March 15, 2017 Regular City Commission Meetings
Items 1 - 3 - 1. ROLL CALL.
Items 1 - 3
Approval of Minutes
Approval of the minutes of the January 4, 2017 Executive Session - Closed
Meeting, the January 11, 2017 Swearing in Ceremony - Chief of Police and
the March 1, 2017 Regular Meeting of the City Commission held at City
Hall, 301 South Ridgewood Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Item 4
APPROVAL OF MINUTES.Approval of Minutes
Approval of the minutes of the January 4, 2017 Executive Session - Closed
Meeting, the January 11, 2017 Swearing in Ceremony - Chief of Police and
the March 1, 2017 Regular Meeting of the City Commission held at City
Hall, 301 South Ridgewood Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Item 5
Residential Award:
Clinton and Margaret Smith, 632 Willie Drive, Commissioner Paula R. Reed,
Zone 6, to present.
Commercial Award:
Outback Steakhouse, 1735 West International Speedway Boulevard, Mayor
Derrick L. Henry to present.
Item 6
Residential Award:
Clinton and Margaret Smith, 632 Willie Drive, Commissioner Paula R. Reed,
Zone 6, to present.
Commercial Award:
Outback Steakhouse, 1735 West International Speedway Boulevard, Mayor
Derrick L. Henry to present.
Item 7 - CITIZENS.
During this time Citizens have the opportunity to address the City
Commission on any item on the Consent Agenda. Items or discussions not
listed on the Agenda will not be heard during this comment section.
Item 7
During this time Citizens have the opportunity to address the City
Commission on any item on the Consent Agenda. Items or discussions not
listed on the Agenda will not be heard during this comment section.
Consent Agenda - CONSENT AGENDA.
8.A. City Attorney - Settlement of Litigation (pp. 25-29)
Resolution authorizing payment in the amount of $280,000 to Aviana
Bailey, her minor son, C.R.J., and their attorney, John Phillips, for release of
all claims against the City and its employees and full settlement of litigation
arising from an incident on April 28, 2012.
Recommendation: City Attorney recommends adoption of the
8.B. Public Works - Riverfront Esplanade Phase I - Racing and Recreational
Facilities District - Grant Acceptance (pp. 30-62)
Resolution authorizing the acceptance of grant funds from the Racing and
Recreational Facilities District in the amount of $300,000, authorizing the
City Manager or his designee approval to execute any and all documents
necessary in furtherance of the grant and acceptance of the grant
funds, approving an expenditure of $30,000 to Planning Solutions Corp for
grant writing and administrative services as Work Authorization No. 125
and; authorizing amendment of the budget in accordance herewith and
expenditure of the grant funds. The frst phase of the Riverfront Esplanade
will play a crucial role in the City's future development and engagement of
the Halifax River. This project will provide the initial phase of an eventual
series of clearly defned public spaces and points of connection along the
riverfront as provided for in the 2010 Riverfront Master Plan.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption
of the Resolution.
8.C. Public Works, Division of Technical Services - Riverfront Park Day Docks -
Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) and Florida Boating Improvement
Program (FBIP)- Grant Submission (pp. 63-111)
Resolution approving the submission and acceptance of the Florida Inland
Navigation District (FIND) Grant (50% of the total construction costs) and
the Florida Boating Improvement Program (FBIP) Grant (50% of the total
construction costs) seeking reimbursement of up to the amount of the
estimated construction cost of $1,209,267 for the Day Docks in Riverfront
Park; and authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute any and all
documents in furtherance of the grants. Developing day docks along the
section of Beach Street just north of International Speedway Boulevard will
contribute to reduction of vehicular trips on Beach Street and other local
roadways serving downtown Daytona Beach including shops, restaurants and
public meeting places. The grants will cover up to 50% of the cost of
construction and if both are awarded and are able to be combined, they will
allow the City of Daytona Beach costs to be much less than the normal 50%
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption
of the Resolution.
8.D. Utilities Department - Florida Department of Environment Protection
(FDEP) - Bennett Swamp Wetland Rehydration Project - Grant Assistance
Agreement (pp. 112-158)
Resolution approving a State of Florida Department of Environmental
Protection (FDEP) Grant Agreement for the Bennett Swamp Aquifer
Recharge Project with the following stipulations:
Approve the Grant Agreement LP64095 up to a maximum amount of
$2,567,827 and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement.
Amend the Utilities Department 2016-2017 fscal year budget to record
the revenue from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
Approve Work Authorizations 46 and 46A under Planning Solutions
Corporation’s professional services contract (approved by Resolution
No. 15-205 on August 19, 2015) for the grant application and grant
administration for a combined amount of $100,000.
This agreement is needed to accept the FDEP grant to assist with funding the
construction of the City’s Bennett Swamp Aquifer Recharge Project and
compensate Planning Solutions, Corp. for submitting, obtaining and
administering the FDEP grant.
The estimated total cost of the Bennett Swamp construction project is
$5,135,654. The grant will reimburse 50% of the City’s cost of
constructing the improvements, up to a maximum amount of $2,567,827.
The grant has a 50% matching funds requirement. The source of funds for
the match will be determined when the required professional design services
and construction contracts are brought forward for City Commission
approval. Funds available in the Renewal and Replacement 5% Fund
($50,000) and the Water and Sewer Improvement Construction Fund
($50,000) forWork Authorizations 46 and 46A.
Recommendation: Deputy Utilities Director recommends adoption of the
8.E. Police Department - Event Specifc Operational Assistance Mutual Aid
Agreement (pp. 159-169)
Resolution approving an Event Specifc Operational Assistance Mutual Aid
Agreement with other Law Enforcement Agencies in the State of Florida for
a fve year period commencing March 1, 2017 through March 1, 2022. This
agreement provides for offcers of other jurisdictions to work at the Daytona
International Speedway during events. Offcers are paid by the Daytona
International Speedway to include workers compensation. This agreement
has no fnancial impact on the City.
