lease agreement between the City of
Daytona Beach and Ultra Audioworks, LLC at Halifax Harbor Plaza, Suite
200 for a three year term commencing June 1, 2017 with one threeyear
renewal option. Ultra Audioworks, LLC will use the 832 square feet
commercial space as a professional services offce to sell audio and video
equipment for boats. No funding is required. Recommendation: Business Enterprise Management Director recommends
approval of Resolution.
8.C. Utilities Department - Jon Hall Honda Corrective Easement Deed
(pp. 79-91)
Resolution granting a corrective easement deed originally granted on
December 19, 1997 (Resolution No. 97-609) by the City of Daytona Beach
to Jon Hall Honda. The original easement deed was granted to allow for the
construction and maintenance of a stormwater retention pond, benefting the
Jon Hall Honda dealership on City owned property located at the northeast
corner of Wilson Avenue and Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune Blvd. The Jon
Hall Honda dealership is in the process of being sold and the title insurance
company has determined the 1997 easement deed to be defective because it
does not accurately name the grantee as “John Hall Honda, Inc.” and
because there is no legal description of the property to be beneftted by the
easement. The prospective purchaser of the dealership property is
requesting a corrective easement deed to rectify these defciencies. There is
no City funding associated with this request.
Recommendation: Business Enterprise Management Director recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8.D. Business Enterprise Management Department - Mansfeld Oil Company,
Gentry Oil, and Glover Oil - Renewal of County Contract for the Purchase
of Fuels (pp. 92-100)
Resolution authorizing the annual renewals for the purchase of diesel and
gasoline fuels from Mansfeld Oil Company, Gentry Oil, and Glover Oil
under the same terms and conditions as stated in in County Contract 14-B-
72VO for the period of May 21, 2017 through May 21, 2018 with the
following stipulations:
Authorizing the expenditure of $602,000 for the remainder of FY 2016-
Authorizing the City Manager to expend funds for FY 2017-2018
subject to budget appropriations
Authorizing the City Manager to exercise the fnal renewal option year
and expend funds appropriated in the FY 2018-2019 budget. Funds are
available in the Fleet Maintenance Fund
Recommendation: Business Enterprise Management Department Director
recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8.E. Engineering/Public Works Department - International Speedway Boulevard
(ISB) (SR 600) West Phase II Streetscape (Nova Road to Lincoln Street) –
Local Agency Program (LAP) Supplemental Agreement Approval
(pp. 101-116)
Resolution authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the Local
Agency Program (LAP) Supplemental Agreement between the City of
Daytona Beach and Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and
authorizing the Budget Offcer to amend the budget. The LAP Supplemental
Agreement provides additional funding for the construction or installation of
new sidewalks, curbs, ADA compliant ramps, crosswalks, street lighting,
storm inlets, pavers; and milling and resurfacing of International Speedway
Boulevard (ISB) from Nova Road to Lincoln Street. The agreement allows
construction cost up to $2,795,883 to be reimbursed to the City. Funding is
not needed to execute the LAP Amendment; however, funding will need to
be in place prior to executing the Construction or Construction Engineering
Inspection Services contract.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Deputy Director recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8.F. Engineering/Public Works Department - P&S Paving - West Phase II
Streetscape (Nova Rd to Lincoln St) - Acceptance of Construction and
Construction Engineering Inspection Contracts (pp. 117-183)
Resolution awarding the Lowest, Responsive Bid award and accepting
a Construction Contract with P&S Paving, 3701 Olson Drive, Daytona
Beach, Florida 32124 in the amount of $2,795,883.35 and accepting the
Construction Engineering Inspection (CEI) Professional Services Contract
with Infrastructure Engineers, Inc., 400 W. SR 434, Suite 1016, Oviedo,
Florida 32765 in the amount of $389,315.08. The Construction and CEI
services contracts provide for the construction and oversight of the
installation of new sidewalks, curbs, ADA compliant ramps, crosswalks,
street lighting, pavers, and milling and resurfacing ISB from Nova Road to
Lincoln Street.
