April 18, 2012 Regular City Commission Meetings
Items 1 - 3 - 1. Roll Call.
2. Invocation.
3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Items 1 - 3
1. Roll Call.2. Invocation.
3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Item 4 - Approval of the minutes of the March 15, 2012 City Commission Fees Workshop and the minutes of the April 4, 2012 Regular City Commission Meeting, held at 6:00 p.m., in the Commission Chambers, City Hall, 301 South Ridgewood Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Item 4
Approval of the minutes of the March 15, 2012 City Commission Fees Workshop and the minutes of the April 4, 2012 Regular City Commission Meeting, held at 6:00 p.m., in the Commission Chambers, City Hall, 301 South Ridgewood Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida.»
Consent Agenda - Items 7A - 7C & 7E - 7N
Consent Agenda
Items 7A - 7C & 7E - 7N»
Residential Award:
Steven A. Linkfield and Debra L. Rennie, 1729 Ocean Dunes Terrace, Commissioner Edith Shelley, Zone 1, to present.
Commercial Award:
Lillian Place, 111 Silver Beach Avenue, Mayor Glenn Ritchey to present.
Item 6
BEAUTIFICATION AWARDS - April 2012Residential Award:
Steven A. Linkfield and Debra L. Rennie, 1729 Ocean Dunes Terrace, Commissioner Edith Shelley, Zone 1, to present.
Commercial Award:
Lillian Place, 111 Silver Beach Avenue, Mayor Glenn Ritchey to present.
Item 8 - Discussion - Waste Pro - Negotiations Progress Report
The City Manager will provide a progress report on negotiations for the extension of Waste Pro's Franchise Agreement with the City.
Item 8
Discussion - Waste Pro - Negotiations Progress ReportThe City Manager will provide a progress report on negotiations for the extension of Waste Pro's Franchise Agreement with the City.
Item 9A - Prohibited Commercial Uses in the North Ridgewood Area - Land Development Code Text Amendment
Ordinance on second reading – PUBLIC HEARING - amending the Land Development Code (LDC), Article 16, Overlay Classifications and Regulations, Section 8.3 (North Ridgewood Classification: Prohibited Uses), to prohibit certain commercial uses in the North Ridgewood Area. Applicant: Development and Administrative Services Department, Planning Division.
Item 9A
Prohibited Commercial Uses in the North Ridgewood Area - Land Development Code Text AmendmentOrdinance on second reading – PUBLIC HEARING - amending the Land Development Code (LDC), Article 16, Overlay Classifications and Regulations, Section 8.3 (North Ridgewood Classification: Prohibited Uses), to prohibit certain commercial uses in the North Ridgewood Area. Applicant: Development and Administrative Services Department, Planning Division.
Item 9B - Fraternal Order of Eagles - Rezoning
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - rezoning 1.15± acres of land located on the north side of Beville Road from R3 – Multifamily, to RP – Residential Professional. The proposed rezoning will allow for the subject property to qualify for a Special Use Permit allowing Clubs and Lodges on the site. The applicant has submitted a concurrent Special Use Permit for review. Applicant: James S. Morris, Esq., on behalf of Jerry Macklefresh, Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #4401, Inc.
Item 9B
Fraternal Order of Eagles - RezoningOrdinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - rezoning 1.15± acres of land located on the north side of Beville Road from R3 – Multifamily, to RP – Residential Professional. The proposed rezoning will allow for the subject property to qualify for a Special Use Permit allowing Clubs and Lodges on the site. The applicant has submitted a concurrent Special Use Permit for review. Applicant: James S. Morris, Esq., on behalf of Jerry Macklefresh, Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #4401, Inc.
Item 9C - Fraternal Order of Eagles - Special Use Permit
Resolution - PUBLIC HEARING - approving a Special Use Permit for 1.15± acres of land located on the north side of Beville Road, to allow for The Fraternal Order of Eagles Club/Lodge as a permitted special use in the RP zoning district. Applicant: James S. Morris, Esq., on behalf of Jerry Macklefresh, Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #4401, Inc.
Item 9C
Fraternal Order of Eagles - Special Use PermitResolution - PUBLIC HEARING - approving a Special Use Permit for 1.15± acres of land located on the north side of Beville Road, to allow for The Fraternal Order of Eagles Club/Lodge as a permitted special use in the RP zoning district. Applicant: James S. Morris, Esq., on behalf of Jerry Macklefresh, Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #4401, Inc.
Item 10A - City Code - Chapter 30 - Purchasing -Revision
Ordinance on first reading - amending Chapter 30 of the City Code to clarify the procurement process; clarifies exemptions to competition; permits negotiations with the sole bidder on a solicitation; streamlines issuance of Requests for Proposals/Qualifications; provide a payment/performance bond waiver on certain projects; and provides clear authority for the City Commission to waive or modify requirements of the Code as needed.
Item 10A
City Code - Chapter 30 - Purchasing -RevisionOrdinance on first reading - amending Chapter 30 of the City Code to clarify the procurement process; clarifies exemptions to competition; permits negotiations with the sole bidder on a solicitation; streamlines issuance of Requests for Proposals/Qualifications; provide a payment/performance bond waiver on certain projects; and provides clear authority for the City Commission to waive or modify requirements of the Code as needed.
Item 10B - Solid Waste Agreement - Waste Pro of Florida, Inc. - Addendum Approval
Resolution approving an Addendum to the contract for the City's Solid Waste Collection with Waste Pro of Florida, Inc., 2101 West State Road, Longwood, Florida, providing up to 12 months of extended Solid Waste collection services. At the April 4, 2012 Regular City Commission Meeting the City Commission requested that Waste Pro of Florida, Inc., provide an extended Solid Waste Collection Services Addendum consistent with the terms of the current contract in order to provide the City with sufficient time to complete competitive bidding of solid waste services if such time is needed by the City.
