February 19, 2014 Regular City Commission Meetings
Items 1 - 4 - 1. ROLL CALL.
4A. Approval of Minutes
Items 1 - 4
4A. Approval of Minutes
Item 5
Residential Award:
Kimberly Jamerson, 16 Starling Drive, Commissioner Patrick Henry, Zone 5, to present.
Commercial Award:
Anatole Apartments, 1690 Dunn Avenue, Mayor Derrick L. Henry to present.
Item 6
Residential Award:
Kimberly Jamerson, 16 Starling Drive, Commissioner Patrick Henry, Zone 5, to present.
Commercial Award:
Anatole Apartments, 1690 Dunn Avenue, Mayor Derrick L. Henry to present.
Item 7 - CITIZENS.
During this time Citizens have the opportunity to address the City Commission on any item on the Consent Agenda or any other matter that is not on the Agenda.
Item 7
During this time Citizens have the opportunity to address the City Commission on any item on the Consent Agenda or any other matter that is not on the Agenda.
Consent Agenda - Consent Agenda
8A. Budget Amendment - First Quarter (pp. 12-15)
Resolution amending Resolution No. 13-223, which adopted the 2013-2014 budget, in
order to increase revenues by $822,061; and decrease expenditures by $260,648 and
increase capital expenditures by $973,854.
Recommendation: Budget Officer recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8B. Victim of Crime Act (VOCA) - Grant Submission and Acceptance (pp. 16-41)
Resolution authorizing the submission and acceptance (if funded) of a grant
application to the State of Florida, Office of the Attorney General, Victims of Crime
Act (VOCA) Program, in the amount of $38,499, with a required $9,625 match for a
total of $48,124, to fund the continuation of the Police Department's VOCA program;
and authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute any agreement relating to
this grant application.
Recommendation: Police Chief recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8C. Establishment of Not-For-Profit – Peabody Auditorium Foundation – Resolution of
Support (pp. 42-59)
Resolution of support for the establishment of the Not-For-Profit Peabody Auditorium
Foundation, Inc., 600 Auditorium Blvd., Daytona Beach, Florida. The purpose of this
organization is to raise funds to support programs, capital improvements and create an
endowment fund for the Peabody Auditorium. Upon approval of the submittal of theState requirements, the City will apply for the Federal 501-C-3 status with the Internal
Revenue Service.
Recommendation: Support Services Directors recommends adoption of the
8D. Armory Board of Florida Department of Military Affairs - Lease - Second
Amendment (pp. 60-78)
Resolution approving the Second Amendment to the current lease of property located
at 405 South Beach Street, Daytona Beach, FL 32114, with the Armory Board of
Florida Department of Military Affairs; amending the lease to change the payment
terms from an annual lump sum payment of $78,000 to a monthly payment of $6,500,
in order to coincide with their receipt of funds for the lease.
Recommendation: Support Services Director recommends adoption of the
8E. Police Department - Expenditure of Funds - Bulletproof Vest Purchase (pp. 79-87)
Resolution approving the purchase of ballistic vests (bulletproof vests), as needed,
from DGG Taser, Inc., 8725 Youngerman Ct. No. 203, Jacksonville, FL 32244, under
State Contract 680-580-11-1, in the amount of $46,195.98, with $23,097.99 of the
funds coming from the FY 2013 Bullet Proof Vest Partnership Program and a City
match of $23,097.99, approved by Resolution No. 13-115.
Recommendation: Chief of Police recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8F. Daytona Beach Police Department - Jacksonville Beach Police Department - Mutual
Aid Agreement (pp. 88-95)
Resolution approving a Mutual Aid Agreement between the Jacksonville Beach Police
Department and the Daytona Beach Police Department effective until December 31,
2018, to permit voluntary cooperation and assistance of a routine nature across
jurisdictional lines. The agreement can be canceled by any party upon delivery of
written notice to the other party.
Recommendation: Chief of Police recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8G. Finance Department - External Audit Services - Contract Extension (pp. 96-99)
Resolution approving the extension of the contract with Moore Stephens Lovelace,
P.A. (MSL) for one additional year to include the audit for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013-
2014. Section 30-1(c) of the purchasing code allows the City Commission to waive
section 30-144(b), which limits the extension of competitively awarded contracts. It
would be in the best interest of the City to allow MSL to provide audit services for one
more year. Preparation of an RFP, reviewing submissions and making a selection takes
a great deal of staff time and currently Finance Department staff must focus on
implementation of the new ERP system. In addition, a new 2014 requirement for
pension reporting, GASB 67, is very complex and will require assistance from the
auditors that are very familiar with our current pension plans. There is no increase in
the fee as compared to FY 2013 and funding will come from the FY 2015 budget. An
RFP would be conducted for audit services for FY 2015.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Officer recommends adoption of the
8H. Finance Department - Information Technology - ArrowS3 Services Agreement (pp.
