January 8, 2014 Regular City Commission Meetings
Items 1 - 3 - 1. ROLL CALL.
Items 1 - 3
4A.Approval of Minutes
Approval of the minutes of the December 4, 2013 Regular City Commission Meeting
and the December 18, 2013 Regular City Commission Meeting held at City Hall, 301 South Ridgewood Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Item 4
APPROVAL OF MINUTES.4A.Approval of Minutes
Approval of the minutes of the December 4, 2013 Regular City Commission Meeting
and the December 18, 2013 Regular City Commission Meeting held at City Hall, 301 South Ridgewood Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Item 5
Item 6 - CITIZENS.
During this time Citizens have the opportunity to address the City Commission on any
item on the Consent Agenda or any other matter that is not on the Agenda.
Item 6
During this time Citizens have the opportunity to address the City Commission on any
item on the Consent Agenda or any other matter that is not on the Agenda.
Consent Agenda - Items 7C - 7G
7C.Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP3) - Budget Amendment No. 1 (pp. 24-35)
Resolution amending the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP3) Budget to
include census tract 821; increasing the multi-family housing strategy and agreement
with the Housing Authority by $73,706; decreasing the single-family strategy by
$73,706 and the number of single-family units from two to one; and adding any
remaining budget balance and contingency to the multi-family strategy. These actions
will ensure all funds are expended and NSP goals are met by the March 10, 2014
deadline. The total available to the Housing Authority under the multi-family housing
strategy for the construction, rental and management of seven (7) multi-family housing
units will subsequently be $913,560; and the amount available for the single-family
housing strategy will subsequently be $101,294. As a Sub-grantee, the City must
document the expenditure of all NSP funds and occupancy of all housing units created
using such funds by March 10, 2014. Two single-family units were to be created but
only one bank owned single-family unit could be acquired per the program
requirements for the purchase price to be at least one percent below the appraised value.
Renovation has already started and occupancy is expected to occur in early March 2014.
Recommendation: Economic/Community Development Directory recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
7D.Police Department - Radio Purchase (pp. 36-44)
Resolution authorizing the sole source purchase of 101 hand held 800 MHz radios from
Communications International, 10 Flagg Street, Daytona Beach, FL 32114, in the
amount of $229,935.49. This purchase will continue the conversion of current analog
radios to the industry standard digital format. The purchase includes the radios, all
hardware, programming and encryption necessary to immediately place the radios into
service and a factory authorized extension of the one year manufacturer's warranty to a
two year warranty. A trade-in program will allow the City of Daytona Beach to receive
$250 off each new P7350 purchase with the trade-in of each operational, obsolete MLK
or LEP portable. Funds available in the General Fund.
Recommendation: Chief of Police recommends adoption of the Resolution.
7E. Public Works Department - Grounds Master Mower - Purchase (pp. 45-50)
Resolution approving the purchase of a Grounds Master Mower, 3505-D from Wesco
Turf, 2101 Cantu Court, Sarasota, Florida in the amount of $27,104.50 under State
Contract #760-000-10. To repair the existing mower would cost an estimated $11,000.
This mower is 13 years old and has other mechanical issues due to its age. This mower
is used extensively at the ball fields on a daily basis. Funds are available in the General
Recommendation: Deputy City Manger/Operations recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
7F. Utilities Department - High Efficiency Pump - Purchase (pp. 51-56)
Resolution approving the purchase of a high efficiency pump from Thompson Pump,
4620 City Center Drive, Port Orange, Florida in an amount of $54,050 from the Florida
Sheriff’s Association Bid 13-11-0904, Specification 51, with options. The current pump
is more than 20 years old and has deteriorated. Finding repair parts is extremely
difficult and expensive. The pump is used throughout the wastewater collection system
to remove infiltration caused by excessive water intrusion. This is the same pump that is
used at the South Street Retention Pond to pump down the pond before and after storm
events. Funds available in the Water and Sewer Improvement Fund.
