March 5, 2014 Regular City Commission Meetings
Items 1 - 4 - 1. ROLL CALL.
4A. Approval of Minutes
Items 1 - 4
4A. Approval of Minutes
Item 5 - Agenda Approval
Item 5
Agenda Approval»
Item 6 - CITIZENS.
PUBLIC COMMENT BY PEOPLE ADDRESSING THE CITY COMMISSIONDuring this time Citizens have the opportunity to address the City Commission on anyitem on the Consent Agenda or any other matter that is not on the Agenda.
Item 6
CITIZENS.PUBLIC COMMENT BY PEOPLE ADDRESSING THE CITY COMMISSIONDuring this time Citizens have the opportunity to address the City Commission on anyitem on the Consent Agenda or any other matter that is not on the Agenda.
Consent Agenda - Consent Agenda
Items 7B - 7O
Public Works - Utility Easement - Vacation (pp. 28-38)
Resolution approving the vacation of a 3.5 foot wide strip of utility easement locatedapproximately 450 feet south of Beville Road and west of Clyde Morris Boulevard. The property owner has obtained and submitted letters of no objection from the utilitycompanies serving the area. Staff has confirmed that there is no purpose or need forthe utility easement. Applicant: Charles Cameron.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager/Operation recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Safe Harbor Program Study - Professional Services Contract - Approval (pp. 47-73)
Resolution approving a professional service contract with Dr. Robert G. Marbut, Jr.,6726 Wagner Way, San Antonio, TX 78256, in the amount of $49,805, to prepare aStrategic Action Plan to reduce homelessness. The plan will be developed after fivemonths of research and interviews and will provide Volusia County specificrecommendations to address homelessness in this region. Funds available in theGeneral Fund - City Manager Contingency Fund.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Fire Assessment Fee - Road Maintenance Fee - Professional Services Proposal -Approval (pp. 74-86)
Resolution accepting the proposals from Burton & Associates, 200 Business ParkCircle, Suite 101, St. Augustine, FL 32095, to perform a study for the potentialimplementation of a Fire Assessment Fee and potential implementation of a RoadMaintenance Fee, in the amount of $42,957. Both studies should be completed andbrought before the Commission within 90 days following acceptance.
Recommendation: Budget Officer recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Insurance Coverage - Employee Health, Dental and Ancillary - Proposal Acceptance (pp. 87-113)
Resolution accepting the proposals submitted to and recommended by Brown &Brown of Florida, Inc. for the City's employee benefits coverage including healthinsurance coverage with the incumbent, Florida Health Care Plans, Inc., PO Box 9910,Daytona Beach, Florida, 32120; dental insurance coverage with Guardian LifeInsurance Co. of America, 1511 N West Shore Blvd, Suite 600, Tampa, FL 33607; andancillary coverage through Lincoln Financial Group, 1800 Pembrook Dr. Orlando, FL32810, for a one-year (1) period May 1, 2014 through April 30, 2015. Health Insurance Coverage: Florida Health Care Plans, Inc. submitted quotes offeringthe HMO, the Balance Triple Option and the High Deductible-Health Saving Accounthealth insurance plans for participants to choose the best option for them. By renewingthis year with the same coverage options as last year there is an increase in premium of8.5% ($600,000). Employees' and their dependents' contributions will not increase. Therenewal is based on no changes to the plans' deductibles, copays or maximum out-of-pocket expenses. The estimated renewal premium is $7,700,000 with the Cityresponsible for approximately $5,100,000 of the premium payment with planparticipants paying the balance. Dental Coverage: It is recommended the City continue dental insurance coverage withGuardian Life Insurance Co. of America, with no rate change from last year'spremium. Premiums are paid by employees and retirees through payroll deductions ordirect payment. Ancillary Coverage: It is recommended the City elect the renewal proposal withLincoln Financial Group to provide Group Life and Accidental Death &Dismemberment Insurance, Voluntary Group Life and Accidental Death &Dismemberment Insurance, and Long Term Disability Insurance. There is no rateincrease from last year. The City pays for the group life insurance and AD&Dcoverage for active employees, which is approximately $70,000. Plan participants are
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responsible for 100% of the premium for voluntary group life and AD&D and the longterm disability coverage.
Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) - Seabreeze Park - Lease Agreement (pp. 140-167)
Resolution approving a lease agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation(FDOT) to allow Seabreeze Daytona Marina, LLC., to proceed with state permitting ofthe marina and the construction of the Seabreeze Park on five acres of largelyunimproved State owned land under the Seabreeze Bridge. The park will costapproximately $1.1 Million to construct with all cost borne by the developer. Resolution No. 12-298 approved a slip allocation program for the park. Thedeveloper’s ability to build the park is contingent on the City having a long term leasewith FDOT.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Daytona Beach Pier Repairs - Hall Construction Co., Inc. - Contract No. 1409-2640 -Change Order No. 4 (pp. 168-182)
Resolution approving Change Order No. 4 with Hall Construction Co., Inc., 902, S.Nova Road, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 (Contract No. 1409-2640), in the amount of$99,767, to fund completion of Phase III of the Pier Piling Maintenance Plan; replacingpier pilings damaged by recent storms; and repairing minor stress cracks in the exteriorstucco wall of the casino building. Change Order No. 4 would increase theConstruction Manager at Risk Contract to $2,800,911. Funds available in the PierFund.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager/Operations recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Utilities Department - Bethune Wastewater Treatment Plant - Vertical Mixed FlowPumps - Low Bid Acceptance (pp. 183-191)
Resolution awarding the best and lowest bid to Barney’s Pumps, Inc., 11306 BusinessPark Boulevard, Jacksonville, Florida 32256, in the amount of $144,700, forreplacement of vertical mixed flow pumps for use at the Bethune Point WastewaterTreatment Plant. Staff analyzed all bids and determined that the two lowest bidderswere non-responsive because they did not fully meet the minimum specifications. Funds available in the Water and Sewer Improvement Fund.
Recommendation: Interim Utilities Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Utilities Department - Westside Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant - FermentationStage Mixers - Low Bid Acceptance (pp. 192-200)
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Resolution awarding the low bid to Hudson Pump & Equipment, 3524 CraftsmanBoulevard, Lakeland, FL 33802, in the amount of $145,900, for seven fermentationstage mixers for the Westside Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. The existingmixers are more than 14 years old and can no longer be repaired. The mixers areneeded to fully comply with Florida Department of Environmental Protection treatmentstandards. Funds available in the Water and Sewer Improvement Fund.
Recommendation: Interim Utilities Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Utilities Department - Roof Emergency Expenditure (pp. 201-205)
Resolution ratifying an emergency expenditure for roof repair, in the amount of$58,000, with R&R Industries, Inc., 500 Carswell Avenue, Holly Hill, FL 32117. Theroof on the reuse building at the Regional Wastewater Plant deteriorated to the pointthat the roof could not prevent rain from entering the building. The City Managerdeclared the roof repair an emergency and authorized the expenditures of funds torepair the roof. The work is complete and the vendor has been fully compensated. Funds available in the Water & Sewer Improvement Fund.
Recommendation: Interim Utilities Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Utilities Department - Bethune and Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant - UV4000Disinfection System Replacement Parts - Sole Source Purchase (pp. 206-210)
Resolution approving the sole source purchase of UV4000 Disinfection SystemReplacement Parts for the Bethune and Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, in theamount of $544,589.14, from Trojan Technologies, 3020 Gore Road, London, CanadaN5V 4T7. To ensure wastewater is treated properly to fully comply with FloridaDepartment of Environmental Protection (FDEP) treatment standards, the city employsa UV disinfection system. This purchase is critical to ensure the UV 4000 disinfectionsystems are fully operational at all times to maintain high level disinfection. Thispurchase is a sole source because the UV 4000 disinfection system is manufactured byTrojan Technologies and is the only manufacturer that can supply the replacementparts. Funds available in the Water and Sewer Fund.