Recommendation: Chief of Police recommends adoption of the
8.F. Risk Management Division - Brown and Brown - Excess Workers'
Compensation and Liability Insurance - Proposal Acceptance (pp. 170-187)
Resolution accepting the proposal submitted by Brown & Brown of Florida,
Inc., as the City’s property and casualty broker, for excess workers’
compensation insurance with Arch Insurance Company, 300 Plaza Three,
Jersey City, NJ 07311 in the amount of $150,645; and excess liability
insurance coverage with Illinois Union Insurance Company, PO Box 1000
Philadelphia, PA 19106 in the amount of $191,750 for a combined annual
premium including surcharges and fees of $342,395 with a policy period of
April 15, 2017 to April 15, 2018. Excess statutory workers' compensation
and liability insurance coverage is in place to protect the City fnancially
from catastrophic losses. Our current coverage expires on April 15, 2017.
Funds available in the Consolidated Insurance Fund.
Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.G. Risk Management Division - Brown and Brown - Health, Dental and
Ancillary Coverages - Insurance Proposal Acceptance (pp. 188-230)
Resolution accepting the proposals submitted to and recommended by
Brown & Brown of Florida, Inc., the City’s employee benefts services
consultant, for the City’s employee benefts coverage including health
insurance coverage with Florida Health Care Plans, Inc., PO Box 9910,
Daytona Beach, FL 32120; dental insurance coverage and ancillary coverage
through Lincoln Financial Group, 1800 Pembrook Drive, Orlando, FL
32810, for a one year period of May 1, 2017 to April 30, 2018.
Health Insurance: Florida Health Care Plans, Inc. submitted quotes offering
the HMO, Triple Option and High Deductible Health Savings Account health
insurance plans for participants to choose the best option for them. The
renewal proposal is an overall rate decrease of 1% of last year’s premium.
The estimated premium is $9,400,000 with the City responsible for
approximately $6,400,000 of the premium payment with the plan participants
paying the balance.
Dental Insurance: It is recommended the City maintain dental insurance with
Lincoln Financial Group with a rate increase of 4% from last year’s
premium. Premiums are paid by plan participants through payroll deductions
or direct payment.
Ancillary Insurance: It is recommended the City continue coverage with
Lincoln Financial Group for Group Life and Accident Death &
Dismemberment Insurance (AD&D), Voluntary Group Life and AD&D, and
Long Term Disability Insurance (LTD). There is no rate change from last
year. The City pays for the Group Life and AD&D coverage for active
employees, which is approximately $77,000. The plan participants are
responsible for 100% of the premium for the Voluntary Group Life and
AD&D and LTD coverage. Funds available in Multiple Funds.
Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption
of the Resolution.
8.H. Public Works Department/Ground Maintenance - ELC Industries, LLC –
Landscape Maintenance Services Contract Renewal (pp. 231-252)
Resolution approving the one (1) year renewal of the Landscape
Maintenance Services contract (No. 0113-275) between the City of Daytona
Beach and ELC Industries, LLC, 1340 Shangri-La Drive, Daytona Beach,
Florida 32119 from March 19, 2017 to March 18, 2018, and authorizing the
City Manager to exercise the fnal renewal option. The Contract was
originally approved March 19, 2014, by Resolution 14-74. The City has the
option to renew the contract for up to two (2) terms of one year (1) each.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption
of the Resolution.
8.I. Public Works/Administration - Waste Pro of Florida - Emergency Solid
Waste Collection (Hurricane Matthew) - Emergency Services Ratifcation
(pp. 253-282)
Resolution ratifying the purchase of emergency services provided by Waste
Pro of Florida, Inc., 2101 West SR434 Suite 315 Longwood, FL 32779 in the
amount of $38,947.25. The City Manager is authorized to approve
emergency purchases in the most effcient and effective means possible.
Bidding or lowest and best quote procedures may be used where feasible, but
competitive selection is not required (refer to Section 30-52 (b) of the
purchasing code. Following the impact of Hurricane Matthew, Waste Pro at
the City’s request, immediately responded post-disaster and collected Solid
Waste city wide to ensure the health and welfare of the City’s residents and
visitors. In assistance with the relief of debris removal to ensure the health
and safety of the public, Waste Pro completed post-disaster debris collections
which is considered additional work performed under the Contract beyond
the scope of work. An anticipated 87.5% ($34,078.85) of this expense is
expected to be reimbursed by FEMA and the State of Florida leaving the
balance of $4,869 to be paid by the City of Daytona Beach. Funds available
in the Solid Waste Management Fund.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption
of the Resolution.
8.J. Public Works/Administration - Waste Pro of Florida - Daytona Construction
& Demolition Disposal Facility - Construction Services Ratifcation
(pp. 283-291)
Resolution ratifying the construction services of Waste Pro of Florida, Inc.,
2101 West SR434 Suite 315, Longwood, FL 32779 in the amount of
$108,698 and waiving the competitive purchasing requirements based on
Purchasing Code 30-51. Waiver of competitive requirements are requested
because Waste Pro of Florida is the current operator of the disposal facility
and provided a competitive proposal. Modifcations to the City Construction
and Demolition (C&D) facility are necessary to remain compliant with the
Florida Department of Environment Protection (FDEP) operation permit.
The FDEP permit required construction of a stormwater management system
to facilitate the vertical expansion necessary to increase the facility's
capacity. The vertical expansion will delay the closure of the landfll and
allow additional revenue to be collected for offsetting the closure cost. To
ensure the continued operation of the facility without disruption from
construction activities is in the best interest of the City of Daytona Beach to
have the work performed by Waste Pro of Florida.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption
of the Resolution.