Recommendation: Interim Utilities Director recommends adoption of the
7G.Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship Funds **Addenda added 01-08-14** Resolution authorizing payment in the amount of:$500 to the Stewart-Marchman Act Foundation; and $500 to the Museum of Arts &
Sciences (MOAS) from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of Commissioner Carl Lentz,
IV. Funds available in the General Fund.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Officer recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
Consent Agenda
Items 7C - 7G7C.Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP3) - Budget Amendment No. 1 (pp. 24-35)
Resolution amending the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP3) Budget to
include census tract 821; increasing the multi-family housing strategy and agreement
with the Housing Authority by $73,706; decreasing the single-family strategy by
$73,706 and the number of single-family units from two to one; and adding any
remaining budget balance and contingency to the multi-family strategy. These actions
will ensure all funds are expended and NSP goals are met by the March 10, 2014
deadline. The total available to the Housing Authority under the multi-family housing
strategy for the construction, rental and management of seven (7) multi-family housing
units will subsequently be $913,560; and the amount available for the single-family
housing strategy will subsequently be $101,294. As a Sub-grantee, the City must
document the expenditure of all NSP funds and occupancy of all housing units created
using such funds by March 10, 2014. Two single-family units were to be created but
only one bank owned single-family unit could be acquired per the program
requirements for the purchase price to be at least one percent below the appraised value.
Renovation has already started and occupancy is expected to occur in early March 2014.
Recommendation: Economic/Community Development Directory recommends
adoption of the Resolution.
7D.Police Department - Radio Purchase (pp. 36-44)
Resolution authorizing the sole source purchase of 101 hand held 800 MHz radios from
Communications International, 10 Flagg Street, Daytona Beach, FL 32114, in the
amount of $229,935.49. This purchase will continue the conversion of current analog
radios to the industry standard digital format. The purchase includes the radios, all
hardware, programming and encryption necessary to immediately place the radios into
service and a factory authorized extension of the one year manufacturer's warranty to a
two year warranty. A trade-in program will allow the City of Daytona Beach to receive
$250 off each new P7350 purchase with the trade-in of each operational, obsolete MLK
or LEP portable. Funds available in the General Fund.
Recommendation: Chief of Police recommends adoption of the Resolution.
7E. Public Works Department - Grounds Master Mower - Purchase (pp. 45-50)
Resolution approving the purchase of a Grounds Master Mower, 3505-D from Wesco
Turf, 2101 Cantu Court, Sarasota, Florida in the amount of $27,104.50 under State
Contract #760-000-10. To repair the existing mower would cost an estimated $11,000.
This mower is 13 years old and has other mechanical issues due to its age. This mower
is used extensively at the ball fields on a daily basis. Funds are available in the General
Recommendation: Deputy City Manger/Operations recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
7F. Utilities Department - High Efficiency Pump - Purchase (pp. 51-56)
Resolution approving the purchase of a high efficiency pump from Thompson Pump,
4620 City Center Drive, Port Orange, Florida in an amount of $54,050 from the Florida
Sheriff’s Association Bid 13-11-0904, Specification 51, with options. The current pump
is more than 20 years old and has deteriorated. Finding repair parts is extremely
difficult and expensive. The pump is used throughout the wastewater collection system
to remove infiltration caused by excessive water intrusion. This is the same pump that is
used at the South Street Retention Pond to pump down the pond before and after storm
events. Funds available in the Water and Sewer Improvement Fund.
Recommendation: Interim Utilities Director recommends adoption of the
7G.Allocation of Bike Week Sponsorship Funds **Addenda added 01-08-14** Resolution authorizing payment in the amount of:$500 to the Stewart-Marchman Act Foundation; and $500 to the Museum of Arts &
Sciences (MOAS) from the Bike Week Sponsorship Funds of Commissioner Carl Lentz,
IV. Funds available in the General Fund.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Officer recommends adoption of
the Resolution.
Item 8A - 900 N. Atlantic, LLC - Desert Inn Hotel - Exemption of Ad Valorem Tax (pp. 57-72) Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - approving an exemption of ad
valorem tax per Florida Statutes for 900 N. Atlantic, LLC - Desert Inn Hotel aka
Summit Hospitality Group over a seven year period beginning January 1, 2014 and
ending December 31, 2020 for a portion the assessed value of all improvements to real
and tangible property located at 900 N. Atlantic Avenue. Hotel redevelopment is
needed to preserve and enhance tourism, an important economic factor for the City.