Recommendation: Interim Utilities Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Utilities Department - Lift Station 2, Collection and Force Main ImprovementsProject - Bid No. 0314-0210 - Low Bid Acceptance (pp. 211-218)
Resolution accepting the lowest bid (Bid No. 0314-0210) of 4C's Trucking andExcavation, Inc., 331 Sawgrass Road, Bunnell, FL 32110, in amount of $434,681.40,for the construction of a new sanitary lift station (LS 2) with associated gravity sewermain and force main. This item is to construct a larger lift station to accommodateincreased wastewater flows from the William Square Development Project. Fundsavailable in the Sewer Impact Fee Fund.
Recommendation: Interim Utilities Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Utilities Department - Paving Services for Lift Station 2, Collection and Force MainImprovements Project - Work Authorization 1 - Contract No.0113-2040 (pp. 219-226)
Resolution approving Work Authorization No. 1, under Contract No. 0113-2040 withHalifax Paving, Inc., P.O. Box 730549, Ormond Beach, FL 32173-0549, to providepaving services in connection with the Lift Station 2, Collection and Force MainImprovements Project in amount of $30,403.95.
Lift Station 2 is currently located underneath the sidewalk at the southwest corner ofPalmetto and Magnolia Avenues. The station is 64 years old, undersized and cannotaccept additional flows for the William Square Development Project. The new liftstation will be relocated to a city owned car park south on Palmetto Ave. In order torelocate the lift station to the south, a new gravity sewer line is required to be installedfrom the intersection of Magnolia and Palmetto Avenues to the new lift station
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location. The present pavement along the route for the new gravity sewer line will beremoved to accommodate the installation. Funds available in the Sewer Impact FeeFund. Recommendation: Interim Utilities Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Consent Agenda
Consent AgendaItems 7B - 7O
Public Works - Utility Easement - Vacation (pp. 28-38)
Resolution approving the vacation of a 3.5 foot wide strip of utility easement locatedapproximately 450 feet south of Beville Road and west of Clyde Morris Boulevard. The property owner has obtained and submitted letters of no objection from the utilitycompanies serving the area. Staff has confirmed that there is no purpose or need forthe utility easement. Applicant: Charles Cameron.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager/Operation recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Safe Harbor Program Study - Professional Services Contract - Approval (pp. 47-73)
Resolution approving a professional service contract with Dr. Robert G. Marbut, Jr.,6726 Wagner Way, San Antonio, TX 78256, in the amount of $49,805, to prepare aStrategic Action Plan to reduce homelessness. The plan will be developed after fivemonths of research and interviews and will provide Volusia County specificrecommendations to address homelessness in this region. Funds available in theGeneral Fund - City Manager Contingency Fund.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Fire Assessment Fee - Road Maintenance Fee - Professional Services Proposal -Approval (pp. 74-86)
Resolution accepting the proposals from Burton & Associates, 200 Business ParkCircle, Suite 101, St. Augustine, FL 32095, to perform a study for the potentialimplementation of a Fire Assessment Fee and potential implementation of a RoadMaintenance Fee, in the amount of $42,957. Both studies should be completed andbrought before the Commission within 90 days following acceptance.
Recommendation: Budget Officer recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Insurance Coverage - Employee Health, Dental and Ancillary - Proposal Acceptance (pp. 87-113)
Resolution accepting the proposals submitted to and recommended by Brown &Brown of Florida, Inc. for the City's employee benefits coverage including healthinsurance coverage with the incumbent, Florida Health Care Plans, Inc., PO Box 9910,Daytona Beach, Florida, 32120; dental insurance coverage with Guardian LifeInsurance Co. of America, 1511 N West Shore Blvd, Suite 600, Tampa, FL 33607; andancillary coverage through Lincoln Financial Group, 1800 Pembrook Dr. Orlando, FL32810, for a one-year (1) period May 1, 2014 through April 30, 2015. Health Insurance Coverage: Florida Health Care Plans, Inc. submitted quotes offeringthe HMO, the Balance Triple Option and the High Deductible-Health Saving Accounthealth insurance plans for participants to choose the best option for them. By renewingthis year with the same coverage options as last year there is an increase in premium of8.5% ($600,000). Employees' and their dependents' contributions will not increase. Therenewal is based on no changes to the plans' deductibles, copays or maximum out-of-pocket expenses. The estimated renewal premium is $7,700,000 with the Cityresponsible for approximately $5,100,000 of the premium payment with planparticipants paying the balance. Dental Coverage: It is recommended the City continue dental insurance coverage withGuardian Life Insurance Co. of America, with no rate change from last year'spremium. Premiums are paid by employees and retirees through payroll deductions ordirect payment. Ancillary Coverage: It is recommended the City elect the renewal proposal withLincoln Financial Group to provide Group Life and Accidental Death &Dismemberment Insurance, Voluntary Group Life and Accidental Death &Dismemberment Insurance, and Long Term Disability Insurance. There is no rateincrease from last year. The City pays for the group life insurance and AD&Dcoverage for active employees, which is approximately $70,000. Plan participants are
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responsible for 100% of the premium for voluntary group life and AD&D and the longterm disability coverage.