In addition, $66,073 will cover the Local Agency Program
(LAP) ineligible concrete cost that are needed to ensure the work is
incompliance with City standards. Funding available in the Capital Projects
Fund ($455,388.08) and the Grant Projects Fund ($2,729,810.35). Please
note eligible construction costs up to $2,795,883 are reimbursable under the
LAP agreement.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.G. Utilities Department - Consolidated-Tomoka Land Company, Indigo
Development, LLC, (collectively CTLC) - Temporary License Agreement -
Third Amendment (pp. 184-208)
Resolution approving a third amendment to temporary license agreement
between Consolidated-Tomoka Land Co, Indigo Development LLC, 1530
Cornerstone Blvd, Daytona Beach FL 32117 (hereafter collectively CTLC)
and the City of Daytona Beach for a period of one year and authorizing the
Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement.
This amendment will allow
access to property owned by CTLC in the vicinity of Indian Lake Road and
Fire Tower Road in order inspect and repair piezometers. The previous
agreement was adopted under Resolution 11-70 and amended in Resolutions
12-174 and 16-276. CTLC has agreed to extend the temporary license for an
additional one year ending March 15, 2018. There is no City funding
associated with this request.
Recommendation: Business Enterprise Management Director recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8.H. Public Works, Technical Services Division - Sweetheart Trail along Beach
Street from Wilder to Shady Place - Florida Department of Transportation
(FDOT) SUNTrail Network Agreement No. 439866-1-34-01 (pp. 209-230)
Resolution authorizing acceptance and execution of the Florida Department
of Transportation (FDOT) SUNTrail Network Agreement No. 439866-1-34-
01 between the City of Daytona Beach and FDOT, providing reimbursement
to the City up to $22,940 for the design of a 12 foot wide multiuse
Sweetheart Trail along the southern segment of Beach Street between
Wilder Boulevard and Shady Place; and accepting all future maintenance
and attendant costs thereof in return for receipt of funding from FDOT; and
directing the Budget Offcer to amend the budget.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.I. Public Works, Technical Services Division - Sweetheart Trail (Donnelly
Place Gap) from Shady Place to Bellevue Avenue - FDOT SUNTrail
Network Agreement No. 439867-1-54-01 (pp. 231-259)
Resolution authorizing the acceptance and execution of the Florida
Department of Transportation (FDOT) SUNTrail Network Agreement No.
439867-1-54-01 and associated Maintenance Memorandum of Agreement
(MOA) between the City of Daytona Beach and FDOT, providing
reimbursement to the City up to $313,723 to construct a 12 foot wide multiuse
Sweetheart Trail (Donnelly Place Gap) from Shady Place to Bellevue
Avenue; and agreeing to accept all future maintenance and attendant costs
thereof in return for receipt of funding from the Department; and directing
the Budget Offcer to amend the budget.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.J. Public Works, technical Services Division - Simes & Rosch, LLC and DDC
Engineering, Inc - Mechanical Engineering Services - Continuing Services
Contract (pp. 260-315)
Resolution awarding the Continuing Services Contracts to Simes & Rosch,
LLC, 3020 Hartley Road, Suite 100, Jacksonville, Florida 32257 and DDC
Engineering Inc., 4083 South Highway US1, Suite 101, Rockledge, Florida
32955, in accordance with Chapter 30 of the City Code, for as-needed
Mechanical Engineering Services for a term of fve years.
Projects will be
issued alternately between the two (2) above listed consultants by issuance
of a Work Authorization. The scope of services and compensation for each
project will be negotiated and mutually agreed upon prior to project
issuance. Work Authorizations will be issued when a project is awarded to a
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.K. Public Works, Technical Services Division - Graif - USA Inc. - Structural
Engineering Services - Continuing Services Contract (pp. 316-348)
Resolution awarding a Continuing Service Contract to Graif - USA Inc.,
2300 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 210, Maitland, FL. 32751, in
accordance with Chapter 30 of the City Code, for as-needed Structural
Engineering Services, for a term of fve years.
Projects will be issued to the
above listed consultant by issuance of a Work Authorization. The scope of
services and compensation for each project will be negotiated and mutually
agreed upon prior to project issuance. Work Authorizations will be issued
when a project is awarded to a contractor.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.L. Public Works, Technical Services Division - McKim & Creed, Inc and SGM
Engineering, Inc - Electrical Engineering Services - Continuing Services
Contract (pp. 349-400)
Resolution awarding a Continuing Services Contracts to McKim and Creed,
Inc., 139 Executive Circle, Suite 201, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 and
SGM Engineering Inc., 935 Baldwin Lake Lane, Orlando, Florida 32814, in
accordance with Chapter 30 of the City Code, for as-needed Electrical
Engineering Services, for a term of fve years.