This exemption will facilitate 900 N. Atlantic, LLC to invest approximately $20,000,000
to purchase and redevelop the existing deteriorated hotel into a new "flagship" hotel,
create 76 new jobs at an average annual wage of $30,000 and cumulative payroll of
$14,960,000 over the period of exemption. The proposed ad valorem tax exemption
schedule is: years 1-2 at 75%, year 3 at 50%, years 4-5 at 25%, and years 6-7 at 10%.
The estimated value per the Office of Volusia County Property Appraiser is expected to
be $181,887. The Economic Development Advisory Board (EDAB) recommended
approval of ad valorem tax exemption schedule at its September 18, 2013 meeting.
Emory Counts, Economic/Community Development Director, to report.
Recommendation: Economic/Community Development Director
recommends adoption of the Ordinance.
Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.
Item 8A
900 N. Atlantic, LLC - Desert Inn Hotel - Exemption of Ad Valorem Tax (pp. 57-72) Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - approving an exemption of advalorem tax per Florida Statutes for 900 N. Atlantic, LLC - Desert Inn Hotel aka
Summit Hospitality Group over a seven year period beginning January 1, 2014 and
ending December 31, 2020 for a portion the assessed value of all improvements to real
and tangible property located at 900 N. Atlantic Avenue. Hotel redevelopment is
needed to preserve and enhance tourism, an important economic factor for the City.
This exemption will facilitate 900 N. Atlantic, LLC to invest approximately $20,000,000
to purchase and redevelop the existing deteriorated hotel into a new "flagship" hotel,
create 76 new jobs at an average annual wage of $30,000 and cumulative payroll of
$14,960,000 over the period of exemption. The proposed ad valorem tax exemption
schedule is: years 1-2 at 75%, year 3 at 50%, years 4-5 at 25%, and years 6-7 at 10%.
The estimated value per the Office of Volusia County Property Appraiser is expected to
be $181,887. The Economic Development Advisory Board (EDAB) recommended
approval of ad valorem tax exemption schedule at its September 18, 2013 meeting.
Emory Counts, Economic/Community Development Director, to report.
Recommendation: Economic/Community Development Director
recommends adoption of the Ordinance.
Action: Motion to adopt the Ordinance.
Item 8B - Scott's Landing, LLC - Hampton Inn Hotel - Exemption of Ad Valorem Tax (pp. 73-
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - approving an exemption per
Florida Statutes of ad valorem tax for Scott's Landing, LLC - Hampton Inn Hotel aka
Summit Hospitality Group over a four year period beginning January 1, 2014 and ending
December 31, 2017 for a portion the assessed value of all improvements to real and
tangible property located at 1024 N. Atlantic Avenue. Facilitating new and existing hotel
redevelopment is needed to preserve and enhance tourism in Daytona Beach. This
exemption will facilitate Scott's Landing, LLC's investment of approximately
$10,000,000 to purchase and completely renovate the deteriorated Hampton Inn Hotel
and create 50 new jobs at an average annual wage of $30,000 for City residents in its
first 4-years of operation. The amount of payroll created over the period of exemption
is estimated to be $5,895,000. The proposed ad valorem tax exemption schedule is: year
1 at 50%, year 2 at 25%, year 3 at 10%, and year 4 at 5%. The estimated value per the
Office of Volusia County Property Appraiser is expected to be $19,853. The Economic
Development Advisory Board (EDAB) recommended approval of the ad valorem tax
exemption schedule at its December 18, 2013 meeting.
Emory Counts, Economic/Community Development Director, to report.
Recommendation: Economic/Community Development Director
recommends adoption of the Ordinance.
Action: Motion to adopte the Ordinance.