Recommendation: Human Resources Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) - Seabreeze Park - Lease Agreement (pp. 140-167)
Resolution approving a lease agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation(FDOT) to allow Seabreeze Daytona Marina, LLC., to proceed with state permitting ofthe marina and the construction of the Seabreeze Park on five acres of largelyunimproved State owned land under the Seabreeze Bridge. The park will costapproximately $1.1 Million to construct with all cost borne by the developer. Resolution No. 12-298 approved a slip allocation program for the park. Thedeveloper’s ability to build the park is contingent on the City having a long term leasewith FDOT.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Daytona Beach Pier Repairs - Hall Construction Co., Inc. - Contract No. 1409-2640 -Change Order No. 4 (pp. 168-182)
Resolution approving Change Order No. 4 with Hall Construction Co., Inc., 902, S.Nova Road, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 (Contract No. 1409-2640), in the amount of$99,767, to fund completion of Phase III of the Pier Piling Maintenance Plan; replacingpier pilings damaged by recent storms; and repairing minor stress cracks in the exteriorstucco wall of the casino building. Change Order No. 4 would increase theConstruction Manager at Risk Contract to $2,800,911. Funds available in the PierFund.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager/Operations recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Utilities Department - Bethune Wastewater Treatment Plant - Vertical Mixed FlowPumps - Low Bid Acceptance (pp. 183-191)
Resolution awarding the best and lowest bid to Barney’s Pumps, Inc., 11306 BusinessPark Boulevard, Jacksonville, Florida 32256, in the amount of $144,700, forreplacement of vertical mixed flow pumps for use at the Bethune Point WastewaterTreatment Plant. Staff analyzed all bids and determined that the two lowest bidderswere non-responsive because they did not fully meet the minimum specifications. Funds available in the Water and Sewer Improvement Fund.
Recommendation: Interim Utilities Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Utilities Department - Westside Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant - FermentationStage Mixers - Low Bid Acceptance (pp. 192-200)
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Resolution awarding the low bid to Hudson Pump & Equipment, 3524 CraftsmanBoulevard, Lakeland, FL 33802, in the amount of $145,900, for seven fermentationstage mixers for the Westside Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. The existingmixers are more than 14 years old and can no longer be repaired. The mixers areneeded to fully comply with Florida Department of Environmental Protection treatmentstandards. Funds available in the Water and Sewer Improvement Fund.
Recommendation: Interim Utilities Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Utilities Department - Roof Emergency Expenditure (pp. 201-205)
Resolution ratifying an emergency expenditure for roof repair, in the amount of$58,000, with R&R Industries, Inc., 500 Carswell Avenue, Holly Hill, FL 32117. Theroof on the reuse building at the Regional Wastewater Plant deteriorated to the pointthat the roof could not prevent rain from entering the building. The City Managerdeclared the roof repair an emergency and authorized the expenditures of funds torepair the roof. The work is complete and the vendor has been fully compensated. Funds available in the Water & Sewer Improvement Fund.