Item 10B
Solid Waste Agreement - Waste Pro of Florida, Inc. - Addendum ApprovalResolution approving an Addendum to the contract for the City's Solid Waste Collection with Waste Pro of Florida, Inc., 2101 West State Road, Longwood, Florida, providing up to 12 months of extended Solid Waste collection services. At the April 4, 2012 Regular City Commission Meeting the City Commission requested that Waste Pro of Florida, Inc., provide an extended Solid Waste Collection Services Addendum consistent with the terms of the current contract in order to provide the City with sufficient time to complete competitive bidding of solid waste services if such time is needed by the City.
Item 10C - Reimbursement of Expenses from Debt Proceeds
Resolution declaring the official intent of the City to reimburse itself from the proceeds of debt for expenses to be incurred with respect to the Automated Meter Reading System and its associated data infrastructure upgrade. Based on a recommendation from the City's financial advisors, Public Financial Management (PFM), the Finance Department will be requesting City Commission approval to proceed with a refunding of the Water and Sewer Bonds Series 2002 A, B, C and D ($40 million) and include additional funding for the Automated Meter Reading System and its associated data infrastructure upgrade ($10 million). This resolution allows the City to be reimbursed from debt proceeds should funds for the new projects be needed prior to the actual refunding of the bonds.
Item 10C
Reimbursement of Expenses from Debt ProceedsResolution declaring the official intent of the City to reimburse itself from the proceeds of debt for expenses to be incurred with respect to the Automated Meter Reading System and its associated data infrastructure upgrade. Based on a recommendation from the City's financial advisors, Public Financial Management (PFM), the Finance Department will be requesting City Commission approval to proceed with a refunding of the Water and Sewer Bonds Series 2002 A, B, C and D ($40 million) and include additional funding for the Automated Meter Reading System and its associated data infrastructure upgrade ($10 million). This resolution allows the City to be reimbursed from debt proceeds should funds for the new projects be needed prior to the actual refunding of the bonds.
Item 10D - Tuscawilla Park - Zoom Air Daytona, LLC - Agreement
Resolution authorizing an agreement with Zoom Air Daytona, LLC, to design, build and operate an aerial treetop adventure theme park in Tuscawilla Park. Zoom Air is a company that designs, builds and operates aerial treetop recreational activity theme parks including a zip-line and other outdoor tree related activities. Continued from the March 21, 2012 Regular City Commission Meeting.
Item 10D
Tuscawilla Park - Zoom Air Daytona, LLC - AgreementResolution authorizing an agreement with Zoom Air Daytona, LLC, to design, build and operate an aerial treetop adventure theme park in Tuscawilla Park. Zoom Air is a company that designs, builds and operates aerial treetop recreational activity theme parks including a zip-line and other outdoor tree related activities. Continued from the March 21, 2012 Regular City Commission Meeting.
Item 10E - Housing Authority Commission - Appointment
Resolution appointing one (1) member to the Housing Authority Commission. The membership term of Corwin Lasenby expired on April 2, 2012 and he would like to be reappointed. Members are appointed by the Mayor and approved by City Commission. The board shall consist of five (5) members serving four (4) year terms.
Item 10E
Housing Authority Commission - AppointmentResolution appointing one (1) member to the Housing Authority Commission. The membership term of Corwin Lasenby expired on April 2, 2012 and he would like to be reappointed. Members are appointed by the Mayor and approved by City Commission. The board shall consist of five (5) members serving four (4) year terms.
Item 7D - Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) - Proposed Improvements to the ISB/Nova Road Intersection - Resolution of Support
Resolution supporting the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Project Manager for the improvements to the intersection of Nova Road and International Speedway Boulevard (ISB) which is funded for construction in 2013. As described in the attached February 13, 2012 FDOT letter, the project consists of milling and resurfacing of the intersection, an additional left turn lane for US 92 eastbound to Nova Road northbound, new mast arms, restriping for bicycle lanes from Clyde Morris Boulevard to Harney Street, and other minor improvements. The improvements are designed to increase the flow of traffic through the intersection while improving safety. The project is funded by FDOT with no City funds required. A public meeting describing the project and soliciting public comments was held in the City Commission Chambers on March 05, 2012. Written comments were requested. No adverse comments were received at the meeting or since.
Item 7D
Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) - Proposed Improvements to the ISB/Nova Road Intersection - Resolution of SupportResolution supporting the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Project Manager for the improvements to the intersection of Nova Road and International Speedway Boulevard (ISB) which is funded for construction in 2013. As described in the attached February 13, 2012 FDOT letter, the project consists of milling and resurfacing of the intersection, an additional left turn lane for US 92 eastbound to Nova Road northbound, new mast arms, restriping for bicycle lanes from Clyde Morris Boulevard to Harney Street, and other minor improvements. The improvements are designed to increase the flow of traffic through the intersection while improving safety. The project is funded by FDOT with no City funds required. A public meeting describing the project and soliciting public comments was held in the City Commission Chambers on March 05, 2012. Written comments were requested. No adverse comments were received at the meeting or since.
Item 11 (Part 1 of 2) - Public Comment
Item 11 (Part 1 of 2)
Public Comment»
Item 11 (Part 2 of 2) - Public Comment
Item 11 (Part 2 of 2)
Public Comment»
Items 12 & 13 - 12. Comments and inquiries from the City Commission - City Manager and City Attorney report.
13. Adjournment.
Items 12 & 13
12. Comments and inquiries from the City Commission - City Manager and City Attorney report.13. Adjournment.
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