Projects will be issued
alternately between the two (2) above listed consultants by issuance of a
Work Authorization. The scope of services and compensation for each
project will be negotiated and mutually agreed upon prior to project
issuance. Work Authorizations will be issued when a project is awarded to a
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.M. Utilities Department - McMahan Construction Co., Inc. - Reuse Water
System, Storage Tank and Pump Station - Lowest, Best Responsive Bid
Award (pp. 401-425)
Resolution awarding the Lowest, Best Responsive Bid to McMahan
Construction Company, Inc., 123 East Indiana Avenue, DeLand, FL 32724,
in the amount of $3,683,475. The purpose of this project is to construct a
new 2.5 million gallon reuse ground storage tank, pump station and reuse
main behind the Police Station on Valor Drive. St. Johns River Water
Management District Cost Share Agreement Contract No. 28812 is funding
33% of the project's construction cost. Funds available in the Water and
Sewer Improvement Fund and the Renewal and Replacement 8% Fund.
Recommendation: Business Enterprise Management Director recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
8.N. Business Enterprise Manangement Department - Garber Fleet Sales - Police
Department - Replacement Vehicles (pp. 426-431)
Resolution authorizing the purchase of two (2) replacement vehicles off the
Florida Sheriff's Association Bid FSA16-VEL24.0, specifcation 07
with options from Garber Fleet Sales, 3440 Highway 17, Green Cove
Springs, FL 32043 in the amount of $61,046. The vehicles will replace two
vehicles assigned to the Police Department’s command staff that cannot
fully perform its intended functions. Funds available in Capital Projects
Fund, $27,000 and the General Fund, $34,046.
Recommendation: Business Enterprise Management Department
Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8.O. Finance Department - Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship Funds
(pp. 432-433)
Resolution authorizing payment from the General Fund in the amount of:
$50 to Hadassah, The Women's Zionist Organization of America, Inc.,
Daytona Beach Chapter for the 2017 Ad Journal from the Bike Week
Sponsorship Funds of Mayor Derrick Henry.
$250 to Ila's Diamonds, LLC for the Annual F.R.E.S.H Book Festival in
January 2018 and $250 to Juneteenth Festival Committee, Inc. for the 17th
Annual Juneteenth Festival Celebration from the Bike Week Sponsorship
Funds of Commissioner Kelly White.
$500 to the Juneteenth Festival Committee, Inc. for the 17th Annual
Juneteenth Festival Celebration from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of
Commissioner Robert Gilliland.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Offcer recommends adoption of the
8.P. Public Works, Technical Services Division - Sweetheart Trail along Beach
Street from Bellevue Avenue to Marina Point Drive - FDOT SUNTrail
Network Agreement No. 439868-1-34-01 **Addendum added 05-15-17**
Resolution authorizing acceptance and execution of the Florida Department
of Transportation (FDOT) SUNTrail Network Agreement No. 439868-1-34-
01 between the City of Daytona Beach and FDOT, providing reimbursement
to the City up to $56,819 for the design of a 12 foot wide multi-use
Sweetheart Trail along the southern segment of Beach Street between
Bellevue Avenue and Marina Point Drive; and accepting all future
maintenance and attendant costs thereof in return for receipt of funding from
FDOT; and directing the Budget Offcer to amend the budget.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.Q. Public Works, Technical Services Division - Sweetheart Trail along Beach
Street from Marina Point Drive to Orange Avenue - FDOT SUNTrail
Network Agreement No. 439869-1-34-01 **Addendum added 05-15-17**
Resolution authorizing acceptance and execution of the Florida Department
of Transportation (FDOT) SUNTrail Network Agreement No. 439869-1-34-
01 between the City of Daytona Beach and FDOT, providing reimbursement
to the City up to $100,000 for the design of a 12 foot wide multi-use
Sweetheart Trail along the southern segment of Beach Street from Marina
Point Drive to Orange Avenue; and accepting all future maintenance and
attendant costs thereof in return for receipt of funding from FDOT; and
directing the Budget Offcer to amend the budget.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.R. Public Works, Technical Services Division - Sweetheart Trail - Ballough
Road Bridge - Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) SUNTrail
Network Agreement No. 439870-1-34-01 **Addendum added 05-15-17**
Resolution authorizing acceptance and execution of the Florida Department
of Transportation (FDOT) SUNTrail Network Agreement No. 439870-1-34-
01 between the City of Daytona Beach FDOT, providing reimbursement to
the City up to $6,600 for the design of a 12 foot wide multi-use Sweetheart
Trail on the Ballough Road Bridge; and accepting all future maintenance and
attendant costs thereof in return for receipt of funding from FDOT; and
directing the Budget Offcer to amend the budget.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.S. Public Works, Technical Services Division - Sweetheart Trail along Sickler
Drive from 350 Feet south of 2nd Street to 2nd Street - FDOT SUNTrail
Network Agreement No. 439871-1-34-01 **Addendum added 05-15-17**
Resolution authorizing the acceptance and execution of the Florida
Department of Transportation (FDOT) SUNTrail Network Agreement No.