Resolution approving the purchase of services and software maintenance for the City’s
telephone system from Arrow Shared Solutions and Services (ArrowS3), 2425
Gateway Drive, Irving TX 75063 at a cost of $53,577.96. The proposed maintenance
term will commence on March 1, 2014 and remain in effect through February 28,
2015. The agreement includes scheduled preventative maintenance, monitoring,
troubleshooting, repair, parts replacement, and software support for four (4) private
branch exchanges (PBX), various telephone circuits, voice mail, automated telephone attendants, and interactive voice response systems. A relationship with ArrowS3
provides an essential channel partner relationship to parts manufacturers and software
developers. The City’s telephone system maintenance agreement with ArrowS3
expired on September 30, 2013. The proposed agreement, between the City of Daytona
Beach and ArrowS3, will piggyback the City of Palm Coast Master Purchase and
Maintenance Agreement (MPMA). Palm Coast issued an RFP for telephone system
maintenance in 2009 and chose ArrowS3 as provider. The Palm Coast MPMA was
originated in February of 2010 and has been renewed for each renewal period since,
including the current term. The City’s telephone system provides essential
communication services, including the ability to call 911. A well maintained, reliable
phone system is essential to continuity of operations. Funds have been budgeted in the
Information Technology Fund.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Officer recommends adoption of the
8I. Peabody Auditorium Yamaha Grand Piano Purchase and Use Agreement (pp. 135-
Resolution approving an agreement with The Daytona Beach Symphony Society
(DBSS), P.O. Box 2 Daytona Beach, FL 32115, for the joint purchase of a Yamaha
CFIIIS Concert Grand Piano for $60,000. DBSS will pay $30,000 and the City will
pay $30,000. The City has fund-raised $5000 towards the City's cost. The Piano will
be jointly and equally owned by the DBSS and the City. The Piano will remain at the
Peabody. DBSS and the City will share equally in the cost of all regular tuning and
maintenance services. DBSS and the City will jointly share in the cost of maintaining
insurance on the piano. Funds available in the Cultural Services Fund.
Recommendation: Support Services Director recommends adoption of the
Consent Agenda
Consent Agenda8A. Budget Amendment - First Quarter (pp. 12-15)
Resolution amending Resolution No. 13-223, which adopted the 2013-2014 budget, in
order to increase revenues by $822,061; and decrease expenditures by $260,648 and
increase capital expenditures by $973,854.
Recommendation: Budget Officer recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8B. Victim of Crime Act (VOCA) - Grant Submission and Acceptance (pp. 16-41)
Resolution authorizing the submission and acceptance (if funded) of a grant
application to the State of Florida, Office of the Attorney General, Victims of Crime
Act (VOCA) Program, in the amount of $38,499, with a required $9,625 match for a
total of $48,124, to fund the continuation of the Police Department's VOCA program;
and authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute any agreement relating to
this grant application.
Recommendation: Police Chief recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8C. Establishment of Not-For-Profit – Peabody Auditorium Foundation – Resolution of
Support (pp. 42-59)
Resolution of support for the establishment of the Not-For-Profit Peabody Auditorium
Foundation, Inc., 600 Auditorium Blvd., Daytona Beach, Florida. The purpose of this
organization is to raise funds to support programs, capital improvements and create an
endowment fund for the Peabody Auditorium. Upon approval of the submittal of theState requirements, the City will apply for the Federal 501-C-3 status with the Internal
Revenue Service.
Recommendation: Support Services Directors recommends adoption of the
8D. Armory Board of Florida Department of Military Affairs - Lease - Second
Amendment (pp. 60-78)
Resolution approving the Second Amendment to the current lease of property located
at 405 South Beach Street, Daytona Beach, FL 32114, with the Armory Board of
Florida Department of Military Affairs; amending the lease to change the payment
terms from an annual lump sum payment of $78,000 to a monthly payment of $6,500,
in order to coincide with their receipt of funds for the lease.
Recommendation: Support Services Director recommends adoption of the
8E. Police Department - Expenditure of Funds - Bulletproof Vest Purchase (pp. 79-87)
Resolution approving the purchase of ballistic vests (bulletproof vests), as needed,
from DGG Taser, Inc., 8725 Youngerman Ct. No. 203, Jacksonville, FL 32244, under
State Contract 680-580-11-1, in the amount of $46,195.98, with $23,097.99 of the
funds coming from the FY 2013 Bullet Proof Vest Partnership Program and a City
match of $23,097.99, approved by Resolution No. 13-115.
Recommendation: Chief of Police recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8F. Daytona Beach Police Department - Jacksonville Beach Police Department - Mutual
Aid Agreement (pp. 88-95)
Resolution approving a Mutual Aid Agreement between the Jacksonville Beach Police
Department and the Daytona Beach Police Department effective until December 31,
2018, to permit voluntary cooperation and assistance of a routine nature across
jurisdictional lines. The agreement can be canceled by any party upon delivery of
written notice to the other party.
Recommendation: Chief of Police recommends adoption of the Resolution.