Item 8B
Scott's Landing, LLC - Hampton Inn Hotel - Exemption of Ad Valorem Tax (pp. 73-87)
Ordinance on second reading - PUBLIC HEARING - approving an exemption per
Florida Statutes of ad valorem tax for Scott's Landing, LLC - Hampton Inn Hotel aka
Summit Hospitality Group over a four year period beginning January 1, 2014 and ending
December 31, 2017 for a portion the assessed value of all improvements to real and
tangible property located at 1024 N. Atlantic Avenue. Facilitating new and existing hotel
redevelopment is needed to preserve and enhance tourism in Daytona Beach. This
exemption will facilitate Scott's Landing, LLC's investment of approximately
$10,000,000 to purchase and completely renovate the deteriorated Hampton Inn Hotel
and create 50 new jobs at an average annual wage of $30,000 for City residents in its
first 4-years of operation. The amount of payroll created over the period of exemption
is estimated to be $5,895,000. The proposed ad valorem tax exemption schedule is: year
1 at 50%, year 2 at 25%, year 3 at 10%, and year 4 at 5%. The estimated value per the
Office of Volusia County Property Appraiser is expected to be $19,853. The Economic
Development Advisory Board (EDAB) recommended approval of the ad valorem tax
exemption schedule at its December 18, 2013 meeting.
Emory Counts, Economic/Community Development Director, to report.
Recommendation: Economic/Community Development Director
recommends adoption of the Ordinance.
Action: Motion to adopte the Ordinance.
Item 9A - Charter Review Commission - Effective Date - Confirmation (pp. 88-133)
Resolution appointing an alternate member to the Charter Review Commission for Zone
5; declaring the Charter Review Commission duly constituted and directing the Charter
Review Commission to convene and operate in accordance with Ordinance No. 96-403;
and prescribing the time and place of the first Charter Review Commission meeting.
Jennifer L. Thomas, City Clerk, to report.
Recommendation: City Clerk recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 9A
Charter Review Commission - Effective Date - Confirmation (pp. 88-133)Resolution appointing an alternate member to the Charter Review Commission for Zone
5; declaring the Charter Review Commission duly constituted and directing the Charter
Review Commission to convene and operate in accordance with Ordinance No. 96-403;
and prescribing the time and place of the first Charter Review Commission meeting.
Jennifer L. Thomas, City Clerk, to report.
Recommendation: City Clerk recommends adoption of the Resolution.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 9B - Downtown-Ballough Road Redevelopment Area Board - Appointments (pp. 134-148)
Resolution appointing five (5) members to the Downtown-Ballough Road
Redevelopment Area Board. The board shall consist of nine (9) members and one (1)
alternate as follows: One (1) member of the Downtown Development Authority, who
shall serve ex-officio(DDA), two (2) members who reside in or have their principal
place of business in the Ballough Road Redevelopment Area(BRRA), two (2) members who reside in or have their principal place of business in the Downtown Redevelopment
Area(DRA), two (2) members who reside in the City or have their principal place of
business in the Downtown or Ballough Road Redevelopment Areas(CR-D/BRRA), a
member of the Planning Board(PB), a member who is a design professional(DP); and an
alternate member(AM) who is a design professional and who shall serve as a member of
the Board only when the design professional member is not available. The members
serve for terms of two (2) years. The membership terms of Larry Robinson (DP), Robert
Johnson (BRRA), Alvin Smith, Jr. (DRA), Paul Zapitelli (CR/D/BRRA) and Robert
Abraham (DDA) expired on 12/31/13.
We have received applications from: Larry Robinson and Paul Zapitelli for
reappointment. Additional applications from: Harold Goodemote (BRRA) and Jack
White and Quanita May (DRA). The Downtown Development Authority would like for
Robert Abraham to serve on this board as their representative.
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Commission Action
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 9B
Downtown-Ballough Road Redevelopment Area Board - Appointments (pp. 134-148)Resolution appointing five (5) members to the Downtown-Ballough Road
Redevelopment Area Board. The board shall consist of nine (9) members and one (1)
alternate as follows: One (1) member of the Downtown Development Authority, who
shall serve ex-officio(DDA), two (2) members who reside in or have their principal
place of business in the Ballough Road Redevelopment Area(BRRA), two (2) members who reside in or have their principal place of business in the Downtown Redevelopment
Area(DRA), two (2) members who reside in the City or have their principal place of
business in the Downtown or Ballough Road Redevelopment Areas(CR-D/BRRA), a
member of the Planning Board(PB), a member who is a design professional(DP); and an
alternate member(AM) who is a design professional and who shall serve as a member of
the Board only when the design professional member is not available. The members
serve for terms of two (2) years. The membership terms of Larry Robinson (DP), Robert
Johnson (BRRA), Alvin Smith, Jr. (DRA), Paul Zapitelli (CR/D/BRRA) and Robert
Abraham (DDA) expired on 12/31/13.