439871-1-34-01 between the City of Daytona Beach and FDOT, providing
reimbursement to the City up to $18,940 for the design of a 12 foot wide
multi-use Sweetheart Trail along Sickler Driver from 350 feet south of 2nd
Street to 2nd Street; and accepting all future maintenance and attendant costs
thereof in return for receipt of funding from FDOT; and directing the Budget
Offcer to amend the budget.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.T. Public Works/Engineering Department - RJ Landscape Contractors, Inc. -
A1A Landscaping - Lowest, Responsive Bid Contract Award **Addendum
added 05-15-17**
Resolution awarding Lowest Responsive Bid Contract to RJ Landscape
Contractors, Inc., 1766 Taylor Road, Port Orange, Florida 32128 in the
amount of $161,700 to restore the landscaping in the medians on A1A (ISB
to Seabreeze) to a high quality, visually appealing, and maintainable
landscape that will enhance the experience of residents and visitors to the
City of Daytona Beach. Funds available in the General Fund.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.U. Finance Department - Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship Funds **
Addenda added 05-17-17
Resolution authorizing payment from the General Fund in the amount of:
$500 to the Juneteenth Festival Committee, Inc. for the 17th Annual
Juneteenth Festival Celebration and $500 to the Halifax Historical Museum
for a general donation from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of
Commissioner Ruth Trager.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Offcer recommends adoption of the
Item 9A -
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - adopting a Small
Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment changing the Future Land Use Map
designation for 3.5± acres located in the southwest corner of LPGA
Boulevard and Outlet Boulevard from General Industrial and Mixed Use to
Interchange Commercial to achieve a consistent Future Land Use for the
site. Applicant: Jeffrey Hodgkinson, P.E., Wolverton & Associates, Inc. and
Robert A. Merrell III, Esq., Cobb Cole, on behalf of Sams' East, Inc. and
NADG TOMOKA LP. **Continued from 05-03-17**
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 5-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.
Item 9A
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - adopting a Small
Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment changing the Future Land Use Map
designation for 3.5± acres located in the southwest corner of LPGA
Boulevard and Outlet Boulevard from General Industrial and Mixed Use to
Interchange Commercial to achieve a consistent Future Land Use for the
site. Applicant: Jeffrey Hodgkinson, P.E., Wolverton & Associates, Inc. and
Robert A. Merrell III, Esq., Cobb Cole, on behalf of Sams' East, Inc. and
NADG TOMOKA LP. **Continued from 05-03-17**
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 5-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.
Item 9B - Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Sam's Club -
Rezoning, Planned Development-General (pp. 473-546)
Ordinance on second reading - Quasi-Judicial Hearing - approving a
request to rezone 22.5± acres of land located in the southwest corner of
LPGA Boulevard and Outlet Boulevard from Industrial Park (M-4) to
Planned Development-General (PD-G) to allow the construction of up to
150,000 square foot building and associated site improvements, and
authorizing the Mayor to execute the Daytona (North) Sam's Club Planned
District Agreement which includes the proportionate fair share commitment
of $487,681.90 for road improvements. The development will include a
Sam's Club and fueling station and allow for future development of three
separate outparcels for additional retail opportunities. Applicant: Jeffrey
Hodgkinson, P.E., Wolverton & Associates Inc. and Robert A. Merrell III,
Esq., Cobb Cole, on behalf of Sam's East, Inc. and NADG TOMOKA LP.
**Continued from 05-03-17**
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 7-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.