Recommendation: Interim Utilities Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Utilities Department - Bethune and Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant - UV4000Disinfection System Replacement Parts - Sole Source Purchase (pp. 206-210)
Resolution approving the sole source purchase of UV4000 Disinfection SystemReplacement Parts for the Bethune and Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, in theamount of $544,589.14, from Trojan Technologies, 3020 Gore Road, London, CanadaN5V 4T7. To ensure wastewater is treated properly to fully comply with FloridaDepartment of Environmental Protection (FDEP) treatment standards, the city employsa UV disinfection system. This purchase is critical to ensure the UV 4000 disinfectionsystems are fully operational at all times to maintain high level disinfection. Thispurchase is a sole source because the UV 4000 disinfection system is manufactured byTrojan Technologies and is the only manufacturer that can supply the replacementparts. Funds available in the Water and Sewer Fund.
Recommendation: Interim Utilities Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Utilities Department - Lift Station 2, Collection and Force Main ImprovementsProject - Bid No. 0314-0210 - Low Bid Acceptance (pp. 211-218)
Resolution accepting the lowest bid (Bid No. 0314-0210) of 4C's Trucking andExcavation, Inc., 331 Sawgrass Road, Bunnell, FL 32110, in amount of $434,681.40,for the construction of a new sanitary lift station (LS 2) with associated gravity sewermain and force main. This item is to construct a larger lift station to accommodateincreased wastewater flows from the William Square Development Project. Fundsavailable in the Sewer Impact Fee Fund.
Recommendation: Interim Utilities Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Utilities Department - Paving Services for Lift Station 2, Collection and Force MainImprovements Project - Work Authorization 1 - Contract No.0113-2040 (pp. 219-226)
Resolution approving Work Authorization No. 1, under Contract No. 0113-2040 withHalifax Paving, Inc., P.O. Box 730549, Ormond Beach, FL 32173-0549, to providepaving services in connection with the Lift Station 2, Collection and Force MainImprovements Project in amount of $30,403.95.
Lift Station 2 is currently located underneath the sidewalk at the southwest corner ofPalmetto and Magnolia Avenues. The station is 64 years old, undersized and cannotaccept additional flows for the William Square Development Project. The new liftstation will be relocated to a city owned car park south on Palmetto Ave. In order torelocate the lift station to the south, a new gravity sewer line is required to be installedfrom the intersection of Magnolia and Palmetto Avenues to the new lift station
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location. The present pavement along the route for the new gravity sewer line will beremoved to accommodate the installation. Funds available in the Sewer Impact FeeFund. Recommendation: Interim Utilities Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Item 8A - Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment – MidWest Transit, Inc. (pp. 227-259)
Resolution - PUBLIC HEARING - authorizing transmittal of a Large ScaleComprehensive Plan Amendment to state agencies and local jurisdictions for reviewand comments prior to final adoption. The amendment changes the Future Land UseMap (FLUM) designation from Level 1 Residential, Interchange Commercial andRetail to Mixed Use for 158.30± acres of land generally located at the northwest cornerof US. 92/ West International Speedway Boulevard and N. Tomoka Farms Road andamending Neighborhood Policy U, to add Issue (l) and an Equivalency Matrix &Maximum Density/Intensity Table to regulate the maximum units of individual landuses that can be allowed. Applicant: Robert A. Merrell, Esq., on behalf of Michael S.Morgan with Halifax Hospital Medical Center. Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 9-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 8A
Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment – MidWest Transit, Inc. (pp. 227-259)Resolution - PUBLIC HEARING - authorizing transmittal of a Large ScaleComprehensive Plan Amendment to state agencies and local jurisdictions for reviewand comments prior to final adoption. The amendment changes the Future Land UseMap (FLUM) designation from Level 1 Residential, Interchange Commercial andRetail to Mixed Use for 158.30± acres of land generally located at the northwest cornerof US. 92/ West International Speedway Boulevard and N. Tomoka Farms Road andamending Neighborhood Policy U, to add Issue (l) and an Equivalency Matrix &Maximum Density/Intensity Table to regulate the maximum units of individual landuses that can be allowed. Applicant: Robert A. Merrell, Esq., on behalf of Michael S.Morgan with Halifax Hospital Medical Center. Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 9-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 8B - Bethune-Cookman University (BCU) Comprehensive Sign Plan Modification (pp.260-292)
Resolution - PUBLIC HEARING - amending the Comprehensive Sign Plan forBethune-Cookman University's main campus in accordance with Article 18, Section6.21 of the Land Development Code to allow for the use of graphics on an existingelectronic message center (EMC) sign located at the Performing Arts Center andreplacement of an existing campus sign with an electronic message center (EMC)sign. Applicant: Robert A. Merrell, III, Esquire, Cobb Cole, on behalf of Bethune-Cookman University. Reed Berger, Redevelopment Director, to report.