We have received applications from: Larry Robinson and Paul Zapitelli for
reappointment. Additional applications from: Harold Goodemote (BRRA) and Jack
White and Quanita May (DRA). The Downtown Development Authority would like for
Robert Abraham to serve on this board as their representative.
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Commission Action
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 9C - Nuisance Abatement Board - Appointments (pp. 149-173)
Resolution appointing seven (7) members to the Nuisance Abatement Board. The
membership terms of the seven members of the Nuisance Abatement Board expired on
November 30, 2013. All current members would like to be reappointed.
We have received current applications from the following individuals: Paul Rice, Jr., Ed
Savard, Carl Fields, Kelly Parsons-Kwiatek, Victor Gooden, Norma Bland and James
Daniels. We do not have any additional applications.
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 9C
Nuisance Abatement Board - Appointments (pp. 149-173)Resolution appointing seven (7) members to the Nuisance Abatement Board. The
membership terms of the seven members of the Nuisance Abatement Board expired on
November 30, 2013. All current members would like to be reappointed.
We have received current applications from the following individuals: Paul Rice, Jr., Ed
Savard, Carl Fields, Kelly Parsons-Kwiatek, Victor Gooden, Norma Bland and James
Daniels. We do not have any additional applications.
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 9D - Peabody Advisory Board - Appointments (pp. 174-203)
Resolution appointing seven (7) members to the Peabody Auditorium Advisory Board.
The board shall consist of seven (7) members serving four (4) year terms and must
reside within the zone from which appointed or if mayoral from within the corporate
limits of the City. All seven members have term expiration dates of 12/31/13 and all
have submitted applications desiring reappointment: Lloyd Bowers-Mayoral, Suzanne
Kridner-Zone 1, Earnest Murphy, Jr.-Zone 2, Eleanor Bannerman-Zone 3, Mary Martin-
Zone 4, Diana Bell-Zone 5 and Gwendolyn Moore-Zone 6.
We have received an additional application for Zone 1, Russell Vitt.
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 9D
Peabody Advisory Board - Appointments (pp. 174-203)Resolution appointing seven (7) members to the Peabody Auditorium Advisory Board.
The board shall consist of seven (7) members serving four (4) year terms and must
reside within the zone from which appointed or if mayoral from within the corporate
limits of the City. All seven members have term expiration dates of 12/31/13 and all
have submitted applications desiring reappointment: Lloyd Bowers-Mayoral, Suzanne
Kridner-Zone 1, Earnest Murphy, Jr.-Zone 2, Eleanor Bannerman-Zone 3, Mary Martin-
Zone 4, Diana Bell-Zone 5 and Gwendolyn Moore-Zone 6.
We have received an additional application for Zone 1, Russell Vitt.
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 9E - Planning Board - Appointments (pp. 204-222)
Resolution appointing three (3) members to the Planning Board. The board shall
consist of eleven members, at least one from each zone of the city, but no more than two
from any one zone. Vacancies to rotate to Commissioners with less than two
representatives on the board which at this time are Zones 2 and 1. Additionally, the
membership term for James Neal expires on 12/31/13 and he would like to be
reappointed. Terms are for four years and representatives must be a qualified elector in
the city and hold no other city office.
We have applications from the following individuals for Zone 2: Kristin Vukelja
dePaula, Arthur Wright and Patricia Drago. Applications from Zone 1 include: Edward
Savard and Michael Benedict.
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report. Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 9E
Planning Board - Appointments (pp. 204-222)Resolution appointing three (3) members to the Planning Board. The board shall
consist of eleven members, at least one from each zone of the city, but no more than two
from any one zone. Vacancies to rotate to Commissioners with less than two
representatives on the board which at this time are Zones 2 and 1. Additionally, the
membership term for James Neal expires on 12/31/13 and he would like to be
reappointed. Terms are for four years and representatives must be a qualified elector in
the city and hold no other city office.