Item 9B
Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Sam's Club -Rezoning, Planned Development-General (pp. 473-546)
Ordinance on second reading - Quasi-Judicial Hearing - approving a
request to rezone 22.5± acres of land located in the southwest corner of
LPGA Boulevard and Outlet Boulevard from Industrial Park (M-4) to
Planned Development-General (PD-G) to allow the construction of up to
150,000 square foot building and associated site improvements, and
authorizing the Mayor to execute the Daytona (North) Sam's Club Planned
District Agreement which includes the proportionate fair share commitment
of $487,681.90 for road improvements. The development will include a
Sam's Club and fueling station and allow for future development of three
separate outparcels for additional retail opportunities. Applicant: Jeffrey
Hodgkinson, P.E., Wolverton & Associates Inc. and Robert A. Merrell III,
Esq., Cobb Cole, on behalf of Sam's East, Inc. and NADG TOMOKA LP.
**Continued from 05-03-17**
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 7-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.
Item 9C - Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Rent A
Wheel - Rezoning to Planned Development - Redevelopment (PD-RD)
(pp. 547-603)
Ordinance on Second Reading - Quasi-Judicial Hearing - approving a
request to rezone .3± acres of land located at 907 W. International Speedway
Boulevard from Redevelopment Midtown – Neighborhood Transition Mixed
Use (RDM-5) to Planned Development-Redevelopment (PD-RD) to allow
retail sales and services related to automotive uses, and authorizing the
Mayor to execute the Rent A Wheel Planned District Agreement.
Applicant: Robert A. Merrell III, Esq., Cobb Cole, on behalf of Mike Farrar,
JDM Florida Real Estate LLC.
Reed Berger, Redevelopment Director, to report.
Recommendation: Midtown Redevelopment Board recommends approval 4-
to-0 and the Planning Board recommends approval 6-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.
Item 9C
Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Rent AWheel - Rezoning to Planned Development - Redevelopment (PD-RD)
(pp. 547-603)
Ordinance on Second Reading - Quasi-Judicial Hearing - approving a
request to rezone .3± acres of land located at 907 W. International Speedway
Boulevard from Redevelopment Midtown – Neighborhood Transition Mixed
Use (RDM-5) to Planned Development-Redevelopment (PD-RD) to allow
retail sales and services related to automotive uses, and authorizing the
Mayor to execute the Rent A Wheel Planned District Agreement.
Applicant: Robert A. Merrell III, Esq., Cobb Cole, on behalf of Mike Farrar,
JDM Florida Real Estate LLC.
Reed Berger, Redevelopment Director, to report.
Recommendation: Midtown Redevelopment Board recommends approval 4-
to-0 and the Planning Board recommends approval 6-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.
Item 9D - Engineering/Public Works Department - Ortho Subdivision - Final Plat
Approval (pp. 604-629)
Resolution - PUBLIC HEARING - approving the Final Plat for Ortho
Sudivision which will subdivide 3.02 +/- acres for commercial development.
The property is owned by Volusia Orthopedic Trama Call Associates LLC,
a Florida Limited Liability Company. Applicant: Mark Dowst of Mark
Dowst and Associates. There are no public improvements associated with
this Plat.
David Waller, Deputy Public Works Director, to report.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 9D
Engineering/Public Works Department - Ortho Subdivision - Final PlatApproval (pp. 604-629)
Resolution - PUBLIC HEARING - approving the Final Plat for Ortho
Sudivision which will subdivide 3.02 +/- acres for commercial development.
The property is owned by Volusia Orthopedic Trama Call Associates LLC,
a Florida Limited Liability Company. Applicant: Mark Dowst of Mark
Dowst and Associates. There are no public improvements associated with
this Plat.
David Waller, Deputy Public Works Director, to report.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 9E - Engineering/Public Works Department - Halifax Media Subdivision - Final
Plat Approval (pp. 630-666)
Resolution - PUBLIC HEARING - approving the Final Plats for Halifax
Media Subdivision which will subdivide 23.63 +/- acres for commercial
development. The property is owned by River Market South LLC, and RPS
News Journal Building, LLC. Applicant: Jerry Finley of Finley Engineering
Group. There are no public improvements associated with this Plat.
David Waller, Deputy Public Works Director, to report.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 9E
Engineering/Public Works Department - Halifax Media Subdivision - FinalPlat Approval (pp. 630-666)
Resolution - PUBLIC HEARING - approving the Final Plats for Halifax
Media Subdivision which will subdivide 23.63 +/- acres for commercial
development. The property is owned by River Market South LLC, and RPS
News Journal Building, LLC. Applicant: Jerry Finley of Finley Engineering
Group. There are no public improvements associated with this Plat.