Recommendation: Midtown Redevelopment Area Board recommends approval 6-to-0. Planning Board recommends approval 7-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 8B
Bethune-Cookman University (BCU) Comprehensive Sign Plan Modification (pp.260-292)Resolution - PUBLIC HEARING - amending the Comprehensive Sign Plan forBethune-Cookman University's main campus in accordance with Article 18, Section6.21 of the Land Development Code to allow for the use of graphics on an existingelectronic message center (EMC) sign located at the Performing Arts Center andreplacement of an existing campus sign with an electronic message center (EMC)sign. Applicant: Robert A. Merrell, III, Esquire, Cobb Cole, on behalf of Bethune-Cookman University. Reed Berger, Redevelopment Director, to report.
Recommendation: Midtown Redevelopment Area Board recommends approval 6-to-0. Planning Board recommends approval 7-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 9A - One Daytona Development Incentive Agreement (pp. 293-340)
Resolution approving the One Daytona Development Incentive Agreement with theOne Daytona Community Development District (CDD), in the amount of $20 milliondollars, for the construction of infrastructure for construction of the One DaytonaMixed-Use Project. Paul McKitrick, Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services, to report.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 9A
One Daytona Development Incentive Agreement (pp. 293-340)Resolution approving the One Daytona Development Incentive Agreement with theOne Daytona Community Development District (CDD), in the amount of $20 milliondollars, for the construction of infrastructure for construction of the One DaytonaMixed-Use Project. Paul McKitrick, Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services, to report.
Recommendation: Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 9B - Right-of-Way Vacation – Sunny Side Avenue - Utility Easement Acceptance (pp. 341-363)
Ordinance on first reading – vacating a 232± foot by 40 foot street Right-of-Way(ROW) located approximately 200 feet west of Nova Road and 200 feet north ofBellevue Avenue; and authorizing acceptance of a Utility Easement to The City ofDaytona Beach from the applicant to cover the continued operation and maintenance of
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an existing gravity sewer line. Applicant: Mr. Roy Lenois. Ron McLemore, Deputy City Manager/Operations, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 7-to-0.
Action: Motion to pass the Ordinance on first reading. Note: If passed, Public Hearing, March 19.
Item 9B
Right-of-Way Vacation – Sunny Side Avenue - Utility Easement Acceptance (pp. 341-363)Ordinance on first reading – vacating a 232± foot by 40 foot street Right-of-Way(ROW) located approximately 200 feet west of Nova Road and 200 feet north ofBellevue Avenue; and authorizing acceptance of a Utility Easement to The City ofDaytona Beach from the applicant to cover the continued operation and maintenance of
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an existing gravity sewer line. Applicant: Mr. Roy Lenois. Ron McLemore, Deputy City Manager/Operations, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 7-to-0.
Action: Motion to pass the Ordinance on first reading. Note: If passed, Public Hearing, March 19.
Item 9C - Exemption of Ad Valorem Tax for Masco Administrative Services, Inc. (pp. 364-385)
Ordinance on first reading - authorizing an exemption of ad valorem tax for MascoAdministrative Services, Inc. for a ten year period beginning January 1, 2015 andending December 31, 2024 for a portion of the assessed value of all improvements toreal and tangible personal property at a new “build to suit” 75,000 sq. ft. building to beconstructed on Williamson Boulevard. Masco Administrative Services providessupport for over 200 operating divisions nationwide and is part of Masco Corporation,a fortune 500 company. The site of the building is within the City’s Aero ParkBrownfield Area and Masco is considering lease of the building as its new corporateheadquarters. This business would retain 242 jobs at an average annual wage of$71,098 and create 58 new jobs at an average annual wage of $52,890; generate newcapital investment of $7,300,000 and new tangible property investment of $3,655,000;and create new payroll of $18,775,950 and retained payroll of $175,561,206, for Grandtotal payroll of $194,388,010. The Economic Development Advisory Board (EDAB)recommended approval of the following tax exemption schedule at its March 5, 2014public meeting: 100% for years 1-3; 75% years 4-5; 50% for years 6-8; and 25% foryears 9-10. The value of the referenced tax exemption schedule is estimated at$400,723 over the 10 year exemption. Emory Counts, Economic & Community Development Director, to report.