We have applications from the following individuals for Zone 2: Kristin Vukelja
dePaula, Arthur Wright and Patricia Drago. Applications from Zone 1 include: Edward
Savard and Michael Benedict.
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report. Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 9F - Midtown Master Plan - Request for Proposals (RFP) - Evaluation **Addendum added
Resolution suspending the Selection Committee review process and providing for the
City Commission to review and evaluate the competing proposals submitted in response
to the Request for Proposals (RFP) for Midtown Master Plan No. 0214-3390; and
directing the City Manager to schedule a Special City Commission Meeting to review
the proposals and conduct interviews.
James V. Chisholm, City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Commission Action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 9F
Midtown Master Plan - Request for Proposals (RFP) - Evaluation **Addendum added01-06-14**
Resolution suspending the Selection Committee review process and providing for the
City Commission to review and evaluate the competing proposals submitted in response
to the Request for Proposals (RFP) for Midtown Master Plan No. 0214-3390; and
directing the City Manager to schedule a Special City Commission Meeting to review
the proposals and conduct interviews.
James V. Chisholm, City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Commission Action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.
Item 7A - Daytona Beach Racing & Recreational Facilities District - Grant Submission and
Acceptance (pp. 11-14)
Resolution authorizing the submission of a grant application to the Daytona Beach
Racing and Recreation Facilities District (Racing & Rec.), in the amount of $412,500
for improvements to the Municipal Stadium; and authorizing acceptance of the funds if
approved. The City’s proposed project is installation of new lighting system and
scoreboard at a total cost of $675,000. The City’s request would be $412,500 with the
remainder of the project being funded by the City. The current lighting system at the
Municipal Stadium is more than 25 years old. The standard for televising night games is
100 foot candles and the latest lighting evaluation reports the stadium is at 19 foot
candles. Furthermore, the existing lighting structures have needed repairs due to wind
damage from the 2004 hurricanes. City funding totaling $112,500 and Racing & Rec.
funding totaling $112,500 for a total cost of new lighting in the amount $225,000.
In addition a LED video display system scoreboard would greatly add to the spectator
and participant experience at the Municipal Stadium. This improvement would also
provide the City with a revenue generating opportunity. City funding totaling $150,000,
Racing & Rec. funding totaling $185,000 and sponsorships in the amount of $115,000
(already secured from Pepsi Bottling Co.) for a total cost of the new scoreboard in the
amount of $450,000. These upgrades will provide an immediate benefit to local high
school and Bethune–Cookman University football teams that utilize the stadium.
Opportunities to expand use of the stadium facility will be also created with these
enhancements. Funds available in the General Fund.
Recommendation: Leisure Services Director recommends adoption of the
Item 7A
Daytona Beach Racing & Recreational Facilities District - Grant Submission andAcceptance (pp. 11-14)
Resolution authorizing the submission of a grant application to the Daytona Beach
Racing and Recreation Facilities District (Racing & Rec.), in the amount of $412,500
for improvements to the Municipal Stadium; and authorizing acceptance of the funds if
approved. The City’s proposed project is installation of new lighting system and
scoreboard at a total cost of $675,000. The City’s request would be $412,500 with the
remainder of the project being funded by the City. The current lighting system at the
Municipal Stadium is more than 25 years old. The standard for televising night games is
100 foot candles and the latest lighting evaluation reports the stadium is at 19 foot
candles. Furthermore, the existing lighting structures have needed repairs due to wind
damage from the 2004 hurricanes. City funding totaling $112,500 and Racing & Rec.
funding totaling $112,500 for a total cost of new lighting in the amount $225,000.
In addition a LED video display system scoreboard would greatly add to the spectator
and participant experience at the Municipal Stadium. This improvement would also
provide the City with a revenue generating opportunity. City funding totaling $150,000,
Racing & Rec. funding totaling $185,000 and sponsorships in the amount of $115,000
(already secured from Pepsi Bottling Co.) for a total cost of the new scoreboard in the
amount of $450,000. These upgrades will provide an immediate benefit to local high
school and Bethune–Cookman University football teams that utilize the stadium.
Opportunities to expand use of the stadium facility will be also created with these
enhancements. Funds available in the General Fund.
Recommendation: Leisure Services Director recommends adoption of the
Items 10 & 11
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