David Waller, Deputy Public Works Director, to report.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Hendrick
Honda - Rezoning, Planned Development-General (pp. 667-722)
Ordinance on frst reading - approving a request to rezone 6± acres of land
located west of Nova Road and north of Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune
Boulevard from Single-Family Residential 5 (SFR-5), Planned
Development-General (PD-G), and Local Industry (M-1) to Planned
Development General (PD-G) to expand the existing auto dealership to
allow for an additional 6,500 s.f. service area, additional parking, and
authorizing the Mayor to execute the Hendrick Honda Daytona Planned
District Agreement. Applicant: Robert A. Merrell III, Esq., Cobb Cole, on
behalf of Gene Cocchi, Hendrick Autmotive Group.
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 7-to-0.
Action: Motion to pass Ordinance on frst reading.
Note: If passed, second Public Hearing, June 7, 2017.
Item 10A
ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS.Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Hendrick
Honda - Rezoning, Planned Development-General (pp. 667-722)
Ordinance on frst reading - approving a request to rezone 6± acres of land
located west of Nova Road and north of Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune
Boulevard from Single-Family Residential 5 (SFR-5), Planned
Development-General (PD-G), and Local Industry (M-1) to Planned
Development General (PD-G) to expand the existing auto dealership to
allow for an additional 6,500 s.f. service area, additional parking, and
authorizing the Mayor to execute the Hendrick Honda Daytona Planned
District Agreement. Applicant: Robert A. Merrell III, Esq., Cobb Cole, on
behalf of Gene Cocchi, Hendrick Autmotive Group.
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 7-to-0.
Action: Motion to pass Ordinance on frst reading.
Note: If passed, second Public Hearing, June 7, 2017.
Item 10B - City Manager's Offce - Downtown Development Authority - Board
Appointment **Addenda added 05-17-17
Resolution appointing two (2) members to the Downtown Development
Authority. The board shall consist of fve (5) members, one (1) of which
shall be a member of the City Commission. Except for the City
Commissioner, each member may be appointed for consecutive terms of
three (3) years, beginning July 1. Non-City Commission members shall
reside in or have a principal place of business in the City (CR-BO), shall not
be serving as a City officer or employee, and shall be an owner of realty
within the Downtown area, a lessee thereof, or director, officer, or managing
agent of an owner or of a lessee thereof. The membership terms of Sheryl
Cook and Robert Abraham will expire on 6/30/17. Mr. Abraham will be
transitioning outside of the boundaries of the DDA at the end of his term.
For the two upcoming vacancies we have two applications: Ms. Sheryl
Cook would like to be reappointed and we have an additional application
from Michael Sznapstajler.
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Commission Action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 10B
City Manager's Offce - Downtown Development Authority - BoardAppointment **Addenda added 05-17-17
Resolution appointing two (2) members to the Downtown Development
Authority. The board shall consist of fve (5) members, one (1) of which
shall be a member of the City Commission. Except for the City
Commissioner, each member may be appointed for consecutive terms of
three (3) years, beginning July 1. Non-City Commission members shall
reside in or have a principal place of business in the City (CR-BO), shall not
be serving as a City officer or employee, and shall be an owner of realty
within the Downtown area, a lessee thereof, or director, officer, or managing
agent of an owner or of a lessee thereof. The membership terms of Sheryl
Cook and Robert Abraham will expire on 6/30/17. Mr. Abraham will be
transitioning outside of the boundaries of the DDA at the end of his term.
For the two upcoming vacancies we have two applications: Ms. Sheryl
Cook would like to be reappointed and we have an additional application
from Michael Sznapstajler.
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Commission Action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 10C - Development and Administrative Services - County of Volusia - Interlocal
Service Boundary Agreement ** Addenda added 05-17-17**
Resolution initiating the negotiation process with the County of Volusia for
an Interlocal Service Boundary Agreement pursuant to §171.203 Florida
Statutes, to facilitate the annexation and development on 663.25± acres of
land owned by the City in the unincorporated area of the County.
James Morris, Deputy City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager recommends adoption of the
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 10C
Development and Administrative Services - County of Volusia - InterlocalService Boundary Agreement ** Addenda added 05-17-17**
Resolution initiating the negotiation process with the County of Volusia for
an Interlocal Service Boundary Agreement pursuant to §171.203 Florida
Statutes, to facilitate the annexation and development on 663.25± acres of
land owned by the City in the unincorporated area of the County.
James Morris, Deputy City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager recommends adoption of the
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 11
Items 12 & 13
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