8.K. Utilities Department - Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust
Fund of the State of Florida – Bennett Swamp Utility and Flowage
Easement No. 31790 - Amendment (pp. 292-394)
Resolution approving an amendment to an existing utility easement from the
Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of
Florida for the Bennett Swamp Wetland Rehydration Project and authorizing
the City Manager to execute an amendment to Easement No. 31790 to allow
for a timely start to the project and accept additional easement rights on
behalf of the City and authorizing the expenditure of $20,000 for
the replanting of native vegetation impacted by the construction.
Recommendation: Deputy Utilities Director recommends adoption
of the Resolution.
8.L. Engineering/Public Works Division - Chinchor Electric Inc - Orange Avenue
Stormwater Remediation and Infrastructure Improvements - Final
Reconciliation Agreement (pp. 395-422)
Resolution authorizing execution of the Final Reconciliation Agreement for
Contract No. ITB 0314-0550 with Chinchor Electric, Inc., 935 Shadick
Drive, Orange City, Florida 32763 in the amount of $1,328,969.16 and
establishing the Final Completion date as February 28, 2017. This agreement
is to fnalize contract quantities and fnal payment for services rendered by
Chichor Electric, Inc. The original Contract approved via Resolution 14-106
with Chinchor Electric Inc. was in amount of $1,378,044.90. Based on
project quantities the contract price has been reduced to $1,328,969.16 and is
refected in the Final Reconciliation Agreement. No additional funding is
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption
of the Resolution.
8.M. Public Works, Division of Technical Services - General Mechanical
Corporation (GMC) - City Hall Boiler Room Remodel - Lowest Responsive
Bid Contract Award (pp. 423-522)
Resolution awarding the Lowest Responsive Bid Award Contract to General
Mechanical Corporation (GMC), 418 North Seagrave Street, Suite “B”,
Daytona Beach, FL 32114, in the amount of $93,911 to remove the existing
boilers, doors and frame at City Hall and replace according to the contract
documents; and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to
execute the contract. The existing boilers are malfunctioning and cannot
keep up with the heat load requirement; therefore, areas of the building are
not tempered according to the thermostats in that area. The boilers were
installed in 1976, have out-lived their life expectancy and have been
requiring frequent and signifcant maintenance. Replacing the boiler would
increase the energy savings and produce a more evenly tempered
atmosphere. Funds available in the Capital Projects Fund.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption
of the Resolution.
8.N. Public Works, Division of Technical Services - Symbiont Services,
Lowest Responsive Bid Contract Award (pp. 523-627)
Resolution awarding the Lowest Responsive Bid Award to Symbiont
Services Corp, 4372 North Access Road, Englewood, Florida 34224 in the
amount of $129,000 to furnish and install a Geo-Thermal heating and cooling
system at Campbell pool to temper the pool water to 80 (eighty) degrees
year-round and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the
Contract. The existing swimming pool water is not tempered which only
allows the pool to be open for approximately 4 (four) to 5 (fve) months out
of the year. Funds available in the General Fund.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption
of the Resolution.
8.O. Public Works, Technical Services Division - C&L Landscape, Inc - Beville
Road Median Landscaping Project - Lowest Responsive Bid Award
(pp. 628-650)
Resolution awarding the Lowest Responsive Bid Award to C & L
Landscape, Inc., 1601 E. Duval Street, Jacksonville, Florida 32202 for a total
base bid of $418,000.42 for the Beville Road Median Landscaping
Project. This is a Florida Department Of Transportation (FDOT) Joint
Participation Agreement (JPA) funded project to landscape the medians
along Beville Road between Clyde Morris Boulevard and US Highway 1.
The bids were thoroughly reviewed by the FDOT and City Staff, and C&L
Landscape, Inc. was determined to be the lowest responsive bidder. The JPA
funds of $300,000 will pay for the majority of the project, and the City will
be responsible for the remaining $118,000.42 needed to complete the
project. Funds available in the Grant Projects Fund ($300,000) and the
Capital Projects Fund ($118,000.42).
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption
of the Resolution.
8.P. Police Department - Dana Safety Supply - Daytona Beach Police Department
SWAT Team - Tactical Bulletproof Equipment - Purchase
(pp. 651-675)
Resolution authorizing the purchase of ballistic protective equipment in
an amount not to exceed $85,000 from Dana Safety Supply, 5221 W. Market
St. Greensboro, NC 274096, an established vendor with the City of Daytona
Beach for the SWAT Team not covered under the Bulletproof Best
Partnership Program, which allows the purchase of one vest per person. The
Daytona Beach Police Department (DBPD) SWAT Team wears ballistic
equipment that is designed to enhance their safety when faced with increased,
and higher threats while performing their duties. The current issued vests are
due to expire March 2017. Ballistic equipment pricing is based on national
contract pricing, (National Contract number 46151504-NASPRO-17-ACS),
and the vendor has offered us an additional discount which is permitted by
the purchasing code. Funds available in the General Fund.
Recommendation: Chief of Police recommends adoption of the
8.Q. Finance Department - Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship Funds
(pp. 676-679)
Resolution authorizing payment from the General Fund in the amount of:
$200 to Greater Friendship Baptist Church for the 14th Annual Elisha Strapp
Golf Tournament and $250 to B.A.L.D.Y. Athletics for a general donation
from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of Mayor Derrick Henry.
$500 to Greater Daytona Shrine Club for a general donation from the Bike
Week Sponsorship Funds of Commissioner Robert Gilliland.
$250 to Greater Friendship Baptist Church for the 14th Annual Elisha Strapp
Golf Tournament, $250 to B.A.L.D.Y. Athletics for a general donation and
$200 to Volusia County Florida A&M National Alumni Association for a
general donation from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of Commissioner
Dannette Henry.