Recommendation: Economic & Community Development Director recommends passing the Ordinance on first reading.
Action: Motion to pass the Ordinance on first reading. Note: If passed, Public Hearing, March 19.
Item 9C
Exemption of Ad Valorem Tax for Masco Administrative Services, Inc. (pp. 364-385)Ordinance on first reading - authorizing an exemption of ad valorem tax for MascoAdministrative Services, Inc. for a ten year period beginning January 1, 2015 andending December 31, 2024 for a portion of the assessed value of all improvements toreal and tangible personal property at a new “build to suit” 75,000 sq. ft. building to beconstructed on Williamson Boulevard. Masco Administrative Services providessupport for over 200 operating divisions nationwide and is part of Masco Corporation,a fortune 500 company. The site of the building is within the City’s Aero ParkBrownfield Area and Masco is considering lease of the building as its new corporateheadquarters. This business would retain 242 jobs at an average annual wage of$71,098 and create 58 new jobs at an average annual wage of $52,890; generate newcapital investment of $7,300,000 and new tangible property investment of $3,655,000;and create new payroll of $18,775,950 and retained payroll of $175,561,206, for Grandtotal payroll of $194,388,010. The Economic Development Advisory Board (EDAB)recommended approval of the following tax exemption schedule at its March 5, 2014public meeting: 100% for years 1-3; 75% years 4-5; 50% for years 6-8; and 25% foryears 9-10. The value of the referenced tax exemption schedule is estimated at$400,723 over the 10 year exemption. Emory Counts, Economic & Community Development Director, to report.
Recommendation: Economic & Community Development Director recommends passing the Ordinance on first reading.
Action: Motion to pass the Ordinance on first reading. Note: If passed, Public Hearing, March 19.
Item 9D - Addendum Item
Item 9D
Addendum Item»
Item 7A - Florida Scenic Highway - Halifax Heritage Byway - Corridor Management Plan (CMP)- Resolution of Support (pp. 14-27)
Resolution supporting the designation of the Halifax Heritage Byway as a FloridaScenic Highway; and supporting the Corridor Management Plan (CMP). ResolutionNo. 09-310 a authorized the Mayor to submit a letter to the Florida Department ofTransportation supporting inclusion of certain City roadways in the Halifax HeritageByway of the Florida Scenic Highway Program. The Halifax Heritage Byway CorridorAdvocacy Group is now in the last step of the application process with the State ofFlorida for Scenic Byway designation. Therefore, the Chair of the Halifax HeritageByway is seeking a resolution and signatures from the included local governments forthe final application document.
Recommendation: Planning Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Item 7A
Florida Scenic Highway - Halifax Heritage Byway - Corridor Management Plan (CMP)- Resolution of Support (pp. 14-27)Resolution supporting the designation of the Halifax Heritage Byway as a FloridaScenic Highway; and supporting the Corridor Management Plan (CMP). ResolutionNo. 09-310 a authorized the Mayor to submit a letter to the Florida Department ofTransportation supporting inclusion of certain City roadways in the Halifax HeritageByway of the Florida Scenic Highway Program. The Halifax Heritage Byway CorridorAdvocacy Group is now in the last step of the application process with the State ofFlorida for Scenic Byway designation. Therefore, the Chair of the Halifax HeritageByway is seeking a resolution and signatures from the included local governments forthe final application document.