8G. Finance Department - External Audit Services - Contract Extension (pp. 96-99)
Resolution approving the extension of the contract with Moore Stephens Lovelace,
P.A. (MSL) for one additional year to include the audit for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013-
2014. Section 30-1(c) of the purchasing code allows the City Commission to waive
section 30-144(b), which limits the extension of competitively awarded contracts. It
would be in the best interest of the City to allow MSL to provide audit services for one
more year. Preparation of an RFP, reviewing submissions and making a selection takes
a great deal of staff time and currently Finance Department staff must focus on
implementation of the new ERP system. In addition, a new 2014 requirement for
pension reporting, GASB 67, is very complex and will require assistance from the
auditors that are very familiar with our current pension plans. There is no increase in
the fee as compared to FY 2013 and funding will come from the FY 2015 budget. An
RFP would be conducted for audit services for FY 2015.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Officer recommends adoption of the
8H. Finance Department - Information Technology - ArrowS3 Services Agreement (pp.
Resolution approving the purchase of services and software maintenance for the City’s
telephone system from Arrow Shared Solutions and Services (ArrowS3), 2425
Gateway Drive, Irving TX 75063 at a cost of $53,577.96. The proposed maintenance
term will commence on March 1, 2014 and remain in effect through February 28,
2015. The agreement includes scheduled preventative maintenance, monitoring,
troubleshooting, repair, parts replacement, and software support for four (4) private
branch exchanges (PBX), various telephone circuits, voice mail, automated telephone attendants, and interactive voice response systems. A relationship with ArrowS3
provides an essential channel partner relationship to parts manufacturers and software
developers. The City’s telephone system maintenance agreement with ArrowS3
expired on September 30, 2013. The proposed agreement, between the City of Daytona
Beach and ArrowS3, will piggyback the City of Palm Coast Master Purchase and
Maintenance Agreement (MPMA). Palm Coast issued an RFP for telephone system
maintenance in 2009 and chose ArrowS3 as provider. The Palm Coast MPMA was
originated in February of 2010 and has been renewed for each renewal period since,
including the current term. The City’s telephone system provides essential
communication services, including the ability to call 911. A well maintained, reliable
phone system is essential to continuity of operations. Funds have been budgeted in the
Information Technology Fund.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Officer recommends adoption of the
8I. Peabody Auditorium Yamaha Grand Piano Purchase and Use Agreement (pp. 135-
Resolution approving an agreement with The Daytona Beach Symphony Society
(DBSS), P.O. Box 2 Daytona Beach, FL 32115, for the joint purchase of a Yamaha
CFIIIS Concert Grand Piano for $60,000. DBSS will pay $30,000 and the City will
pay $30,000. The City has fund-raised $5000 towards the City's cost. The Piano will
be jointly and equally owned by the DBSS and the City. The Piano will remain at the
Peabody. DBSS and the City will share equally in the cost of all regular tuning and
maintenance services. DBSS and the City will jointly share in the cost of maintaining
insurance on the piano. Funds available in the Cultural Services Fund.
Recommendation: Support Services Director recommends adoption of the
9A. Land Development Code Text Amendment – Modify Retail Sales in M-4 Zoning (pp.
Ordinance on second reading – PUBLIC HEARING - amending the Land
Development Code (LDC), Article 13 (Industrial Uses), Section 3 (Conditional Use
Requirements) permitting retail sales in the M-4 zoning district to the general public as
an accessory use to a brewery in a taproom, with conditions. Applicant: Robert A.
Merrell, III, Esq., on behalf of Alan Fawcett, Daytona Beach Brewing Company.
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 7-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.
Item 9
PUBLIC HEARINGS.9A. Land Development Code Text Amendment – Modify Retail Sales in M-4 Zoning (pp.
Ordinance on second reading – PUBLIC HEARING - amending the Land
Development Code (LDC), Article 13 (Industrial Uses), Section 3 (Conditional Use
Requirements) permitting retail sales in the M-4 zoning district to the general public as
an accessory use to a brewery in a taproom, with conditions. Applicant: Robert A.
Merrell, III, Esq., on behalf of Alan Fawcett, Daytona Beach Brewing Company.
Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 7-to-0.
Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.
10A.Police and Fire Pension Board Appointment (pp. 159-162)
Resolution appointing one member to serve on the Police and Fire Pension Fund Board
for a term of four years commencing January 1, 2014 and expiring December 31, 2017.
Terence Henry was chosen by the majority of the Board as the fifth member and is
being appointed by the City Commission as a ministerial act.
Jennifer L. Thomas, City Clerk, to report.
Recommendation: City Clerk recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 10
ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS.10A.Police and Fire Pension Board Appointment (pp. 159-162)
Resolution appointing one member to serve on the Police and Fire Pension Fund Board
for a term of four years commencing January 1, 2014 and expiring December 31, 2017.
Terence Henry was chosen by the majority of the Board as the fifth member and is
being appointed by the City Commission as a ministerial act.
Jennifer L. Thomas, City Clerk, to report.
Recommendation: City Clerk recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Items 11 & 12
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