$150 to Royal Pointe Dance for venue fees for the June 2, 2017 performance
of "The Wiz, A Dancing Sensation" from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds
of Commissioner Paula Reed.
$150 to Greater Friendship Baptist Church for the 14th Annual Elisha Strapp
Golf Tournament from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of Commissioner
Kelly White.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Offcer recommends adoption
of the Resolution.
Consent Agenda
8.A. City Attorney - Settlement of Litigation (pp. 25-29)
Resolution authorizing payment in the amount of $280,000 to Aviana
Bailey, her minor son, C.R.J., and their attorney, John Phillips, for release of
all claims against the City and its employees and full settlement of litigation
arising from an incident on April 28, 2012.
Recommendation: City Attorney recommends adoption of the
8.B. Public Works - Riverfront Esplanade Phase I - Racing and Recreational
Facilities District - Grant Acceptance (pp. 30-62)
Resolution authorizing the acceptance of grant funds from the Racing and
Recreational Facilities District in the amount of $300,000, authorizing the
City Manager or his designee approval to execute any and all documents
necessary in furtherance of the grant and acceptance of the grant
funds, approving an expenditure of $30,000 to Planning Solutions Corp for
grant writing and administrative services as Work Authorization No. 125
and; authorizing amendment of the budget in accordance herewith and
expenditure of the grant funds. The frst phase of the Riverfront Esplanade
will play a crucial role in the City's future development and engagement of
the Halifax River. This project will provide the initial phase of an eventual
series of clearly defned public spaces and points of connection along the
riverfront as provided for in the 2010 Riverfront Master Plan.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption
of the Resolution.
8.C. Public Works, Division of Technical Services - Riverfront Park Day Docks -
Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) and Florida Boating Improvement
Program (FBIP)- Grant Submission (pp. 63-111)
Resolution approving the submission and acceptance of the Florida Inland
Navigation District (FIND) Grant (50% of the total construction costs) and
the Florida Boating Improvement Program (FBIP) Grant (50% of the total
construction costs) seeking reimbursement of up to the amount of the
estimated construction cost of $1,209,267 for the Day Docks in Riverfront
Park; and authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute any and all
documents in furtherance of the grants. Developing day docks along the
section of Beach Street just north of International Speedway Boulevard will
contribute to reduction of vehicular trips on Beach Street and other local
roadways serving downtown Daytona Beach including shops, restaurants and
public meeting places. The grants will cover up to 50% of the cost of
construction and if both are awarded and are able to be combined, they will
allow the City of Daytona Beach costs to be much less than the normal 50%
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption
of the Resolution.
8.D. Utilities Department - Florida Department of Environment Protection
(FDEP) - Bennett Swamp Wetland Rehydration Project - Grant Assistance
Agreement (pp. 112-158)
Resolution approving a State of Florida Department of Environmental
Protection (FDEP) Grant Agreement for the Bennett Swamp Aquifer
Recharge Project with the following stipulations:
Approve the Grant Agreement LP64095 up to a maximum amount of
$2,567,827 and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement.
Amend the Utilities Department 2016-2017 fscal year budget to record
the revenue from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
Approve Work Authorizations 46 and 46A under Planning Solutions
Corporation’s professional services contract (approved by Resolution
No. 15-205 on August 19, 2015) for the grant application and grant
administration for a combined amount of $100,000.
This agreement is needed to accept the FDEP grant to assist with funding the
construction of the City’s Bennett Swamp Aquifer Recharge Project and
compensate Planning Solutions, Corp. for submitting, obtaining and
administering the FDEP grant.
The estimated total cost of the Bennett Swamp construction project is
$5,135,654. The grant will reimburse 50% of the City’s cost of
constructing the improvements, up to a maximum amount of $2,567,827.
The grant has a 50% matching funds requirement. The source of funds for
the match will be determined when the required professional design services
and construction contracts are brought forward for City Commission
approval. Funds available in the Renewal and Replacement 5% Fund
($50,000) and the Water and Sewer Improvement Construction Fund
($50,000) forWork Authorizations 46 and 46A.
Recommendation: Deputy Utilities Director recommends adoption of the
8.E. Police Department - Event Specifc Operational Assistance Mutual Aid
Agreement (pp. 159-169)
Resolution approving an Event Specifc Operational Assistance Mutual Aid
Agreement with other Law Enforcement Agencies in the State of Florida for
a fve year period commencing March 1, 2017 through March 1, 2022. This
agreement provides for offcers of other jurisdictions to work at the Daytona
International Speedway during events. Offcers are paid by the Daytona
International Speedway to include workers compensation. This agreement
has no fnancial impact on the City.
Recommendation: Chief of Police recommends adoption of the
8.F. Risk Management Division - Brown and Brown - Excess Workers'
Compensation and Liability Insurance - Proposal Acceptance (pp. 170-187)
Resolution accepting the proposal submitted by Brown & Brown of Florida,
Inc., as the City’s property and casualty broker, for excess workers’
compensation insurance with Arch Insurance Company, 300 Plaza Three,
Jersey City, NJ 07311 in the amount of $150,645; and excess liability
insurance coverage with Illinois Union Insurance Company, PO Box 1000
Philadelphia, PA 19106 in the amount of $191,750 for a combined annual
premium including surcharges and fees of $342,395 with a policy period of
April 15, 2017 to April 15, 2018. Excess statutory workers' compensation
and liability insurance coverage is in place to protect the City fnancially
from catastrophic losses. Our current coverage expires on April 15, 2017.
Funds available in the Consolidated Insurance Fund.
Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
8.G. Risk Management Division - Brown and Brown - Health, Dental and
Ancillary Coverages - Insurance Proposal Acceptance (pp. 188-230)
Resolution accepting the proposals submitted to and recommended by
Brown & Brown of Florida, Inc., the City’s employee benefts services
consultant, for the City’s employee benefts coverage including health
insurance coverage with Florida Health Care Plans, Inc., PO Box 9910,
Daytona Beach, FL 32120; dental insurance coverage and ancillary coverage
through Lincoln Financial Group, 1800 Pembrook Drive, Orlando, FL
32810, for a one year period of May 1, 2017 to April 30, 2018.
Health Insurance: Florida Health Care Plans, Inc. submitted quotes offering
the HMO, Triple Option and High Deductible Health Savings Account health
insurance plans for participants to choose the best option for them. The
renewal proposal is an overall rate decrease of 1% of last year’s premium.
The estimated premium is $9,400,000 with the City responsible for
approximately $6,400,000 of the premium payment with the plan participants
paying the balance.
Dental Insurance: It is recommended the City maintain dental insurance with
Lincoln Financial Group with a rate increase of 4% from last year’s
premium. Premiums are paid by plan participants through payroll deductions
or direct payment.
Ancillary Insurance: It is recommended the City continue coverage with
Lincoln Financial Group for Group Life and Accident Death &
Dismemberment Insurance (AD&D), Voluntary Group Life and AD&D, and
Long Term Disability Insurance (LTD). There is no rate change from last
year. The City pays for the Group Life and AD&D coverage for active
employees, which is approximately $77,000. The plan participants are
responsible for 100% of the premium for the Voluntary Group Life and
AD&D and LTD coverage. Funds available in Multiple Funds.
Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption
of the Resolution.
8.H. Public Works Department/Ground Maintenance - ELC Industries, LLC –
Landscape Maintenance Services Contract Renewal (pp. 231-252)
Resolution approving the one (1) year renewal of the Landscape
Maintenance Services contract (No. 0113-275) between the City of Daytona
Beach and ELC Industries, LLC, 1340 Shangri-La Drive, Daytona Beach,
Florida 32119 from March 19, 2017 to March 18, 2018, and authorizing the
City Manager to exercise the fnal renewal option. The Contract was
originally approved March 19, 2014, by Resolution 14-74. The City has the
option to renew the contract for up to two (2) terms of one year (1) each.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption
of the Resolution.
8.I. Public Works/Administration - Waste Pro of Florida - Emergency Solid
Waste Collection (Hurricane Matthew) - Emergency Services Ratifcation
(pp. 253-282)
Resolution ratifying the purchase of emergency services provided by Waste
Pro of Florida, Inc., 2101 West SR434 Suite 315 Longwood, FL 32779 in the
amount of $38,947.25. The City Manager is authorized to approve
emergency purchases in the most effcient and effective means possible.
Bidding or lowest and best quote procedures may be used where feasible, but
competitive selection is not required (refer to Section 30-52 (b) of the
purchasing code. Following the impact of Hurricane Matthew, Waste Pro at
the City’s request, immediately responded post-disaster and collected Solid
Waste city wide to ensure the health and welfare of the City’s residents and
visitors. In assistance with the relief of debris removal to ensure the health
and safety of the public, Waste Pro completed post-disaster debris collections
which is considered additional work performed under the Contract beyond
the scope of work. An anticipated 87.5% ($34,078.85) of this expense is
expected to be reimbursed by FEMA and the State of Florida leaving the
balance of $4,869 to be paid by the City of Daytona Beach. Funds available
in the Solid Waste Management Fund.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption
of the Resolution.
8.J. Public Works/Administration - Waste Pro of Florida - Daytona Construction
& Demolition Disposal Facility - Construction Services Ratifcation
(pp. 283-291)
Resolution ratifying the construction services of Waste Pro of Florida, Inc.,
2101 West SR434 Suite 315, Longwood, FL 32779 in the amount of
$108,698 and waiving the competitive purchasing requirements based on
Purchasing Code 30-51. Waiver of competitive requirements are requested
because Waste Pro of Florida is the current operator of the disposal facility
and provided a competitive proposal. Modifcations to the City Construction
and Demolition (C&D) facility are necessary to remain compliant with the
Florida Department of Environment Protection (FDEP) operation permit.
The FDEP permit required construction of a stormwater management system
to facilitate the vertical expansion necessary to increase the facility's
capacity. The vertical expansion will delay the closure of the landfll and
allow additional revenue to be collected for offsetting the closure cost. To
ensure the continued operation of the facility without disruption from
construction activities is in the best interest of the City of Daytona Beach to
have the work performed by Waste Pro of Florida.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption
of the Resolution.
8.K. Utilities Department - Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust
Fund of the State of Florida – Bennett Swamp Utility and Flowage
Easement No. 31790 - Amendment (pp. 292-394)
Resolution approving an amendment to an existing utility easement from the
Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of
Florida for the Bennett Swamp Wetland Rehydration Project and authorizing
the City Manager to execute an amendment to Easement No. 31790 to allow
for a timely start to the project and accept additional easement rights on
behalf of the City and authorizing the expenditure of $20,000 for
the replanting of native vegetation impacted by the construction.
Recommendation: Deputy Utilities Director recommends adoption
of the Resolution.
8.L. Engineering/Public Works Division - Chinchor Electric Inc - Orange Avenue
Stormwater Remediation and Infrastructure Improvements - Final
Reconciliation Agreement (pp. 395-422)
Resolution authorizing execution of the Final Reconciliation Agreement for
Contract No. ITB 0314-0550 with Chinchor Electric, Inc., 935 Shadick
Drive, Orange City, Florida 32763 in the amount of $1,328,969.16 and
establishing the Final Completion date as February 28, 2017. This agreement
is to fnalize contract quantities and fnal payment for services rendered by
Chichor Electric, Inc. The original Contract approved via Resolution 14-106
with Chinchor Electric Inc. was in amount of $1,378,044.90. Based on
project quantities the contract price has been reduced to $1,328,969.16 and is
refected in the Final Reconciliation Agreement. No additional funding is
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption
of the Resolution.