Recommendation: Planning Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Item 7C - Aloha Trailer Park Settlement Agreement (pp. 39-46)
Resolution approving a settlement agreement with 10 Allison Lane, LLC, in theamount of $30,000, as full settlement of all amounts currently due and owing to the cityin relation to uses, activities, and code violations on the Aloha Trailer Park propertythrough the date of approval of this agreement, including bills for police service calls,and code enforcement fines, liens, and costs. The Aloha Trailer Park had fallen intoserious disrepair when it was acquired through a tax deed sale by 10 Allison Lane,LLC. After acquisition, they relocated residents and secured the property while theyevaluated the investment opportunity. They have now concluded that reestablishing thetrailer park is not financially viable and have agreed to abandon that use if the City will
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substantially lessen the code enforcement fine and assume the cost of administrativelyrezoning the property. The Code Enforcement Board (CEB) fines and unpaid calls forservice totaled $301,184.10.
The City also received $21,343.26 because of the tax deed sale which was applied tooutstanding utility bills and as partial payment towards code liens. City costs in thiscase are estimated at $20,867.46. Before accepting the lower payoff amount all trailersshall be removed. The City will rezone of the property to BR-2. Recommendation: Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Item 7C
Aloha Trailer Park Settlement Agreement (pp. 39-46)Resolution approving a settlement agreement with 10 Allison Lane, LLC, in theamount of $30,000, as full settlement of all amounts currently due and owing to the cityin relation to uses, activities, and code violations on the Aloha Trailer Park propertythrough the date of approval of this agreement, including bills for police service calls,and code enforcement fines, liens, and costs. The Aloha Trailer Park had fallen intoserious disrepair when it was acquired through a tax deed sale by 10 Allison Lane,LLC. After acquisition, they relocated residents and secured the property while theyevaluated the investment opportunity. They have now concluded that reestablishing thetrailer park is not financially viable and have agreed to abandon that use if the City will
NovusAGENDA[2/28/2014 2:56:12 PM]
substantially lessen the code enforcement fine and assume the cost of administrativelyrezoning the property. The Code Enforcement Board (CEB) fines and unpaid calls forservice totaled $301,184.10.
The City also received $21,343.26 because of the tax deed sale which was applied tooutstanding utility bills and as partial payment towards code liens. City costs in thiscase are estimated at $20,867.46. Before accepting the lower payoff amount all trailersshall be removed. The City will rezone of the property to BR-2. Recommendation: Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Item 7G - Support Services - Halifax Harbor Management Agreement - Approval (pp. 114-139)
Resolution approving the Halifax Harbor Marina Management Services Agreementwith International Marina Group I, LP d/b/a Marinas International, a Texas LP, 11226Indian Trail, Suite 200, Dallas, TX 75229, for professional management services of theHalifax Harbor Marina, for a five-year term with one five-year renewal option. Theannual base fee is $60,000 with additional incentives to begin when revenues areincreased to cover the City's debt to service on the marina. This agreement is areplacement for the contract with Skipper Buds for a cost savings of $15,000 annuallyon the base fee with clearer directions on the management responsibilities. Theeffective date of this agreement will be April 1, 2014.
Recommendation: Support Services Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Item 7G
Support Services - Halifax Harbor Management Agreement - Approval (pp. 114-139)Resolution approving the Halifax Harbor Marina Management Services Agreementwith International Marina Group I, LP d/b/a Marinas International, a Texas LP, 11226Indian Trail, Suite 200, Dallas, TX 75229, for professional management services of theHalifax Harbor Marina, for a five-year term with one five-year renewal option. Theannual base fee is $60,000 with additional incentives to begin when revenues areincreased to cover the City's debt to service on the marina. This agreement is areplacement for the contract with Skipper Buds for a cost savings of $15,000 annuallyon the base fee with clearer directions on the management responsibilities. Theeffective date of this agreement will be April 1, 2014.
Recommendation: Support Services Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Items 10 - 12 - 10. Commission Discussion - Mayor's Compensation (pp. 386-388)At the February 19, 2014 City Commission Meeting there was Commissionerdiscussion regarding the compensation for the position of Mamatter is being placed on the March 5, 2014 Agenda for follow-up
Items 10 - 12
10. Commission Discussion - Mayor's Compensation (pp. 386-388)At the February 19, 2014 City Commission Meeting there was Commissionerdiscussion regarding the compensation for the position of Mamatter is being placed on the March 5, 2014 Agenda for follow-up11. COMMENTS AND INQUIRIES FROM THE CITY COMMISSION - CITYMANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY REPORT.
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