8.M. Public Works, Division of Technical Services - General Mechanical
Corporation (GMC) - City Hall Boiler Room Remodel - Lowest Responsive
Bid Contract Award (pp. 423-522)
Resolution awarding the Lowest Responsive Bid Award Contract to General
Mechanical Corporation (GMC), 418 North Seagrave Street, Suite “B”,
Daytona Beach, FL 32114, in the amount of $93,911 to remove the existing
boilers, doors and frame at City Hall and replace according to the contract
documents; and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to
execute the contract. The existing boilers are malfunctioning and cannot
keep up with the heat load requirement; therefore, areas of the building are
not tempered according to the thermostats in that area. The boilers were
installed in 1976, have out-lived their life expectancy and have been
requiring frequent and signifcant maintenance. Replacing the boiler would
increase the energy savings and produce a more evenly tempered
atmosphere. Funds available in the Capital Projects Fund.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption
of the Resolution.
8.N. Public Works, Division of Technical Services - Symbiont Services,
Lowest Responsive Bid Contract Award (pp. 523-627)
Resolution awarding the Lowest Responsive Bid Award to Symbiont
Services Corp, 4372 North Access Road, Englewood, Florida 34224 in the
amount of $129,000 to furnish and install a Geo-Thermal heating and cooling
system at Campbell pool to temper the pool water to 80 (eighty) degrees
year-round and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the
Contract. The existing swimming pool water is not tempered which only
allows the pool to be open for approximately 4 (four) to 5 (fve) months out
of the year. Funds available in the General Fund.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption
of the Resolution.
8.O. Public Works, Technical Services Division - C&L Landscape, Inc - Beville
Road Median Landscaping Project - Lowest Responsive Bid Award
(pp. 628-650)
Resolution awarding the Lowest Responsive Bid Award to C & L
Landscape, Inc., 1601 E. Duval Street, Jacksonville, Florida 32202 for a total
base bid of $418,000.42 for the Beville Road Median Landscaping
Project. This is a Florida Department Of Transportation (FDOT) Joint
Participation Agreement (JPA) funded project to landscape the medians
along Beville Road between Clyde Morris Boulevard and US Highway 1.
The bids were thoroughly reviewed by the FDOT and City Staff, and C&L
Landscape, Inc. was determined to be the lowest responsive bidder. The JPA
funds of $300,000 will pay for the majority of the project, and the City will
be responsible for the remaining $118,000.42 needed to complete the
project. Funds available in the Grant Projects Fund ($300,000) and the
Capital Projects Fund ($118,000.42).
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption
of the Resolution.
8.P. Police Department - Dana Safety Supply - Daytona Beach Police Department
SWAT Team - Tactical Bulletproof Equipment - Purchase
(pp. 651-675)
Resolution authorizing the purchase of ballistic protective equipment in
an amount not to exceed $85,000 from Dana Safety Supply, 5221 W. Market
St. Greensboro, NC 274096, an established vendor with the City of Daytona
Beach for the SWAT Team not covered under the Bulletproof Best
Partnership Program, which allows the purchase of one vest per person. The
Daytona Beach Police Department (DBPD) SWAT Team wears ballistic
equipment that is designed to enhance their safety when faced with increased,
and higher threats while performing their duties. The current issued vests are
due to expire March 2017. Ballistic equipment pricing is based on national
contract pricing, (National Contract number 46151504-NASPRO-17-ACS),
and the vendor has offered us an additional discount which is permitted by
the purchasing code. Funds available in the General Fund.
Recommendation: Chief of Police recommends adoption of the
8.Q. Finance Department - Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship Funds
(pp. 676-679)
Resolution authorizing payment from the General Fund in the amount of:
$200 to Greater Friendship Baptist Church for the 14th Annual Elisha Strapp
Golf Tournament and $250 to B.A.L.D.Y. Athletics for a general donation
from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of Mayor Derrick Henry.
$500 to Greater Daytona Shrine Club for a general donation from the Bike
Week Sponsorship Funds of Commissioner Robert Gilliland.
$250 to Greater Friendship Baptist Church for the 14th Annual Elisha Strapp
Golf Tournament, $250 to B.A.L.D.Y. Athletics for a general donation and
$200 to Volusia County Florida A&M National Alumni Association for a
general donation from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of Commissioner
Dannette Henry.
$150 to Royal Pointe Dance for venue fees for the June 2, 2017 performance
of "The Wiz, A Dancing Sensation" from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds
of Commissioner Paula Reed.
$150 to Greater Friendship Baptist Church for the 14th Annual Elisha Strapp
Golf Tournament from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of Commissioner
Kelly White.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Offcer recommends adoption
of the Resolution.
Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - LPGA
Superwash Express III - Rezoning, Planned Development-General and
Preliminary Plat (pp. 680-758)
Ordinance on second reading - Quasi-Judicial Hearing - approving a
request to rezone 7± acres of land located south and east of Clyde Morris
Boulevard and LPGA Boulevard intersection from Industrial Park (M-4) and
Planned Development-General (PD-G) to Planned Development-General
(PD-G) to permit a carwash, retail, and offce uses, and authorizing the
Mayor to execute the LPGA Superwash Express III Planned District
Agreement and approval of the Superwash at LPGA Boulevard Preliminary
Plat. Applicant: Robert A. Merrell III, Esq., Cobb Cole, on behalf of Scott
Bullock, Consolidated-Tomoka Land Co.
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 6-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.
Item 9A
PUBLIC HEARINGS.Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - LPGA
Superwash Express III - Rezoning, Planned Development-General and
Preliminary Plat (pp. 680-758)
Ordinance on second reading - Quasi-Judicial Hearing - approving a
request to rezone 7± acres of land located south and east of Clyde Morris
Boulevard and LPGA Boulevard intersection from Industrial Park (M-4) and
Planned Development-General (PD-G) to Planned Development-General
(PD-G) to permit a carwash, retail, and offce uses, and authorizing the
Mayor to execute the LPGA Superwash Express III Planned District
Agreement and approval of the Superwash at LPGA Boulevard Preliminary
Plat. Applicant: Robert A. Merrell III, Esq., Cobb Cole, on behalf of Scott
Bullock, Consolidated-Tomoka Land Co.
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 6-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.
Item 9B - Custom Wheels & Tires - Rezoning to RDM-3 (pp. 759-780)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - approving a request
to rezone 0.8± acres of land located at 955 W. International Speedway
Boulevard from Neighborhood Transition Mixed Use (RDM-5) to Activity
Center Mixed Use (RDM-3) for the purpose of restoring the existing use to
conforming use status. Applicant: Glenn D. Storch, P.A., on behalf of SPF
Property Management Volusia, LLC.
Reed Berger, Redevelopment Director, to report.
Recommendation: Midtown Redevelopment Board recommends approval
Planning Board recommends approval 6-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.
Item 9B
Custom Wheels & Tires - Rezoning to RDM-3 (pp. 759-780)Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - approving a request
to rezone 0.8± acres of land located at 955 W. International Speedway
Boulevard from Neighborhood Transition Mixed Use (RDM-5) to Activity
Center Mixed Use (RDM-3) for the purpose of restoring the existing use to
conforming use status. Applicant: Glenn D. Storch, P.A., on behalf of SPF
Property Management Volusia, LLC.
Reed Berger, Redevelopment Director, to report.
Recommendation: Midtown Redevelopment Board recommends approval
Planning Board recommends approval 6-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.
City Attorney - Amendment to Art. III, City Code, Nuisance Abatement
(pp. 781-790)
Ordinance on frst reading - amending Article III, section 62, City Code to
bring the Code in line with state law. Section 893.138, Fla Stat. ("the
nuisance statute"), allows for local administrative action to abate drugrelated,
prostitution-related, or stolen-property-related public nuisances, and
criminal gang activity, and authorizes the establishment of a local nuisance
abatement board. The substantive changes to the Nuisance Abatement
Ordinances are to, (1) add language consistent with nuisance statue
provisions, stating that a NAB order may include closure of all or part of the
premises, and (2) remove provisions not authorized in the nuisance
abatement statue, for revocation of the certifcate of occupancy for up to
one year when a NAB order closes a place or premise.
Robert Jagger, City Attorney, to report.
Recommendation: City Attorney recommends passing the Ordinance.
Action: Motion to pass the Ordinance on frst reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, April 5, 2017.
Item 10A
ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS.City Attorney - Amendment to Art. III, City Code, Nuisance Abatement
(pp. 781-790)
Ordinance on frst reading - amending Article III, section 62, City Code to
bring the Code in line with state law. Section 893.138, Fla Stat. ("the
nuisance statute"), allows for local administrative action to abate drugrelated,
prostitution-related, or stolen-property-related public nuisances, and
criminal gang activity, and authorizes the establishment of a local nuisance
abatement board. The substantive changes to the Nuisance Abatement
Ordinances are to, (1) add language consistent with nuisance statue
provisions, stating that a NAB order may include closure of all or part of the
premises, and (2) remove provisions not authorized in the nuisance
abatement statue, for revocation of the certifcate of occupancy for up to
one year when a NAB order closes a place or premise.
Robert Jagger, City Attorney, to report.
Recommendation: City Attorney recommends passing the Ordinance.
Action: Motion to pass the Ordinance on frst reading.
Note: If passed, Public Hearing, April 5, 2017.
Item 10B - Cultural Services and Community Events Department - National Association
of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) and City of Daytona Beach
Championship Host Agreement (pp. 791-810)
Resolution approving an agreement with the National Association of
Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), 1200 Grand Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64106
and the City of Daytona Beach to host the National Football Championships
in December 2017 and 2018 at the Daytona Beach Municipal Stadium,
approving an annual project budget for the 2017 Championship game in an
amount not to exceed $240,000 which includes the frst year's $30,000
guarantee to the NAIA and; authorizing the City Manager to make small
purchases as necessary to meet the City's obligations under the Agreement up
to the limit of the project budget. Funding per fscal year will be available
contingent upon the adoption of the FY 2017-2018 and FY 2018-2019
Helen Riger, Cultural Services and Community Events Director,
to report.
Recommendation: Cultural Services and Community Events Director
recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 10B
Cultural Services and Community Events Department - National Associationof Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) and City of Daytona Beach
Championship Host Agreement (pp. 791-810)
Resolution approving an agreement with the National Association of
Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), 1200 Grand Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64106
and the City of Daytona Beach to host the National Football Championships
in December 2017 and 2018 at the Daytona Beach Municipal Stadium,
approving an annual project budget for the 2017 Championship game in an
amount not to exceed $240,000 which includes the frst year's $30,000
guarantee to the NAIA and; authorizing the City Manager to make small
purchases as necessary to meet the City's obligations under the Agreement up
to the limit of the project budget. Funding per fscal year will be available
contingent upon the adoption of the FY 2017-2018 and FY 2018-2019
Helen Riger, Cultural Services and Community Events Director,
to report.
Recommendation: Cultural Services and Community Events Director
recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 10C - Cultural Services and Community Events Department - Halifax Advertising
Authority - Funding Acceptance (pp. 811-817)
Resolution authorizing acceptance of funding from the Halifax Area
Advertising Authority in the amount of $58,000 annually to support the 2017
and 2018 National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) National
Football Championship Game held at Daytona Beach Municipal Stadium.
Helen Riger, Cultural Services and Community Events Director, to report.
Recommendation: Cultural Services and Community Events Director
recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 10C
Cultural Services and Community Events Department - Halifax AdvertisingAuthority - Funding Acceptance (pp. 811-817)
Resolution authorizing acceptance of funding from the Halifax Area
Advertising Authority in the amount of $58,000 annually to support the 2017
and 2018 National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) National
Football Championship Game held at Daytona Beach Municipal Stadium.
Helen Riger, Cultural Services and Community Events Director, to report.
Recommendation: Cultural Services and Community Events Director
recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 10D - City Manager's Offce - Volusia/Flagler Transportation Planning
Organization (TPO) - East International Speedway Boulevard Project
(pp. 818-820)
Resolution approving submission to the Volusia/Flagler Transportation
Planning Organization (TPO), a statement of intent to provide up to $750,000
in reimbursable funds for design and engineering and for providing up to $25
million in reimburseable advance project funding. The City is preparing an
update to its previous application to the Volusia/Flagler TPO regarding a
proposed project that will initiate the desired improvements to East
International Speedway Boulevard (ISB). This action represents a
collaborative partnership between the City, Florida Department of
Transportation, the TPO, and local stakeholders. Details of the proposed
funding plan along with a proposed agreement between the City and Florida
Department of Transportation will be presented when fnalized to the City
Commission for its review and approval.
Hardy Smith, Government Relations Administrator, to report.
Recommendation: Government Relations Administrator recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 10D
City Manager's Offce - Volusia/Flagler Transportation PlanningOrganization (TPO) - East International Speedway Boulevard Project
(pp. 818-820)
Resolution approving submission to the Volusia/Flagler Transportation
Planning Organization (TPO), a statement of intent to provide up to $750,000
in reimbursable funds for design and engineering and for providing up to $25
million in reimburseable advance project funding. The City is preparing an
update to its previous application to the Volusia/Flagler TPO regarding a
proposed project that will initiate the desired improvements to East
International Speedway Boulevard (ISB). This action represents a
collaborative partnership between the City, Florida Department of
Transportation, the TPO, and local stakeholders. Details of the proposed
funding plan along with a proposed agreement between the City and Florida
Department of Transportation will be presented when fnalized to the City
Commission for its review and approval.
Hardy Smith, Government Relations Administrator, to report.
Recommendation: Government Relations Administrator recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 10E - City Manager's Offce - First Step Shelter Inc - Grant Funding (pp. 821-824)
Resolution authorizingthe release of grant funding in the amount of
$400,000 to First Step Shelter, Inc. for the startup of developing and
operating a homeless shelter at the County-owned property to be located off
U.S. 92 across from Red John's Road. This grant will renew annually subject
to funding for an additional 4 years. Funds available in the General Fund.
Dr. L. Ronald Durham, Community Relations Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Community Relations Manager recommends approval
of the Resolution.
Item 10E
City Manager's Offce - First Step Shelter Inc - Grant Funding (pp. 821-824)Resolution authorizingthe release of grant funding in the amount of
$400,000 to First Step Shelter, Inc. for the startup of developing and
operating a homeless shelter at the County-owned property to be located off
U.S. 92 across from Red John's Road. This grant will renew annually subject
to funding for an additional 4 years. Funds available in the General Fund.
Dr. L. Ronald Durham, Community Relations Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Community Relations Manager recommends approval
of the Resolution.
Item 10F - City Manager's Offce - First Step Shelter, Inc - Appointment (pp. 825-827)
Resolution appointing one (1) member to the Board of Directors for the First
Step Shelter, Inc. All Board appointments are made by the City of Daytona
Beach City Commission via Resolution; and appointees consist only of
individuals or representatives of government agencies or corporate entities
contributing funding, property, expertise, or other forms of assistance
towards the First Step Shelter Program. This agenda item is to appoint
Heather Post, member of the County Council.
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 10F
City Manager's Offce - First Step Shelter, Inc - Appointment (pp. 825-827)Resolution appointing one (1) member to the Board of Directors for the First
Step Shelter, Inc. All Board appointments are made by the City of Daytona
Beach City Commission via Resolution; and appointees consist only of
individuals or representatives of government agencies or corporate entities
contributing funding, property, expertise, or other forms of assistance
towards the First Step Shelter Program. This agenda item is to appoint
Heather Post, member of the County Council.
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 10G - City Manager's Offce - Leisure Services Advisory Board - Appointments
(pp. 828-845)
Resolution appointing four (4) members to the Leisure Services Advisory
Board. The board shall consist of seven (7) members, one (1) from each zone
nominated by City Commissioners of respective zones, and one (1) at large
member nominated by the Mayor serving two-year (2) staggered terms that
expire December 31. Members must reside within the zone of their
appointment. We have received the following applications: Russell
Holloway-Zone 3, Carol Kilian-Zone 4 (reappointment), Mykal Tairu and
Dr. Willie Kimmons-Zone 5 and Dwayne Murray - At Large
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Commission Action
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 10G
City Manager's Offce - Leisure Services Advisory Board - Appointments(pp. 828-845)
Resolution appointing four (4) members to the Leisure Services Advisory
Board. The board shall consist of seven (7) members, one (1) from each zone
nominated by City Commissioners of respective zones, and one (1) at large
member nominated by the Mayor serving two-year (2) staggered terms that
expire December 31. Members must reside within the zone of their
appointment. We have received the following applications: Russell
Holloway-Zone 3, Carol Kilian-Zone 4 (reappointment), Mykal Tairu and
Dr. Willie Kimmons-Zone 5 and Dwayne Murray - At Large
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Commission Action
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 11
Items 12 & 13
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